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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Seeing that image, makes me sad that TES V (or any future TES game) won't ever be a combination of the best of Daggerfall & Morrowind.
  2. Twelve years and all they could come up with was the giant alien in the stadium fight? That was in the N64 version already. But in all seriousness, I don't see how this could be any good if it were to be picked up and finished/scraped/restarted.
  3. I personally think there's a better chance of seeing a sequel to Arcanum from Blizzard than RR.
  4. I can't wait for the new fox news report, "In the latest conspiracy to manipulate our children by the far left, in this fantasy sex simulator you play a knight on a quest to have sexual intercourse with as many women as possible."
  5. Apparently it wasn't bad enough for the fanboys to not defend them, ugh I feel a bit slower from watching that.
  6. Me thinks that EA's marketing team released this instead of BioWare, without any sort of communication before hand. Dear god... what was that? What BIS' Fallout 3 was killed off for.
  7. Depending on how big of an area New Vegas will be set in, perhaps the "rebuild old railways" mechanic from Van Buren could be implemented as an alternative to the fast travel system.
  8. Political Correctness, a cancer of creativity.
  9. Some Info that I know, Ex-employees of (now defunct) Black Isle Studios, founders include Feargus Uruqhart, Chris Avellone, Chris Parker, Chris Jones, Darren Monahan. Main Products/key markets: Role-Playing games.
  10. After seeing this trailer I'm currently downloading BGE 1, never got around to do it.
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing a more "thorough" weapons repair process (can't think of a better word for it at the moment.) Example being able to destroy weapons/items into individual parts (scraps) that might be able to be used to repair other weapons/armor.
  12. I'm surprised how many comments in that article are going wild.
  13. Did anyone seriously expect this to ever get released? Twelve years gentlemen, twelve long years.
  14. Considering their audience demographic mostly consists of teenagers 15-18 (according to a poll on their forums sometime ago,) this statement is true. I have to agree with this as well. The TES series has been more action oriented (unfortunately) ever since Morrowind.
  15. BethSoft's decision to get Obsidian into the picture is a blessing in disguise, for them. Especially after reading that list. I read it as "pay the extra $10, receive god-mode in bits and pieces."
  16. Just installed WotLK and it's painfully long 5 hour patch process from 3.0 to 3.1 (I'm on DSL.) Going to add subscription time on friday (have exams this week, can't afford to get distracted... like last time.) Anyone here play on Eonar(US)?
  17. Just installed Ubuntu 9.04, everything mostly worked "right out of the box" Hardly had to tweak anything at all, I've been experimenting with Ubuntu releases since 7.04 and this is the first release where I've had no trouble thus far (I'm very new to linux and only have have the minor basics understood thus far.) I just might make it my main desktop bootup and only use XP for gaming (yes there is WINE but why go through the trouble when I can run games natively without any repercussions?)
  18. Does Ubisoft even offer that to be licensed?
  19. If VATS will be in New Vegas, PLEASE trash that "burnout" slow-mo camera effect. It get's annoying seeing the same sequence after the first 250 times.
  20. Mr. Handy! That's ****ing awesome! Also: Since it's titled "New Vegas", I wonder how much of Nevada will it cover.
  21. I'd love to see the holy hand grenade make another appearance.
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