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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. No, I didn't. It SMELLED like I did, but I didn't. Also, I edited my previous post slightly for more context.
  2. I just wanted my garbage top back, man. (e): But on a more serious note, I was wearing long pants, work boots, work gloves, and a sweatshirt - didn't want to take any chances. Only thing that didn't have something covering it was my face/head...which I would've done if I could've, but I didn't really have anything.
  3. Hey, it's what we grow our crops out of: no surprise it similarly sustains lesser(?) lifeforms.
  4. I had to go dumpster diving at 5 in the morning today because I accidentally threw away the top of my garbage can away along with the actual garbage I was trying to throw out. Don't ask how: all I know is that when I came back into my home, the top was nowhere to be seen, and I was mad as hell. Went out there to look, and realized I would have to go back and get a flashlight because apparently it's a little dark at 5 in the morning - who knew? - and trying to peer into a dumpster at that time while also trying not to gag and throw up (I'm a little bit of a germaphobe and the smell of rotting food items is enough to trigger my gag reflex) is actually a little difficult. I'm just fortunate that it was 5AM, so nobody could actually see me jump and disappear into the dumpster itself...and nor my reemergence from it (and with my garbage can top in tow, of course).
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3fmrcl/githubs_new_code_of_conduct_explicitly_refuses_to/ I'm beginning to see why people might want to switch from github...and it's funny, people were recommending people switch from SourceForge to github not too long ago...
  6. I used Opera for so long, but when they switched to being a Chrome clone, I had to make the switch to Firefox. oldOpera was just falling apart on most websites after so many years.
  7. I would just like you to know...I tried listening to all of those, and I didn't like any. I think the first one summed it up quite well...
  8. Not my favorite song of Watership Down, but it's still Watership Down, I suppose.
  9. Yes...they do. Been trying to avoid having any myself with the recent difficulty I've been having with some of my own family members and their young children... Hang in there, bud.
  10. That's not funny. And all you guys complained about me...
  11. Holy moly, so either I get Windows Home for free, or I pay $200 for Professional. What silly pricing options.
  12. I'm waiting for a real installer that I can use on any computer, formatted with W7/8 or not, before I bother...
  13. Playing a role or character makes you a schizophrenic? Interesting stance, given the forums we're on...
  14. It's offered by Windows Update KB3035583 (I know this since I've had to remove the update from several systems). If that Windows Update is already installed, then I'm not sure what's up. Weird that the clock speeds wouldn't stick: it did in my case, but my GPU at the time was the 5770, which may be old enough that that kind of mucking about was still functional.
  15. Family crises and alcoholism: avoid both of them at all costs, folks, and absolutely never mix 'em together...particularly when there are children involved. Praying that everything turns out for the best (and that I'm not dead) over the next few days.
  16. Okay, it sounds like they're going to court more over the precedent of suspending a player without solid proof rather than the specifics of the deflating of footballs case itself. That's interesting...I hope the NFL Players Association and Mr. Brady win it, since it does set a terrible precedent for the League in being able to suspend players without solid proof of actual wrongdoing...and over players "not cooperating". If it's not in a player's best interests to cooperate (fully - Mr. Brady and the Patriots mostly DID cooperate except in like one or two specific areas) with the League's pseudo-investigations, then that should be their right, IMO...at least in the case of the League (who do not directly employ Mr. Brady) vs Brady (...as opposed to a theoretical Patriots vs Brady case, where I feel that it would be more the Patriots' prerogative - they are directly employing Brady, after all - for deciding whether they want to punish him or not for this sort of thing).
  17. Maybe if s13ep hadn't changed the font color of the entire post to a searing white for no reason, I would actually bother trying to read the entire thing...I hate it when people change their entire posts to a different size/font/color. There should really be a rule against doing this...for, uh, the sake of the children and everything. (e): Wait a second, aren't I calling myself a child by saying that, since it'd be for me? ...Whatever.
