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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Official Patch 1.6 is out! Here's the changelog: Download @Filefront and who knows where else. Please post any results if you have Gothic 3 installed. Thanks.
  2. Wow, that dude looks stupid. Great work Bioware!
  3. I too am impressed by Quantic Dreams. They're really innovators in bringing digital actors to life. Like that highly advanced Mocap/Facecap studio they've build. It's like directing a movie on a real stage, with real actors and all needed accessories, props etc. Too bad it's gonna be a PS3 exclusive though.
  4. Also for those who're interested in the "Art of Storytelling": David Cage has something to say about that here.
  5. Looks nice but I doubt it will be the same quality in the final game. Unless they scrap out an entire level to have enough power left to maintain a high framerate...just like in that tech demo.
  6. UT3. Fun, but not great. I miss the UT-feeling from the original one.
  7. I enjoy Yahtzee's reviews, and he really hits the nail on the head on Witcher. One major turn-off for me was indeed the long-stretched world, irregular pace and the "What am I supposed to do actually? Who was that guy again? Where?" feeling. BG2 or Gothic2 were huge games too, but there was still the invisible red line that motivated me to go through all this.... Witcher just lacks this red line.
  8. Oh yeah, the "pleasures" of "academical-isation" everyone and everything. Since when is game design a science anyway? I still say the best way to become a designer is to find a bunch of people that share your passion and interest and start working hard on an ambitious Mod. Look at the people that started with Portal, now they're sitting at Valve and get paid for doing what they love.
  9. AI is certainly an interesting topic but as long as "the big boys" (MS, Nintendo, Sony) don't start caring about it, I doubt this will ever be a wide-spread commercial argument to boost game sales. Right now it's just (still) about graphics fidelity and Hollywood-kitchen narrative that defines the big blockbuster Nex-Gen games, those who are supposed to be the "elite" of this industry (read the silly HALO3 and Greek art comparison...I mean?). Right now, I still believe in hand-crafted worlds and stories from smart minds... no algorithm or procedure can ever replace that.
  10. Well, maybe I overreacted a little bit. There were still those cool Teddy bears.... wouldn't want to call that "intellectual garbage", wouldn't I?
  11. Young Lucas, old Lucas....no difference to me. He only delivered intellectual garbage... A good cast, nice FX, complex film sets and a talented team he worked with were the only things that saved his films from trash-quality a'la Uwe Boll.
  12. I hope the new X-Com game from Irrational/2K will follow a similar route, but so far I can't think of any game right now except RB6 Vegas 2.
  13. I started with Gears of War. It's okey dokey so far, but there's nothing particularly great about it.
  14. SWAT4 + Addon. Very tough, much tension, superb AI and surprise elements, and some great tools (non mortal too). And it was also developed from Irrational.
  15. But since your avatar portrays a female I thought you'd be too or the hell has everything become awry? Leave me and my imagination at least kthxbye.
  16. I'm with Krookie. I'm too much of a fanboy of the former Irrational fame to just ignore their future projects.
  17. I refuse to believe that HK is a male. About Phoenix Wright....Looks too Anime-ish. I want a game for real men, not fluffy Japs, or rabbits.
  18. Well, to each his own. It was an overall well crafted and ambitious Shooter... On the Art side, it was too colorful. I wished they'd tone down the saturation and use a tighter color palette....more grayish-brownish...a little more depressive. Though that wouldn't have come good with the X360 fans. Anyway, Bioshock 2 is now being developed at the new 2K Marin, without any involvement of Ken Levine. Maybe that's a good sign, since he just had to satisfy his 2K master first and foremost. Now that the franchise is successfully established, I expect that BS2 is going to be a bit more risky, more hardcore...you know what I mean.
  19. Dude...wait, what?
  20. O YEAH did I ask you for what she's alike?
  21. Nahh... it's not that bad. It's just different. Leave the SHOCK away and it's quite a very good game, but not the spiritual successor I was hoping for. Maybe the rumored X-Com game will be a little more on the hardcore side?
  22. Hell Kitty is a male? I'm...disappointed. :sad: Oh yeah, back to the topic: Here're some screenshots. I'm not so much into these fluffy kids-games, although since it's from Bio I'd just have to ask if there're any other "Must have" DS games out there that would justify a purchase... I heard Warhammer Squad Commander is good, anything else?
  23. Sonic: The Dark Brotherhood.....hey, catchy name. I like it!
  24. I just see Sam & Max 202 is out. Downloading now!
  25. Not only do console games yield bad names, they apparently yield brain damage as well... Btw I like Blue. No Green....no Blue! Yes, yes...
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