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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. The spell plague is pretty neat, but that's all I've really read on 4E.
  2. I still hope for the appearance (at least reference) of the Hanged Man.
  3. From a raiding perspective, can anyone tell me how Warlocks have fared in wotlk? I have a 70 warlock that I'll be returning to when I reactivate sometime during the week.
  4. Swine Flu tracker A lot of infections reported in New York, I wonder how long it takes until it spreads into New Jersey (one state over and where I happen to live.)
  5. Dragon Age Alpha Protocol Fallout: New Vagas Diablo III Starcraft II and maybe TES V if they don't **** it up like Oblivion. A combination of elements from Daggerfall/Morrowind would the best route imo.
  6. It's all a conspiracy by those damn communist-liberal hippies to tax me more and take my money!
  7. In the category of choice and consequence, yes.
  8. It saddens me that someone like Bobby "exploited every year on every platform" Kotick has his greasy mitts on Blizzard. :concernedwarcraftfan:
  9. Dear Valve, More info on Half Life 2: Episode 3 please. Much love, Syraxis
  10. Debating on whether I should buy Wrath of the Lich King and reactivate my WoW account. Anyone play WoW? Is WotLK worth the effort?
  11. I feel the same way, though I'd like the BOS to be at war with the NCR as in Van Buren. But I'd really like the super mutants and especially the Enclave to have minor roles.
  12. How long has this been in development? One year isn't a long time at all...
  13. I'd prefer Obsidian to concentrate on the essentials, such as crates, before moving on to such... extravagant gameplay elements. I've got it! We shall have... crate PORN!
  14. Will there be a porn studio?
  15. Looks like you finally got your Fallout game. So uh, how are you feeling?
  16. Does Mark Morgan even compose music for games anymore?
  17. I wonder what Feargus has to say about all this, I want to know dammit.
  18. I want Caesar's Legion.
  19. When Aliens was cancelled, Feargus said they were working on a few projects. More time for speculation
  20. Am I the only one here that got hit with the core game's graphical errors (silver lines impairing view and such.) Trying to find a screenshot, all I get from google is The Pitt fiasco.
  21. I believe it's going to use Fallout 3's engine. Well I hope Obsidian gives it a much needed tune up. If this does well (which I have no reason to believe it won't,) Obsidian might be given the opportunity to develop Fallout 4.
  22. I agree, I wouldn't be surprised in about a years time if Zenimax offers to take Obsidian 'under their wing'.
  23. The spirit of Black Isle burns ever so brightly.
  24. Looks like Obsidian won't be having any financial problems now. Fallout is mainstream now, it'll print money.
  25. WHOA, WHOA, HOLY ****! I... dont know what to say. .... ... My respect for Bethesda just went up...
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