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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. It's a localisation saving procedure... That and implementation time is circumvented. No Subtitles == Saved
  2. Easier to program for, as you can create budgets for textures, and meshes etc... Basically a fixed framerate on a console allows for a better final solution. The 360 isn't limited, but it doesn't make sense to not limit it as you'd run at whatever FPS you aim for anyways, any console developer does this.
  3. Depends if the controls are optimized for a controller... I suppose I could get both but that would feel a bit silly... I'm tempted towards the Xbox because of my 50" TV, that said I prefer keyboard and mouse when the controls are optermized thus. I'm 60 - 40 in favour of the Xbox version over the PC version as I expect the PC version is more an afterthought, than the console version.
  4. unless you've got a state of the art PC with the latest graphic card, it's safe to say that FO3 will almost certainly work better on a console. I doubt F3 will be such a demanding beast on the PC. We're not talking about some Crysis here. The leading platform was the 360, and the PC version will just be the same with some higher res textures. Experience shows that games made mainly for the 360 tend to run very smoothly on "good" PCs. Uh huh, so it's a matter of 360 or PC... So the arguement comes down to controls ya know? I mean I'm a mouse and keyboard man, but Oblivion felt like the PC controls were hacked on.
  5. unless you've got a state of the art PC with the latest graphic card, it's safe to say that FO3 will almost certainly work better on a console. Well obviously I'm asking because I have them all... I'm leaning towards the 360 version.
  6. I don't know which version to buy... I get the feeling FO3 may work better on a console than on a PC.
  7. I disagree. It is precisely through intertwining the story with the gameplay that Obsidian has pushed the boundary of RPGs in the Mask of the Betrayer, as story is such a vital feature of RPGs. The Spirit Meter mechanic in the Mask of the Betrayer is the perfect example of this - it was innovative, fitted well with the story and provided for very interesting gameplay options that fed back again to an engaging story in a loop. That definitely pushed the boundary of RPG gameplay and in a very positive way. If you exclude the Mask of the Betrayer, however, and concentrate solely on previous titles, than you may have a point, though I never felt particularly bothered by that. That said, I liked the innovation of the MotB so much, that I am somewhat apprehensive that Obsidian might back off further such experiments due to the negative reaction of some posters on the forums to the Spirit Meter mechanic. While the whole spirit thing in MoB was cool and all... It didn't feel like something dramatically new, kinda reminded me of the day when food existed in CRPG's. It was an extreme modification of an old mechanic coupled with the story. I came away feeling it was good, as I generally do with obsidians titles, but that doesn't mean that everything they've done hasn't been a modification of previously defined gameplay.
  8. I agree... Edit: I have never felt that while playing an obsidian title to date that some sort of boundary in regards to RPG gameplay is being pressed. Standard gameplay with above average story telling. Now that obsidian is working on in house technology(finally), things are I imagine due to change in regards to what can be achieved when it comes to gameplay, that's not withstanding the fact that they've had the oppertunity to seriously prototype new gameplay mechanics, my gods is prototyping an eye opener for gameplay.
  9. I would say the same about most things, why would you need more than one account in or for anything, but that also doesn't stop people from playing WoW with three characters all at once... I can't comprehend why anyone would want a single account, but I am certain that playing 3 WoW characters all at once fall under "WTF!? You crazy bastard!" So you're saying Obsidian is like World of Warcraft? No... I was merely sharing a strange tale about multiple accounts in things other than forums... I disagree. *holds head in his hands* Whatever... I'd sooner not smack my face against the wall mate.
  10. Seen it not played it... From what I have heard they've made it easier.
  11. I would say the same about most things, why would you need more than one account in or for anything, but that also doesn't stop people from playing WoW with three characters all at once... I can't comprehend why anyone would want a single account, but I am certain that playing 3 WoW characters all at once fall under "WTF!? You crazy bastard!" So you're saying Obsidian is like World of Warcraft? No... I was merely sharing a strange tale about multiple accounts in things other than forums...
  12. Well i have UW1 & 2, both probably fall under my most favourite games ever... I've always wanted to play Bioforge just to see how the limp and physical response to damage worked out. Redguard and Battle spire would be nice to play aswell...
  13. You're one of those scary hardcore OFP fans that we talk about at work as being the demographic of proportional hardcore gamers who are most likely to pick up OFP2?
  14. haha, coming from the guy who mentioned FAKK 2 aka 'lets put Julie Strain in a videogame'. Hell yeah, but next time... we should invest in some SERIOUS jiggly-tech.
  15. If DNF ever see's the light of day, I'll buy it. It can only result in being the most disappointing game in history or the most awesome game ever made.
  16. I would say the same about most things, why would you need more than one account in or for anything, but that also doesn't stop people from playing WoW with three characters all at once... I can't comprehend why anyone would want a single account, but I am certain that playing 3 WoW characters all at once fall under "WTF!? You crazy bastard!"
  17. This is perhaps true, the teaching really is important, it may be that I've had the fortune to read some very good C++ books at all levels. As for the customization abilities of C++, it's unreal the extent that it can be taken to, probably the most complex pieces of code, which allowed for some seriously cool voodoo, that I have seen was to do with serialization of classes coupled with some object information bindings much akin to RTTI stuff but faster and cooler. It basically allowed for classes to have their entire information read in from a binary or text file just by writing a few macro's. Some seriously crazy template within template coding...
  18. "Increasingly it becomes "why exactly do I need C++'s supposed extra power, anyway?" and sometimes you do, all good. But often not. And especially in mission critical systems, C++ is NOT a language you want to be using." I was thinking more directly about that line. Python is slow, it's okay if you have something that isn't time critical... For example I used it to procedurally generate some test xml scripts, which I then fed into C++ . Python is painfully easy to use, which is why it may seem attractive, but it comes at a performance penalty that's just... URGH! I could end up loosing sleep over it. Heck a basic for loop doing a couple of thousand iterations take a noticeable length of time to complete. Also, I think its funny how you've just ignored rainwarriors post.
  19. Has there ever been an RPG where the main player character has to be female? Kult
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