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Mamoulian War

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Mamoulian War last won the day on December 5

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    Olympus Mons
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  1. I have finally decided to continue my DS2 NG+ playthrough, which I have postponed for a month or so, because I have the most annoying parts of DLCs in front of me. So my plan for today was Sir Alonne. A lot of people have said, that this one is even harder than Fume Knight. For my surprise, I have downed him in 7 or 8 tries. First time, without summons. Shield helped in this encounter a lot. My damage was pretty low though. Even after I have went for a two attempt kill of Twin Pursuers, which dropped my new Ring of Blades+2. Thankfuly Alonne’s moveset was easy to learn and predictable. All I needed to do, was to be patient enough to hit him only once during his openings. Because whenever I tried two hits, he always punished me with his follow up. Next eithe Gank Squad or King’s Pets. We’ll see. Not very happy to go through their gauntlets again
  2. After 20 years, and numerous cancelled attempts, Tales of Rebirth finally got english translation. Courtesy by Life Bottle Productions fan translation group.
  3. Another Giveaway on GOG. Seems fun and relaxing game https://www.gog.com/en/game/chicken_assassin_reloaded
  4. That is definitely not the case for Witcher 3. As the crazy big spike of sales happened when Netflix introduced the Witcher series. So a lot of the tens of millions of sales of W3 happened in the last three years. But yeah, the Gen Alpha with their 30 second TikTok conditioned attention span might have issue remembering that as well
  5. Do you have also both DLCs installed? I have Underrail on my backlog, but missing the latest DLC yet.
  6. Very good video PPT about why it happened so fast. If you have 1 hour to spare, I can only recommend it. I have listened to it today while driving during my business trip, and I have found out about things, which I never heard before. Like Assad being head of “drug cartel”, which provided synthetic drugs to the whole middle east (responsible for about 80% of worldwide production).
  7. Another war criminal met his demise in Moscow. One of the most influential Generals. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/12/17/7489424/ This time the guy responsible for supplying chemical weapons to Assad, and their usage in Ukraine. He was also responsible for nuclear forces of Russia. So whoever is behind it, saved the world from few weeks of nuclear blackmail rhetorics.
  8. Spending to much time on Mortal Komabt 11 in Towers of Time. I am to bad at playing it, but it still is fun enough to me to spend a lot of time. Had 5 hour long session in Twitch Rivals Premier Towers, to get new purplish skins for most of the characters, before they expired.
  9. I am surprised no one linked this yet
  10. You are not alone on this. The algorithms are really terrible at offering decent content. You have to search for good content yourself, and even after that you are offered trash content. The best example from me would be Dragon Age: Veilguard. I am “progressive”, but for the very same reasons, as Zorraptor mentioned few posts above, to not be trapped into my own bubble, I am following 2 or 3 “conservative” youtubers, which I consider to be as objective as possible from the perspective of my worldview. So on the date of the release of the Veilguard, I have of course watched a video made by one of the. Up until today, Youtube algorithm offers me probably the worst “incel” **** about games… And I can’t get rid of it as well. And after that episode, it almost never offers me “woke” content, in which I was and still am interested
  11. If you start to wonder for whatever reason, that Russia really cannot be so ****ed up country, as people say, you find this
  12. If anyone is still wondering why Syrian people prefer ex-terrorists over Assad and Russia
  13. Assad has become Russia’s puppet the day, they bombarded first hospital. This led to displacement of more than 12 million people while killing another million. All with the blessing of Kremlin, as destabilization of Europe woth refugees to allow rise of pro-Kremlin far right in Europe, was Putin’s plan since day 1
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