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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. That's fancy luxury I don't need.
  2. Fixed In all seriousness, having a mid-rage computer and playing only the tutorial level on low settings, would not only leave one unimpressed, but also annoyed by the whole lagginess and mediocre graphics. The game didn't manage to grab me on until late CH1 - beginning of CH2. Mid-rage computer? Are you spying on me? I played into Chap1 I think, where I had some brawl fight, escorted some woman back to mommy and pappy (in return I got some hardcore-sex at the mill) and stumbled over some odd looking meat. Well, the thing is just....every NPC makes such a sad, disinterested impression. Sure, there's poverty and prolly some plague, but the game just lacks the drive and excitement from a MOTB. The world feels rather oversized too, and traveling is just boring. I just saved some dwarfs arse on the way, and killed some demon doggies there. Is it just that I lost my hardcore edge? Whatever.... Maybe at some later point in time I go back and give it a real chance. But not now. What I like so far is the interface, and the combat is astoundingly fun too. Not to mention that sorcerer in the Tutorial...what a woman!
  3. Currently I'm playing nothing, but I will get this week my hands on Gears of War, so that I finally can mess around with the new Unreal Editor. I might try out the game too...
  4. Gaspowered Games has also revealed their next game, Demigod. http://www.gaspowered.com/demigod/ They're also going to self-publish it. I must say, this one stimulates a little my interest for a change. PS: It's also going to take place in a futuristic fantasy setting! I wonder what the Kaft thinks about that....Heh.
  5. The Witcher is totally overrated. I played the first 2-3 hours and got bored, so I uninstalled it. And I don't see myself revisiting it very soon. I wouldn't mind getting NWX2 very soon though...but thanks to Atari's sucky situation currently, I doubt that will happen.
  6. I think that Hellgate generally sucks. That's what I got from the Beta.... The Mythos beta however is a lot more fun. I might even get the full game once it's released
  7. I didn't say re-creation of historical facts and accuracy. I want them shifting away a bit from the childish demons and Gnomes and Yuiyahh WuXu00R whatever nonsense, and develop the world and society a bit better, a bit more directed towards adults. Learning old China's history and sociology there can be tremendously helpful. But yeah, it's Bioware. Duh.
  8. Yeah I remember that game. I bought it from the bargain bin. It was a bit too short (just conquered entire Europe in 3 days), but nonetheless very enjoyable. Not as big and complex as the TW series, but well balanced and very atmospheric. I liked it.
  9. I hope for JE2, Bio would shift a bit away from fantasy and go a little more towards historical credibility. But since we're talking about Bio here....nahhh.
  10. The Total War series are the best strategy games ever, why fix something that aint broke? And ETW does stretch well into the 1800's I dont remember when it ends but Napoleon is definently in there. How far does it stretch into the 1800s? I figure Napoleon would deserve an entire Total War game on it's own. But they probably will make an expansion about him anyway...
  11. I fear Empire will just be more of the same. Empire: Total Lame - just moah...Not to mention the outrageous system reqs that the game will impose. From a historical standpoint, I personally would have been more interested in 19th century warfare. That would have made a more distinguished experience with Napoleon, national consciousness, effect of Industrialization etc.
  12. Wait wait wait....you mean the EA boss actually plays games?
  13. Clicky No surprise actually, and by the time it hits the shelves, I should have my paws on some cheap X360 already. I'll spare the "Wtf no PC version?" rant for another time. JE SE was a cool game, had a great setting and superior writing to Kotor, yet I liked Kotor overall more. Still, more Bio goodness is always good, one way or the other.
  14. Agreed. Although I doubt it would be named "Nolf 3", since Monolith only owns the content, not the name.
  15. They look so sanitised - all straight lines and geometric shapes and greys and none of it looks lived in or used at all. I think 'it's a military base and/or research facility' is getting a little old as an excuse for why this doesn't look like a place that has ever been used or visited by people. This is why I liked the graphics of The Witcher so much. Would you expect playing it in greenish highlands with garish rabbits hopping around? I think the look is perfectly fine for that kind of experience (and environments). I like the strong shapes and the overall low-saturated colors. Too many games these days are too oversaturated and colorful, like Bioshock.... gruesome.
  16. If they're illegal they should get their arses straight to Iraq, relieving some of the troops there.
  17. They're using the exact same engine, it looks like another expansion How would you know? Sure, the rendering engine is still DX9/10, so I wouldn't expect huge leaps forward there.... I don't think Monolith would be as dumb as Crytek to put everything on the rendering features just to alienate a huge fanbase due to monster hardware requirements. I expect that they upgrade the more important gamplay-related systems first...like physics, AI, particle FX, animations etc.... that's where FEAR had it's strengths, and that's where I want to see PO flexing it's muscles again. Btw, these screenshots look very good to me. And considering the game is prolly still a half year or longer away, things might still change a bit. Long live Monolith!!!!
  18. Strangely enough, I never...tooted from beans. I think this is just a myth!
  19. I hope so, it's one of the hotties of 2008 I'll get on day one. Now FEAR is over 2 years old, yet no other FPS can surpass it's exciting and visceral combat. I love it when the replica-soldiers run around, hide, tumble, curse and die like real bastards while thick dust and sparks fill the screen.... this never gets old.
  20. FEAR single player and FEAR world editor. I suck in multiplayer though. :sad: I wonder how Project Origin will turn out....
  21. Aren't biotics in ME the same as....magic? I'm still getting it for the PeeCee, the chick flick between Liara and Ashley and the sex scene alone justifies the purchase.
  22. I heard there isn't even a Mac version for ZBrush 3 released yet. How could an artist possibly live without Zbrush3? By not using a Mac, for starters. Hehe.
  23. Mediocre is still mediocre. Period. And Dragon Age is still in the "In Development" section on the main page.
  24. Volly can be a very sensible fellow as long as you don't argue with him about dwarves. :D
  25. Bioware has yet to cancel an announced project. The DA world is in development since...2002 (?), so yes, things take their time. The actual game has started production in 2005, so I suspect a release somewhere late 2008 or 2009.
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