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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Got bored with D:OS2 again, even though I do prefer it over D:OS, annoying armor mechanics and all. So decided to have what I thought was going to be a short detour into the other VN in my library, "The house in Fata Morgana". Short my arse, the thing overstayed its welcome worse than "Return of the king". Also, while I'm a big fan of "Life sucks, people suck worse, now lets bury protagonists under big huge enormous pile of misery and desperation" narrative, there's always this point when "Oh this is so tragic and poignant, sniff" turns into "Oh FFS, get outta here!", and since this novel's every vignette tries to one-up the previous one in despair and misery, the point was reached somewhere around the middle of the novel. Still, I quite liked it even in its ridiculously overblown tragedy phase, the story, while not particularly original, was quite captivating and the characters relatable enough and nowhere near as insufferable as in that other VN I played, "Amnesia". That I didn't have to play the doormat girlfriend to a bunch of jerk dudes to get "The True Ending" was a huge plus as well.
  2. And don't forget slow, sloooooooow crawl from point A to point B both on the world and local maps. And buffing before every fight, good 20% of my Kingmaker time has to be applying buffs alone. This game disrespects player's time as if was some bloody MMO, only without the reason MMOs have (subscription money per time unit).
  3. Agreed with all but 4, because I found them so dull and bland that they couldn't even be annoying. It was like everyone on the team was a Kaidan. Yaaaa---aaaAA---awn. Oh, and someone mentioned Kingmaker, so...ahem. Tristian, you execrable, despicable, sanctimonious, preachy, hypocritic, cowardly imbecile, go choke on Kai Leng's (ptui!) anime katana.
  4. Oi, Seal. That's false advertisin' right there in the title. Like, I expected to see some sort of parade of the hurrest of the durrs, but 'tis just a plain, boring, can-do-it-myself list of "NPC I don't like". Pfffft. Boooring. 'sides, while Kai Leng (ptui!) totally deserves to choke on piss-soaked cornflakes, he is was, fortunately, not a companion.
  5. Well, there go last molecules of my already thin, lukewarm enthusiasm. I guess BG3 gonna be 75%, not 50% discount off GOTY purchase, and that's only because of that blowjob diagram.
  6. Trying to get into Divinities again. Well, the second one to be clear, first one I loaded up, concluded I don't care about anything in there and uninstalled it for good. Managed to leave that dreadful tutorial island in the second one, I do hope the game gets more interesting after it. Or at least cuts the annoying backtracking and even more annoying annoyances that fancy themselves puzzles.
  7. Nah, stick with the purple, like in the userpic, lest Bruce not recognize you
  8. You guys and your D&D edition talks make me want to play "Deadfire" again.
  9. Casual gaming news. Currently playing "Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game", or should I say, it plays itself while I do chores while taking occasional peeks at it to see if I leveled up enough to come up with new recipes or add new deco. Currently running three builds - snobby expensive seafood restaurant "R'Lyeh", where I try combine quality and optimization, "Grease & Starch" canteen for the working class where I'm experimenting with how gross and revolting I can make grub for it still to sell (as long as its cheap), and "Have I told you lately I'm a vegan?" joint where I'm going to see if I can overcharge plant connoisseurs just as outrageously as IRL. So far so good, only pity that I cannot run alternative business like in "Pizza Tycoon", where I used my mafia money to fund my hobby of creating and serving horrible food and could go wild, here I have to make profit and unfortunately cannot make things too atrocious. So far at least, here's hoping to find a way.
  10. Her second most-used bark in BG1 is "You're a queer fellow" which is something you say to the stranger you met just yesterday and not someone you supposedly know from childhood. Like, come on Imoen, if you were true old friend you would know Charname was weird before they started stealing and hoarding and volunteering to help random strangers with their spider problems. So that "close friendship" is either one-sided or plain fraud.
  11. I never even heard of official potato vodka before. There's potato moonshine obviously but even then grain 'shiners in my parts used to look down on tater 'shiners for being cheapskate philistines of booze...or so I heard.
