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random n00b

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Everything posted by random n00b

  1. It's okay. You can cancel your preorder now.
  2. I don't know. Ignore it? I'm not a PR guy, but being confrontational and defensive about it sure doesn't help. A discussion on flavor vs meaningful choices, up to where I have read (not much, admittedly). Interesting, but not critical or deep-reaching by any means. How about a discussion on party-based vs single character? As for your other examples, I don't have the time to research the boards enough to form an opinion. And, at any rate, my original argument was not that you don't listen while pretending that you do, or whatever. I was in fact saying that I'm not fond of the idea of community feedback having sufficient weight to affect critical design elements. Maybe, MAYBE we can offer some interesting, useful, and feasible ideas, but does the marginally potential benefit make it worth the effort of sorting through all the trolling, flaming, and assorted other likewise worthless (albeit well-meaning) input? If so, then perhaps you have too much free time. Shouldn't you be, you know, working in the game? As I said, if I was a competent game designer, I'd be designing games, not arguing here with you. All I see there is a handful of quotes, without a context. I'm not going to pass judgement just yet, based on that. Yeah, I'd wager the game will have some pretty dumb **** on it. I have yet to play a game which doesn't, however.
  3. It's entirely possible that I'm being unfair to vd. But, seeing his reactions here, those are my impressions. They changed the whole engine, you say? Well, I'll have to take your word for it. Was that decision prompted by fan input alone? No one can say.
  4. Installing now. Thanks for the heads up man!
  5. I'll get you for blowing my cover, you'll see!

    This isn't over! This isn't o...

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  6. [quote name='H
  7. Again, what I posted may very well not apply to your game, as it's apparently a custom-tailored setting. But, in D&D, good and evil are not subjective. They are a well defined character trait, with direct consequences, like Charisma or AC. Hell, there are even entire planes with the [evil] descriptor. And for SW, no. Turning to the dark side *is* evil, as stated by GL. It's not that I don't accept your morally relativistic rationale behind Anakin's actions. It's simply that GL defined his world in a black-and-white way, and that's all there is to it, really. I do applaud your choice of a relative reputation, though. Which, I'm beginning to see, is a nice loophole to deal with public criticism of your decisions. You claim you are open to suggestions, but obviously start out with a great bias against said suggestions, and deal with them in a manner most uninviting of further input. You say people need to "convince" you. But if you refuse to be convinced, and make good use of your codex-honed "discussion" skills, there's no way that can happen unless you think the proposed idea has some merit, beforehand. And, at the same time, this modus operandi leaves you looking like you listen to us (something apparently central to your discourse, for unexplained reasons). Well, can't dispute you do. It's just you don't give a **** most of the time. Clever. I'm not even going to touch this. That's interesting, but your F3 reference speaks volumes, I think.
  8. I'd love a game that combined a Silent Storm-style combat with OE's quality brand writing. Hammer & Sickle had a lot of potential, but in the end it delivered very little in regards to roleplaying. But maybe there isn't really a market for that kind of games anymore? H&S didn't exactly bomb, but I don't think it was the commercial success that its creators (and the gaming press, with all the hype up until release) expected.
  9. Hindsight. As for Grommie's comment about how a few managed to create a panic... well. Isn't that how the world works? You actually sound surprised...
  10. I feel like... a million dollars.
  11. [quote name='H
  12. They have removed the 10-day periodic authentication. But you are still limited to 3 installs per purchase, with the possibility for additional installs depending on the thumbs-up from EA customer support, as well as an initial authentication, in the form of the DRM thingy that controls your installs. To me it's as if you got caught stealing stuff from a store and, after much begging, they are convinced to cut only your right hand, as opposed to cutting both, which was their original intention. ...only you actually paid for said stuff.
  13. Oni was not a RPG. And regardless of how the game was marketed, it was more of a 3D beat-em-up than a shooter. Oni's fighting mechanics were inferior to Tekken's by several orders of magnitude as well. Don't take me wrong, I've been playing Tekken for years now. But I don't see how that kind of HtH complexity could be added (and be made subject to a RPG character stat system) without hurting other things and scaring off some of the more traditional RPG players. On the other hand, a simplified HtH system with basic controls where each perk purchased unlocks a new melee ability could perhaps work (a la PON). Parries/reversals could kick in automatically after the PC reaches a certain proficiency level, doing away with the need for the lightning reflexes and hours of practice required to achieve the same results in a "true" fighting game. But that all would still be a watered down version of Tekken-esque mechanics, QED.
  14. Only Jedi contractors.
  15. Applying logic to SW will only get you one big headache...
  16. While that would be fun alright, keep in mind this is still a RPG. Having Tekken-esque mechanics is probably out of the question.
  17. You should stop wasting time with TOMBS and go play Fallout, then.
  18. That's like blaming mass executions on kids stealing candy. I know I said I'd stop, but...
  19. Or maybe piracy killed sales regardless! If you were really loyal, you'd support BIO no matter what! OK, I'll stop now...
  20. Game soundtracks are meant to fit in with the mood of the game, not to be listened to on their own. Very few are of sufficient quality to be enjoyable by themselves, and I reckon that sometimes it's only because of the emotions they stir from past gaming sessions. While I find these rather uninspiring, I'll wait to see the finished product. And FO(2) soundtracks could only be described as bland at some points, and vapid the rest of the time, but they were OK-ish in-game. Not enough for me to cry doom just yet. EDIT: added italicized part for clarity.
  21. Not a bad idea. Simply unfeasible and/or possibly illegal.
  22. Probably you know about it, but in the off chance that you don't, I'm going to point to True Crime. "Oldie" (for a PS2 title), but goodie. The sequel sucked, btw.
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