  18. That's only...sort of true. There's no way to do it via the actual control panel, but you can manually edit some text profile...uh, file somewhere or another in your appdata directory: I know this because I messed around with mine a while back trying to unlock lower clock speeds for my 3D clock speed settings, and found the 2D settings as well as the "half speed" settings...and it annoyed me that, for the 2D settings, the memory clock speed was set to 157MHz instead of just 150MHz (making my OCPD flare up a bit, ), so I changed that, too.
  19. Hey, it's not my fault it's not as funny or "ironic" as it initially seemed after a few moments of reflection, . It is my fault for actually bringing it to attention, though, so you got me there.
  20. I don't know Lincoln's gun policies (or whether he had any at all to begin with) off-hand, but...not really? Because I support the U.S.'s particular brand of free speech, and for...say, for example, extremist Muslims and Christians to be able to verbally support what I would consider to be barbaric and/or otherwise awful policies and actions...doesn't mean I support those actual policies and actions, nor do I want them to follow me around and harass me by constantly shouting their support for those things at me, either. Just as I'm sure Lincoln could've supported the right to bear arms without supporting lunatics shooting other people in the face, nor miscreants who would do other forms of harm with firearms, or other false equivalencies such as the image above implies.
  21. I mean, I'm about as bad aiming in an FPS with an analogue stick as I am with a touchpad...I'll never play a shooter on a console because of how uniquely, truly terrifyingly awful I am at using an analogue stick for aiming. Give me a mouse or I ain't playing.
  22. Well...if Brady sues, then at least we'll know as to whether or not he was actually cheating. If he doesn't sue, that'd be almost as bad as an open admission of guilt at this point...but if he's willing to going through the more thorough investigation in an actual legal battle (than the NFL could put up outside of one), then it seems likely he isn't.
  23. The restored edition of Metropolis (1928). Last night, I was looking at the selection of my cable's on demand "all free" movies category, not knowing what to expect (having never actually looked before now), and was surprised to see Metropolis sitting in there...so I figured, why not give it a shot? The following is mostly spoiler-free (except where marked, basically), in case you're planning on ever watching it. The film was just a few minutes under two and a half hours...felt fairly long, particularly for a silent film. Not truly silent, mind you: the movie had a pretty decent score, which definitely helped maintain my interest. The cityscape imagery - both the artwork meant to look like the city as well as the actual upper world set pieces - was usually pretty cool looking (though those shots were far and few in between the rest of the movie...), and the machinery imagery was pretty neat, too...wasn't as impressed by the lower world and catacombs areas, particularly when... ...a poor choice to make on the part of the filmmakers, among a few others IMO, that gave me immersion whiplash, with the world at any given moment feeling either large and city-like or small and obviously set-piece-like. It is a 1928 movie, though, so I'll cut it a little slack in this regard. Acting had its ups and downs, of course...it's a silent film, so by necessity, lots of acting had a tendency to feel a bit overwrought. It was mostly okay, though...besides, ironically (I think), the two main protagonists as well as a lot of the main antagonist (main by the end of the film, at the very least: it is two and a half hours long, remember). I especially didn't like the job done by the second protagonist we meet when they're...not themselves, I guess you could say (to remain essentially spoiler free). Like other silent films, all the chase scenes looked pretty weird and silly... I also didn't really understand why they didn't slightly tone down some of the acting in favor of more of the neat little text screens...but this all may just be my modern sensibilities talking. In regards to the plot and general narrative...it was followable, at the very least, if perhaps a little high-minded for my tastes, especially for how far along the filming industry was in terms of how much money and skill there was to be had in creating filmmakers' visions, in addition to just the general level of film-making technology at the time. Do I really think it deserves a 99% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average critic review score of 9.1? No, not really. But it is a movie from 1928, and I'm not exactly an enthusiast of that era of film-making, so it's probably best I don't have a say in its rating. Overall, I did watch all two and a half hours, and it wasn't actually an all-too-terrible experience, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?
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