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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Since I joined the games industry I've really started taking my health alot more seriously. I now run, and go to the gym regularly.
  2. I told a crazy one-eyed, half deaf, idiot man-child to stop harassing me, and stop making crap up about my g/f and stirring ****. I also told him that if he didn't stop, I was going to kill him. I perhaps went a tad far, but I've really had enough.
  3. If something kicks off, so be it, then Cameron will look like the grade A tard he is.
  4. Funny you mention Final Fantasy at all really... I've been playing the remake of the original on my PSP (I own the original NES version on my Wii too). While my major gripe with FF is always going to remain the same, random bloody battles every two damn steps, I came at the game thinking of the era of its creation ('87). For its time, I actually think the overall design is genius - The closest thing to it, at the time, has to be the original Zelda. Anyways - After many years of hating Final Fantasy as a series (I tried to love FF7 when it was release on PC, and I tried a few of the games via emulation - I remember 4 keeping me a little bit busy), I'm finally starting to get it, the fun isn't in the combat, its in the exploration of the world (atleast in FF1) - I have FF2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9 and 13 queue'd up as I'm genuinely interested in paying attention to the games progression over the years. I don't know how far I'll get before I get burned out on the franchise, but I've finally warmed to it, I wouldn't say I love it but I've become very fond of FF1. whoa just noticed this. yeah i tend to agree, the fun of final fantasy games of yesteryear (6-9 in particular) is the exploration of the gameworld. they aren't fleshed out or realistic, but instead are very much like an abstract (at best zelda-like) of a fleshed out world. there are cities and caves and hidden places and lots of little things to find. for some reason, the people who make final fantasy lost sight of that when it came to the FF games after 9. I'd probably recommend skipping them altogether, as 6-9 are really the pinnacle of FF design. (some obvious issues with 8, but that game has enough strong points to make it worth playing). if anything, the things that people hate about JRPG's didnt apply to final fantasy imo until FF10. which is when the series began it's rapid decline anyway. i say this constantly but the best FF games are 6 and 7, then 9, then 8. I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you get to 6, and really really urge you to keep with the series until you finish that game. 7 is the game that brought FF to the mainstream, but 6 is the game that really nailed every aspect of what the console rpg was all about. I intend to keep with it. Like I say, I played 7, years ago for a while, and I hated it with a passion, though its highly acclaimed so we'll see this time around now that I've found joy in the exploration part. I'll do a write up on my thoughts when I get done with the first one, like I say... I'm enjoying it, I still find the combat boring, I'm hoping it starts to become a little more complex. I don't know what they changed with FF10 to make it bad, because frankly, the random battles will always suck.
  5. Nightshape


    Bet Volo started it.
  6. I found myself wanting to beat the living daylights out of a ****ing cripple. I just keep telling myself that there is no honour in beating a crippled idiotic man-child.
  7. You think... You... You think frostbyte 1.0 waaas PRETTY! ****! It defined butt ugly. GreenDragon: BFBC2 = Battlefield Bad company 2. Is 1.5 no ? Doesn't seem butt ugly to me, at least in the jungle levels. Maybe it gets crappy later on, either that or I'm accustomed to things being on low settings. Also, the game's been out for how long, some people here have played it, and there's also google, sheesh, it's like /. 1.0 - 1.5 - 8.942 Doesn't matter, first iteration wasn't special really. The opening few levels are well executed, smoke and mirrors well used, you can actually tell which levels were outsourced, because the drop in quality of the artwork is grim. The engine itself isn't special though, Frostbyte 2 is a whole different story.
  8. Memory limitations, making a whole environment both highly detailed and reactive takes up a lot of space. This is less of a problem for PC games... Its only part of the issue, more physics == more power, PC's CPU's aren't VPU heavy like console cpu's etc... It's a balancing act. The main reason though, time... From both an art and a code perspective, getting that stuff right is hard.
  9. It was hilariously easy though. Pretty much only way they had to thoughen it was fire-arms, and using "special" foes. Good luck seeing them in a mob of 20 and not ending the combo prematurely. Good game, but while the animation of combat was great, combat itself was bad. I don't really see too many issues with AP or TW2 though. Many people mention they HAVE to use rolling or Quen? I don't really recall that being the case most of the times. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person who knows how to use the E button reading boards like this... Honestly... AP, are you MAD! I guess some folk are fanboi's to a fault.
  10. You think... You... You think frostbyte 1.0 waaas PRETTY! ****! It defined butt ugly. GreenDragon: BFBC2 = Battlefield Bad company 2.
  11. GRRM hasn't finished writing yet...
  12. I'd turn round and ask one of the people around me who are working on it, but I don't like them, and they smell... Or is it they don't like me, and I smell. I'm never sure.
