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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Broken logic, if the evil option is written badly, 99% chance the good and neutral options are too. So by using your logic, we should drop all options. Because Obs can't write them well(despite writing them well in multiple games.)
  2. Explain why one way should be and another not? They should both be rewarded with different and unique content.
  3. Only if it's optional and you die in the attempt, otherwise it just make the antagonist look incompetent or useless.
  4. 2 snipers + Double Tap + plasma sniper rifle = I win mode.
  5. It's easier to write a grey villain, than an interesting evil one. Here we go again. Grey = hero. It is the simplest form of choice. No need to have different paths, just an hero path. The exclusion of an evil PC, is the exclusion of choice.
  6. Pretty good range of nationalities. I think it might have to do with what base you pick. First game I was in Europe, and my barracks was filled with lots of Europeans. Second time I'm in Asia and my barracks has a higher percentage of Asians. My current 'Alpha team', consists of an Aussie sniper(I was surprised to see an Australian pop up), Japanese assault, Brazilian assault, Russian support, Belgium support(named Van Damme no I didn't change it) and an Irish Heavy. I just wish it wasn't all American accents.
  7. Rats should hold the exact same part cats and mice do, a background part. There is no reason to have them as a creature combatant.
  8. Exact opposite. Playing 'good' is just not appealing to me. I don't want to be the hero or anti hero. Honestly, nothing would suck more then being forced into the recent bio offerings of hero/anti hero. The only reason it done, is because it's less work than good/evil and that it's easier to write everything grey.
  9. Choice and consequence over more content any day of the week. Can't stress this enough, would rather play a 30hr game with lots of C&C than a 100hr game with minimal C&C.
  10. These bugs are why I didn't go Ironman in my new playthrough. Rather I just don't reload when crap hits the fan.
  11. Today it's Twilight. Tomorrow it's the Hunger Games..... Wait what? By the end of the series there was 10! 10 of them, an absolute joke. I'm pretty sure Shepard had been genetically enhanced to give off 'in heat' pheromones. As for romances in PE, I've decided I'm indifferent to them if done like they were in MoTB. That means they have minimal impact on story, there are two (not 4,5,6,7) in the entire game, they don't change the character to suit the PC(ex Veronica from NV, was a lesbian, not bi, not straight) and doesn't lock out most interaction for those that don't 'romance'(ex Garrus ME2). If they can follow this, and Avellone can withhold the projectile vomiting or hand the writing of them to Ziets(sorry bro), so be it. However if they are in, but playing as a villain isn't, I have a fart bombs ready for Obs.
  12. Damn it's easier for me to list what games I don't have on that list, then the ones I do.
  13. Sort of, I finished the normal run with only 6 troops dead, 3 from the tutorial. I'm doing classic now, but it still doesn't seem really hard. First time through(Normal) I lost Mexico and India, at the same period in Classic, I've still got them all and at low level panic. With only one dead rookie, due to saving a civilian on a terror mission. The funny thing is I have a more balanced roster on classic due to more injuries/longer down time. On my first normal run, a party wipe would of been a disaster, this time while bad it's not a game over. I'm tempted to put it on Impossible, but when that just equal the padding the AI with bonuses I'm not that interested. If it was just more enemies, longer research time, higher cost on items and smarter AI, I would be more interested.
  14. The important thing is quality content. 70hrs of quality is better than 200hrs of meh.
  15. I love this game. And Starwars has got it right. You get attached to the characters that again and again, pull your arse out of the fire. Also Snipers are deadly. I brought a group of rookies into rotation, after 5 missions, I had 2 assaults, 1 dead with 2 kills another injured with 3 kills, a support with 2 kills and a sniper with 14 kills.
  16. Hey, do not spoil my mood. As for pledging, I'm holding off for now, due to the site still not being fully operational and the fact it's only got Europe and US options for backing. When the site is back up and fully functioning and I have knowledge of which option to choose, I'm getting my Lancer.
  17. Honestly I think something similar to DA:O would work best here, although I thought NWN2 was fine as well. BG UI by today's standards is poor. I should be able to open and close multiple UI windows at will, rather than have some UI impacting my view of the field at all times.
  18. Bloody aussie release dates, all of you playing it are bastardos.
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