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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. I've been playing "The Council", adventure game kind of like Telltale, only not really, because, a) no pretty artsy style, b) choices actually matter and lead to noticeable story branching, I got vastly different results from two playthroughs and from what I saw there's ton of ending variants. Oh, and there is skill system like in RPGs. Always nice to get better at breaking and entering. Pros -- story and characters, con -- backtracking. Ouch so much of it. Character-based game, I understand, blah blah, still, to be confined to several rooms for entirety of the game is a little too meta right now. Looking forward to their next game, apparently based on VtM. Gonna be good, given how much abuse can be inflicted on the poor protagonist of "The Council", the studio know their gore and morbidity.
  2. That's Firefox's aggressive social distancing then. Not even an image of one or more people, especially outdoor, slips through!
  3. Using quarantine to plug holes in my edumacation -- watched "Frozen" so that I have something to talk about with small humans of my family tree. Really boring film and way too much singing in it. Don't get why small humans are so infatuated with it.
  4. Huh? You mean she didn't shiv him and didn't throw the corpse down the well?
  5. We still on Dragon Age Origins? Good. So -- Fade is absolutely fantastic. Like, you get to play as a golem, as a floaty creepy thing, as a burning skellie and all they use different approach to stuff, it's fun! I really don't get people who use "Skip the Fade" mod instead of, I dunno, "Skip half of Deep Roads, they're next to identical anyway".
  6. That sphinx sounds more EPIC battles than riddles. As in, for those who thought House at the end of fun was easy. Don't really wanna be a naysayer, but aren't those guys committing themselves to colossal coding nightmare? Reactivity, mounts, HOMM minigames, evolving beasties? Also, LOL "Woljif Jefto" Where does this dude think he is in, Star Wars?
  7. I don't remember where I saw it, Something Awful forums I think, opinion on DOSes -- "it's like every character is Minsc". So true.
  8. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with Frictional's reveal. They're still one of my top favoritest studios and of course I'll don my brown pants and buy the game on day 1, it's just...well, after "Soma" I kind of expected they''ll go for something new again rather than "The sequel with a colon in the name"
  9. I bought Rimworld on GOG for my "When retired" folder, but that game looks real interesting, not sure if I have willpower to wait that long, especially given how game's UI and wiki ain't half as intimidating as Crusader Kings' one.
  10. No idea, dropped it early as well, 'sides, picked a skelly to play and I don't think skellies make for good romances. (Haven't lost all hope to get into either DOS yet, I kind of liked that skelly. But not right now with "Disco Elysium" still fresh in the brain, contrast between writing could easily kill that hope)
  11. D&D grogs: "romances in RPG are icky or for girls which is kinda the same thing and thusly has no place here!" Also D&D grogs: "Woooo lets throw our money and rush social goals to get moar booty in this supergrog-tailored game!" Anyway. Cannot wait to see Larian's take on romances. They are not expecting they'll be allowed to make Baldur's Gate of all things romanceless, are they?
  12. You say it like it's a bad thing. Me, I'd love if everyone had Scottish or Welsh accents (I play with subtitles anyway, so). Like, what DA:O did with their dwarven society was pretty great and refreshing. But yikes them accents.
  13. You shut your mouth, Sagani was cool. A little boring mayhap, but still cool. P.S.: And Khelgar Ironfist was great!
  14. Mine was pretty completionist, clocked in something like 35 hours. And it feels like a RPG, not Sierra or any other adventure game.
  15. Yeah, I don't care if it looks like Divinities or plays like Divinities, I had no problems with either. But since it will also read like Divinities, it's the "Wait until 60% discount at very least" purchase for me. And even then I'm not sure. I mean, I still can't force myself through Divinities because of their writing.
  16. Ooooh, am I late to the party?! Aaanyways, here's my contribution: 1. High fantasy setting is dull, boring, derivative and if you played one game, you played them all; 2. Baldur's Gate sucks twice, once as a boring high fantasy genre representative and second time as just being boring by its own merits; 3. Mass Effect 2 is just overly melodramatic soap opera with guns; 4. Undertale has obnoxious writing, piss-ugly art, annoying music and characters so disgusting I'd squash them all like pests they are if I only bothered to git gud at that ghastly "combat". How am I doing?
  17. Bossfights schmossfights. This right here is my proudest moment in gaming, bestest achievement. Convincing Lt Kitsuragi to dance. (Disco Elysium is...something else)
  18. I started the game minutes ago and I already love it P.S.: I'm not hurting myself, they have a debuff on them!
  19. Bought "Darkest dungeon" for grimdark, but it's actually funny in slightly darkish way? Not complaining, though. At first it was so addictive I burned my tea kettle twice, later -- when difficulty suddenly rises up outside training wheel dungeons and you notice both need to grind and anti-grind mechanics -- enthusiasm dims a little but it's still fun, only better consumed in bite-sized doses. Initially thought about testing class synergies vs different dungeon critter types via "volunteering" suicide squads, but found out I don't have a heart for throwing those sad sacks of dysfunction into the meat grinder so will have to resort to using wiki. So far so good, lost 75% of a party only once but that's entirely on me (Evil looking idol: "place a torch here to summon unspeakable horror" Me: *places a torch* Unspeakable horror: *materializes, eats the party* Me: "...I wonder what I expected ")
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