  13. Is she hot? Semi-related, I have a friend's hot kid sister coming on pretty strong (I might have mentioned this before, but she's just coming on stronger than ever before). She's REALLY good-looking, but not really my type (short - and I don't like that, and it seems wrong because I know so many other guys do), smart, but borderline communist with an exceptionally strong streak of do-gooding. So basically, she's definitely in the pump and dump category, and an exceptional specimen at that, but I just can't bring myself to do it because she's a friend's sister. ****! I don't see why you ain't tapping her right this second, sir! So she's politically misaligned, that makes for more interesting conversation. As for the whole height thing, meh, I don't think like that... Perhaps its because I'm short and dumpy.
  14. That is an easy question to answer: because we see how much these drugs are vilified, but we don't see a rational justification for that vilification. Did you know that the only known cure for cluster migraines - a type of headache so painful that sufferers often commit suicide to end the pain - is tryptamines. E.g. LSD, magic mushrooms. The effects of magic mushrooms on treating anxiety and depression are also extremely potent - certainly enough to justify medical research studies in a few places around the world (Switzerland and America I believe are two place where researchers synthesise LSD and psilocin for medical use). Similarly, the potency of ecstasy (MDMA, or methylenedioxy-meth-amphetamine) in treating PTSD (or post traumatic stress syndrome, very common in soldiers, police, nurses, firefighters, etc) is astounding. So I guess that's a long-winded way of saying: because somebody's gotta open your eyes sheeple. Hahaha. I dunno, I may be biased - I come from a society and generation where drug-taking is common place among the youth, and we have fun doing it, and we are smart about how we do it. Except those idiots who mix pills and grog. Sigh. I've been self medicating for years. I've never been as mentally stable, and solid as I am now.
  15. I can't say I've ever wanted a romance with boobs. I prefer women, with boobs
  16. Probly died from playing DA2 Olde Grommy Die! HA! Good Fun! He's often come and gone over the last 12 years or so, he'll turn up when he's good and ready.
  17. Funny you mention Final Fantasy at all really... I've been playing the remake of the original on my PSP (I own the original NES version on my Wii too). While my major gripe with FF is always going to remain the same, random bloody battles every two damn steps, I came at the game thinking of the era of its creation ('87). For its time, I actually think the overall design is genius - The closest thing to it, at the time, has to be the original Zelda. Anyways - After many years of hating Final Fantasy as a series (I tried to love FF7 when it was release on PC, and I tried a few of the games via emulation - I remember 4 keeping me a little bit busy), I'm finally starting to get it, the fun isn't in the combat, its in the exploration of the world (atleast in FF1) - I have FF2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9 and 13 queue'd up as I'm genuinely interested in paying attention to the games progression over the years. I don't know how far I'll get before I get burned out on the franchise, but I've finally warmed to it, I wouldn't say I love it but I've become very fond of FF1.
  18. Thats a Yorkshireman for you. "TIZ BUT A SCRATCH, BACK TO TEH BAR!!!"
  19. Your backlog is pitiful at the side of my own. I would wager a huge amount of money on it. If I had a black cat, you'd have a panther called Midnight Nah, I'd have a game with a panther in it called Midnight - I probably have somewhere.
  20. I quite like it. Its the most fun I've had playing a shooter in a while. I don't think it takes itself seriously, and when its crap its crap, but I guess that's its charm for me, see... The game isn't going to have been better because of the dev cycle, it'll be sooooo much worse. Its wonderfully glichy, and broken, yet somehow still functional. Its crass, and distasteful. Its the most epic middle finger I've ever seen in games. Then again, I never got excited about the game in the first place. So the fact its runs, and its somewhere in the region of fun, is all that matters. I wouldn't touch this on a console, its clearly a PC game, gawd I bet its ****ing awful with a pad.
  21. Historically, Russia has always been part of "Europe". A few decades of Iron Curtain will soon be forgotten and real-politics will reassert itself. Denmark has mostly had cordial relations with Russia, not at least during it's 12 major and 20 minor wars with Sweden (Denmark and Sweden holds the world record for most wars fought against each other). Personally I think the world outside Europe is viewing Russia with way more trepidation than Europeans themselves. Well apart from all those small neighbouring countries. I know the Estonian's dislike the Russians.
  22. Your backlog is pitiful at the side of my own. I would wager a huge amount of money on it. Only because I actually finish some of my games. Otherwise my backlog would beat up your backlog and leave it crying in an alley. I didn't mean it like that. More like, I have a massive backlog, that is probably bigger than your own, so don't worry about it... BUY AWAY!
  23. Sinister... Thats what I thought as I read this, then I realised I was the one with evil thoughts. Shame on me I guess .
  24. Your backlog is pitiful at the side of my own. I would wager a huge amount of money on it.
  25. While this isn't cool, it certainly goes to show, if you want to, you can get in, and funnily enough... They seem to be getting away with it.
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