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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Spoilers. A battered Daedalus-class cruiser. I meant to edit this in the original article. In order of construction (#). Daedalus (1) - Active, primarily Pegasus Galaxy Odyssey* (2) - Active, primarily Milky Way Galaxy Korolev* (3) - Destroyed by Ori, Milky Way Galaxy. Apollo** (4) - Active, primarily Pegasus Galaxy Phoenix* (5) - Alternate timeline only
  2. She might remind Vader/Anakin of Padame though. If she was really ugly with pimples and spoke galactic german maybe you'd have a chance with a female character in TFU.
  3. just allow you to say, "no thanks" to people that want to become your followers, but you don't like them. Yeah, I know.
  4. Grunt soldiers would be sweet. 50 guys with nothing but standard energy shields, combat suits, and blaster rifles. Maybe even adding one battle thats FPS size. Lag central probably though.
  5. KotOR1 Endar Spire - 3/5 - As a tutorial level, its nothing special. Taris - 4/5 - First times always the longest Dantooine - 3/5 - K2 version beats K1 Tatooine - 4/5 - Excellent, but constant loading for every building in Anchorhead is annoying though. Visiting Luke's eventual hometown is pretty sweet though. Kashyyyk - 3.5/5 - I hate fighting Bandon here, the Rakata P/C is kind of WTF!? Manaan - 4/5 - I think the most complex as far as places to go and things to do, excellent Korriban - 4/5 - the tombs are most interesting, as a LS-er don't care to much for posing as a Sith Leviathan - 4/5 - beats Ravanger hands down Unknown World- 3.5/5 - mildly retarded, weak, unfun dark jedi within temple Star Forge - 4/5 - death star beats it, but except for nothing more than Malak as the boss, not bad KotOR2TSL Peragus Mining Facility - 4/5 - a bit overkill for first real level, didn't trust* HK-50 from start Telos Citadel - 3/5 - the Sith boarding wasn't bad, painful layout but interesting nonetheless Telos - 3/5 - I hate that droid tank, Czerka guy is a dumb*** Nar Shaddaa - 4/5 - contrary to popular opinion my view of this dump is, and added a yoda bum they should have. I bet cut content hurt this world. I liked the POS Coruscant look though. Onderon - 4.5/5 - With Duxn, I love this place. Looks like Naboo doesn't it? Duxn - 4/5 - Hate jungle, love Mandalorian base and sith tomb. Dantooine - 4.5/5 - Just awesome. Kills K1 version. Korriban - 3/5 - lame due to cut content perhaps? Ravanger - 2.5/5 - Nihilus is very bad boss (err hrr grr) Ship looks like the stone age as well. Mandalorian guy over the radio - WTF? When you get there, its like nothing had really happened. Malachor V - 3.5/5 - don't know what to make of it. Not that great, though. Cut content I hate you. *=edit
  6. They should let you kill off some of the potential party members for DS and reject some for LS. Have a pool of like 20 throughout game and only 15 slots or whatever.
  7. Yes, your bank account. :shifty:

  8. You can use my wall for the drunk rants!!

  9. *Darth Vader's breathing*

  10. I find your discovery... disturbing...

  11. Dantooine sucks in K1 compared to K2 you guys think?
  12. http://www.starwars.com/community/fun/caption/archive.html
  13. Heard about that. Time to fuel up at the fast food restaurant, eh?
  14. Small size is great. Like I said, these things pack a punch, but could only take one Wraith capital ship (Hive) or maybe two before shields are depleted and damage is caused. Now Wraith cruisers is another thing, though because of their more similar size they have great maneuverability as well, but all in all, we're gonna blow up yur babyz, so it doesn't matter.
  15. Stop fighting! *cries*

  16. Yes, but they only did it- what? 3 times ever? I havn't seen the ep "No Mans Land" yet I might be wrong.
  17. I hate being mean to T3 after he rescues you. Didn't he have a "hidden agenda" though? Cut content? It would be cool if they release some Restoration thing for the Xbox 360... but I still just have an original xbox, so I'd still be throughally screwed.
  18. tiny ship can pack a punch. Its like the size of the Tantive IV, probably.
  19. My sister will probably be getting $1,800 according to the scale.
  20. Cheapest gasoline in my area is $3.49-$3.60/gallon Source http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/petroleum/d..._home_page.html
  21. I like Juhani No, I'm joking. Bastila isn't bad for a video game animation...
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