Again, what I posted may very well not apply to your game, as it's apparently a custom-tailored setting. But, in D&D, good and evil are not subjective. They are a well defined character trait, with direct consequences, like Charisma or AC. Hell, there are even entire planes with the [evil] descriptor. And for SW, no. Turning to the dark side *is* evil, as stated by GL. It's not that I don't accept your morally relativistic rationale behind Anakin's actions. It's simply that GL defined his world in a black-and-white way, and that's all there is to it, really.
I do applaud your choice of a relative reputation, though.
Which, I'm beginning to see, is a nice loophole to deal with public criticism of your decisions. You claim you are open to suggestions, but obviously start out with a great bias against said suggestions, and deal with them in a manner most uninviting of further input.
You say people need to "convince" you. But if you refuse to be convinced, and make good use of your codex-honed "discussion" skills, there's no way that can happen unless you think the proposed idea has some merit, beforehand. And, at the same time, this modus operandi leaves you looking like you listen to us (something apparently central to your discourse, for unexplained reasons). Well, can't dispute you do. It's just you don't give a **** most of the time. Clever.
I'm not even going to touch this.
That's interesting, but your F3 reference speaks volumes, I think.