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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Started a new game in Mass Effect while I wait for my XBox 360 to be repaired.
  2. That idealogy would mean that God did not create man in His image, but man created God in his.
  3. And I'm saying that you're as qualified to render that judgement as I am to render a judgement on life on Mars. I can flannel on with what I've heard second hand, but I've practically no information, and certainly wouldn't be regarded as an expert by anyone remotely up on the subject. Sound familiar? Or have you been secretly doing some kind of PhD on the subject without telling us? I'm sorry to call you out on this, but since you won't shut up about how terrible you think Christians are I think it's about time you told us what authority you have. Not a PhD but I have studied various religions, from Christianity to Islam, Hinduism to Bhuddism, and various sects in between. I also did a bit with Christian and Islamic mysticism. Suffism is a bit weird, let me tell you. Not only the teachings of said religions but also the social dynamics on how a religious movement can grow from a cult to a major religious organization. It went right along with my degree in Literature. You should look up one of my professors, Walsh. Doctor Hector Avalos is probably one of the best religious instructors I have ever had. Not only do I go by my studies but with my own personal experiences with Christians. In my own experience, a good chunk of the Christians I have met have either tried to force their views on me, expressed their bigoted views on homosexuality, or seek to remove the freedom of choice for women when it comes to their right to control their own reproductive system. Not all, however. There are some Christian movements I can get along with, especially the Unitarians. They can be a fun bunch.
  4. I am not saying judgmental behavior is bad, we do it all the time in order to determine what we want, who we want to be around, and how we decide on our actions. I am saying that those who profess they aren't suppose to be judgmental but are judgmental, which is one of the Christian tenets I believe, are being bad. World of difference there Walsh. They are casting judgments on people left and right when right in the book they all profess to believe in states one should not judge others. The core of their hypocrisy. If such aspect of their suposed faith was removed then it would no longer be a problem. As for the history portion, whether an organization or religion is a force of good, evil, or otherwise, is determined not only by its teachings but also the actions of its followers. Do you not agree?
  5. At least in BG there was a chance for a random encounter. DAMN THE KOBOLD COMMANDOES!
  6. Maybe if you copy his sig into yours he might like you better.
  7. He's freelance judgemental. not being a Christian he has no problem judging others. It was Christ after all who said "Let he among you is without sin cast the first stone". Exactly. When I judge others at least I am not being hypocritical about it. I look at 2000 odd years of Christian history, both on the Protestant and Catholic side on the coin, and I see more evil done in God's name than good.
  8. Shut up you jerk my disks aren't dirty. Then your laser is dying. DYING!
  9. Passionate and yet misguided. If they were a successful game company then they would have lasted longer than three games. And yes, I consider Obsidian still a starter company with only two games under their boot. Once a game company gets as many games as Bioware released, prior being sold to EA, then I will call game company successful.
  10. Either your discs are really dirty or the optical laser in your drive is dying.
  11. Sure. Football is football. If they were going to be innovativbe they could put in landmines, full contact naked coed football, or even bikini clad orcs and trolls trying to grab a greased pig.
  12. One man's truth is another man's lie.
  13. The problem is that Volourn is ignoring the argument. He is saying that NWN OC has better role playing opportunity than Baldur's Gate, and technically he is right, for NWN OC makes more account on character skills and abilities, given that it is based on 3e, than Baldur's Gate, which was limited in such regard due to it was based on 2e rules. However that is not the crux of the argument, well, at least not for me. I am going by which game had the better story and plot pacing. In many regards this is separate from actual role playing. NWN OC failed in story and plot pacing compared to all other Bioware games. If the game has a crappy story to it, all the role playing in the world will not make it all that playable or even replayable.
  14. I have started the NWN OC 3 times, but only finished it once. That's all I could stomach it for. SoU and HotU were significantly better than the NWN OC but still sucked compared to Bioware's other games, including KotOR. The primary problem I have with KotOR was the fact it was so freaking predictable and it is a Star Wars game. I hate Star Wars. KotOR was the second worse Bioware game.
  15. No problem. Sometimes I don't even have a point. I just don't particularly like Christianity and God.
  16. Of course not, but then I never claim to worship an all good, all powerful God as Christians do.
  17. Yikes, I did wonder where he had been for quite a while now Hope is going to be OK That's terrible! Hopefully he recovers quickly. At least he is still alive, thank the gods for that. I hope he does get better. I enjoy arguing with him. Get well soon, GD!
  18. I don't think there are going to be many Christians shedding a tear about it, and the more conservative bunch will probably be thinking "deserves them right" sort of thoughts.
  19. The problem, and probably the main problem I have with Christianity, that not even God is very Christ like. He seems more like a tyrant than anything else. Its His way or the highway and that highway is to Hell. For a so called loving and cvaring God He seems to have no problem torturing people eternally for not doing what He says. There is no sin in this life warrants that.
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