  12. What do you mean, tech advances? Hardware did not change that drastically since Dark Descent, or are you about that VR nonsense and such? In any way, this be my Day 1 purchase, as fear does not come from hardware, but from the heart.
  13. I love mushroom season almost as much as I love King Boletes baked in butter with cream sauce
  14. In the second and for the whole length of tutorial dungeon. And later, whatever she can do, Jan Jansen can do better.
  15. Aaaah yes, the girl I go to "save" when there are no sidequests left anymore and who has to hike home through Underdark, because no way I'm dropping someone useful for her. This is my way to go since the very first playthrough, as if I knew about "Heya it's me, Imoen!!!1"x1000 even though I haven't played BG1 (which sucks) until much later.
  16. Never played it, looked up the fight on the 'tube. Seems to be of similar awfulness.
  17. Finished "Bound by flame". Well, kind of. Lost to boss a couple of times, decided I'm too old for this and watched the ending on youtube because, a) worst boss fight ever, worse even than "Two worlds 2", b) I wasn't that invested in the story anyway. Anyway, the game really wanted me to do all that parrying and dodging crap which probably is no big deal with a controller but really annoying on the keyboard unless you're a centipede; fortunately, it also gave me fireballs so I could eventually ignore all that dancing with swords nonsense, still -- since I primed myself for not totally hating hack and slash -- I'm having a go at Witcher 2 again. Lessee if I get farther than tutorial this time. Also, someone on the writing team was reaaalllly into "Black company". Also², Keyrock, you were right, it was indeed so, so edgy mcedgelordy. I still liked the setting though, I'm a sucker for "The world is doomed but we still fight because what else is there to do?" thing.
  18. I liked him when I played the game for the first time years ago, but found his shtick quite tiresome on the recent playthrough. And even then it's not exactly Minsc who's annoying, it's that disgusting little squeaky pest of his. Wish the game had some cat I could save from a tree and feed it that furry annoyance, so at least in death it would be of some use.
  19. I prefer custom NPC parties for story heavy games like Pillars, but Wasteland's different, I loved its party creation and I still fondly remember my heroes Tom of Finland, Crazy Natasha, Gasmask Gertrude and Simo Hayha. As for W3, I was stupid enough to try and play W2 on launch, fooled me once, now I'm waiting a year at least, if not for "GOTY director's edition".
  20. Finished "Technomancer", really liked it, in some aspects (sci-fi setting) more than "Greedfall". Additional fun is to see Spiders evolve throughout their games, and they also have their own quite distinctive style with themes and often used elements and stuff what is really good thing to have for a creative collective. Although I do wish for one of their favorite gameplay elements -- backtracking combined with respawning trash mobs-- to go away forever. Really wanted to do another playthrough different from "Lightning storm, shoot survivors in the back", but remembered that particular set of corridors I traversed, like 200 times before, fighting same trash again and again and....nah. Don't wanna. On to "Bound by flame" now.
  21. I vaguely remember kiting that bi†ch and her posse through the room with some golems, I think, plus some of them remained to grind Tristian into well-deserved pile of intestines and sh!t, so it all was much easier than engaging them all at once. Oh, and Worms? If you think this fight was bullsh!t, I have some bad news for you re: end game. Start psyching yourself for frustration and disappointment in advance.
  22. Curious about that TB mode, looks more polished and explained than the mod, too bad I can't think of an interesting class to play (already did Grenadier, found everything else either boring or impossible to understand without reading f--ing tabletop rulebooks, like kineticist.
  23. Technomancer is next in line, I bought both of them after Greedfall by the same devs, but I somehow overlooked Bound By Flame, will rectify that on the next sale on GOG.
  24. Nononono, you got it all backwards, it's the coronavirus vaccine that's going to give you 5G and a microchip...well except for that freshly announced Russian vaccine which will give you 2G and a VHS.
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