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Mamoulian War

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Mamoulian War last won the day on March 22

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  1. Amerzone, a classic adventure game for grabs on GOG https://www.gog.com/en/game/amerzone_the_explorer_legacy Also System Shock 2 Remaster is on preorder.
  2. I have started a week ago Chaos Playthrough of Star Ocean 5. As I have now crazy tight work schedule again, I am moving at slower pace as I would like, but still enjoying the game. And I still think that this game was a better Square Enix game than Final Fantasy XV, despite probably 50x lower budget. I am probably somewhere in the middle of the playthrough, right before the Treikuran Slaughterhouse raid.
  3. Personal Goal nr 4/2025 achieved February 26, 23:30 – I have finally decided, it is time to finish my Platinum Quest in Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin on my PS4 and after 923 Deaths and 246 hours I have acquired the last two missing spell trophies. The NG2+ run to Drangleic Castle was pretty fast for my typical pace (took a little bit over 10 hours), but as always, I have started to stumble in the Iron Keep. I did few stupid mistakes, including two just before the last bonfire, while fighting the Black Phantom mob guarding it . I’ve been victorious in all bossfights, with the exception of three on first try. The worst fight for me was as expected the Old Iron King . Due to my silly wipes at Iron Keep, I started to feel tired, so I have either misclicked a button during last 10% of his HP, or I have misrolled in the small lava pool near the fog gate , but I really want to finish the game this night at all costs. After finishing him off on 5th try, the road to the Platinum was clear, and it took me just one last wipe at Mastodons, before reaching Chancellor Wellager and purchasing last three spells.
  4. After some longer break, I have finally started the NG2+ in DS2:SotFS. So far finished up Dragonrider, Flexile Sentry, The Rotten and Najka. All on first try, despite some ****ups diring the fights The goal is to finish all 4 great “adversaries” which are dropping DS1 souls to be able to make the final weapon crafts and then to Drangleic Castle purchasing last few spells for last two trophies. After that, we’ll see if i go for Nashandra again, to craft last spell catalyst, which I am missing, or just quit the game and go for DS3 Well, I should go and finish Star Ocean 5 on hardest difficulty as well, but not sure, if I should go before or after DS3
  5. https://www.gog.com/en/game/neverwinter_nights_doom_of_icewind_dale Neverwinter 1 received one more module, which follows the story of Neverwinter Hero.
  6. Goal nr. 3/2025 February 16, 19:30 – After obtaining all 5 online Trophies during Free PSN weekend and little bit of practice in The King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match Final Edition on my PS4, I’ve decided to try out the Arcade mode as well. My pick was Hero Team (Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon). Of course, I have picked up the lowest difficulty, but because I have instantly forgotten all of the special moves, I had it pretty tough. Even on the easiest difficulty, the game is much more difficult than Mortal Kombat 11 on Medium, especially when playing without forgotten special moves . The biggest challenge for me, was getting used to different way of blocking, than I am used in Mortal Kombat games. So my first playthrough ended up with many lost fights, and a shameful matchup with final boss Omega Rugal, whom I was able to defeat only after lowering his HP to 1/3rd after few loses . Despite that, I like the feel of this retro game, but I have to focus more on remembering special moves to have a little bit easier time with it.
  7. The rights hell is all about Atari and WotC. A mix of awfulness which could be toppled by only a few
  8. What a coincidence Did he mentioned, that he has actually seen it? And if yes has he seen more than season 1?
  9. I would love to hear his opinion on the Netflix Series as well
  10. Goal nr. 2/2025 achieved. January 26, 23:00 – After spending a lot of time with Mortal Kombat, fighting King’s Pets and farming Dragon Scales, I have finally finished New Game+ of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin on my PS4. This time, I have encountered Aldia as well, and after winning the fight, I have left the throne for an ending, which I have never seen before. I made this playthrough my personal challenge to defeat every boss in the game without the help of summons. Most of the bosses were fine, including Fume Knight, for which I had to train a little bit my muscle memory, and Gank Squad, which I have postponed until the very end of DLC. But all three of King’s Pets have been major pain in the ass. Lud and Zallen almost made me quit the challenge. Thankfully I got an advice on Obsidian Forums to use Dark Infused Rapier with Dark Weapon buff, which helped me to finally win this encounter as well. I am still missing three more spells for last two trophies, and few items to 100% the game, not counting the PvP exclusive rewards and invisible rings. For that, I will need one more fast run through the base game, and I should have another Platinum Trophy .
  11. Yeah I know that, that’s why I regret it now I have spent a lot of EUR on EUIV content on Steam already, and it is impossible to transfer the license between the shops. Paradox also does not offer any kind of discount for owners of EUIV on Steam for GOG so Rebuying the content again feels a little bit like ripoff now. We’ll see how I would feel about that in year or two.
  12. That’s pretty much the way, how ot works for me. Which means, the only games, which I have on Steam is Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Counter-Strike, Half-Life 2 and half of Europa Universalis IV (which I regret now, but it seemed Paradox will never release this on on GOG).
  13. Well there is one thing, that they always forget to mention when speaking about inflation not affecting game prices. The move from physical to digital. Even if some games are still released physically, the content of the box today is empty. When the games cost 40 EUR, they gave you tons of paper content like manuals maps etc. And all of this cost a lot of money, which they cut to appease shareholders If I want to have the same content in the box as I had in 2000’s, I have to pay 120EUR + today. Which pretty much covers much more than the inflation
  14. Tales of series maybe? Tales of Arise is not the most recent, but pretty nice. You start as male Alphen, but after a short while a female joins party and the game story is then centered around both of them equally. The setting is fantasy with a little bit of modern era touch to it.
  15. Oh yeah, someone pointed me to these “puns” on its Steam page as well. Had pretty hefty laughs, that some company proud to market their software to “core audience” in a way, that would probably sparked massive cancel campaign against them few years ago It is getting even more hillarious, when looking back at the Netherrealm Studio lecturing their “core audience” after the first reactions to Mortal Kombat 1 cast premiere in trailers I bet NRS and WB are still wondering why MK1 player numbers are still lower than half decade old MK11
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