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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. I dont like them. I would like to see challenges that make the game more difficult on POTD as the mid to late levels currently are not balanced properly. After my party hit level 14 the rest of the game became a cakewalk. God challenges i would like to see: - not able to use empower - higher level scaling - more expensive unique items - more enemies in encounters Stuff like this basicaly. You have introduced trivial stuff with the god challnges that i will never use. Please introduce challnges like the above
  2. Fourth time is the charm? Afaik the first three times he switched accounts without being forced. Maybe forgot the password. Three times. Maybe i was being an idiot Idiot
  3. Get over it princess. If people are going to have a cry whenever they are called an idiot then that is just a reflection of there insecurities. Go down to the local hardware store and buy a bag of cement and harden the Fck up
  4. If the OP hasnt figured out how to play fighters properly and comes onto these forums ranting about them being crappy then expect the expected. If it wasnt me calling him an idiot then trust me someone else would be doing it. The post is a huge rant. Period
  5. Hm, maybe my toon was auto-attacking in my test. I tried just to cast offensive spells, but the invis still *seemed* to break. Also the duration didn't seem long enough to get a bunch of casts off, maybe <20 secs .. but I will check again when I can. Thanks for bringing this up. with high INT 20 secs there is alot of mixed reports on this one. I swear i didnt break when i used it
  6. Yeah im reporting steam to ASIC tommorrow Which is the Australian Securities Investment Commission. ASIC overseas all company law in Australia. Steam are clearly manipulating the top sellers list for marketing purposes. In Australia we have a very strict law that punishes companies for misleading and deceptive conduct. Steam has allready been fined $3 million from ASIC for doing similar stuff.
  7. Boerer what do you think about the cobra strike spell? Ive never really used it. Is it any good and what can it be best used for?
  8. The plot was terrible in the last jedi as well Also the starwars franchise has become too mainstream. So many characters in the movie now that are just there to appeal to the masses for the purposes of selling adds. For example they have a black character, a white character , an asian character but never two of each because they dont want to upset big corporations that are paying for adds during star wars airtime. The story plot and narrative was also along these tones. They tried to cater for little kids, teenagers, adults and the elderly. They also tried to appeal to men and women You have all seen the resulting mess
  9. Arkemy'rs Wondrous Torment? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Arkemyr%27s_Grimoire /confused .. what spell? Sorry it is the level 6 one. Brilliant Departure Thanks. I tried to do a quick test, and it looks like it breaks on attacking? Yes, as I said in another thread, it breaks on attacking, but u can still cast offensive spells without break invisibility. Really i didnt no that. From memory i just tested it with casting more spells while invisible. So what are you are saying is that attacking with melee weapons will break invis but casting offensive spells like fireball wont break it? Thats still pretty good
  10. As of today Deadfire is on the 21st page of all game Top Sellers On Steam, There is 25 per page so that makes it roughly the 525th best selling game on steam by revenue I am not actually convinced that this is correct but that is what steam is telling me
  11. Arkemy'rs Wondrous Torment? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Arkemyr%27s_Grimoire /confused .. what spell? Sorry it is the level 6 one. Brilliant Departure
  12. Because of the new PEN vs AR mechanics introduced into Deadfire Raw damage has become much more powerful For example i started the new expansion Beast of Winter at level 13 on Path of the Dammed which is considered quite a low level to start it. The main problem i encountered was that nearly all of my enemies had higher AR then my PEN. I had no legendary weapons. I was able to complete the expansion at such a low level on the hardest difficulty in big part due to the level 3 wizard spell "Niniguaths Death Ray" . It is a beams spell that does raw damage per tick. My tactic for most fights was to cast either fleet feet or DOAM, buff my accuracy and then position myself and melt the enemies with the raw damage from the death ray. Because of what i was able to accomplish with this spell i would say it is probably one of the most powerful wizard spells in the game. I haven't been able to utilize any other spell to anywhere near this kind of effectiveness. It is an evocation spell too so and evoker subclass will be able to put it to good use. The level 5 spell you get from Arkemyrs grimoire is 100% the most powerful spell in the game. Easily, aboslutely no contest 100% the most powerful. It basically grants you immortality and lets you attack at the same time for around 20 seconds. Attacking will not break Invis with this spell. Insane!
  13. There was a poll done to compare the changes made form PoE1 to poe2 and most people preferred Poe 1 better FYI
  14. Combat is **** now becuase you can spam all abilities non stop. Because of there being little scarcity all abilities feel "cheap" It is just stupid being able to recharge youself with a stupid cheesy tacky recharge button
  15. I think he is reffering to builds with a ranger using watershapers focus where driving flight makes its effect proc alot and go nuts The rod got nerfed in the last patch so i dont think it works like he is reffering to anymore anyway And yeah rangers clearly arent the highest dps classes
  16. The cool thing about rangers is not their DPS, but how they synergy with multi-projectile mechanic, for example L19 Ranger critical hit can interrupt target with 50% chance, combine this with potion that increase interruption chance and drug that give 15% chance interrupt on hit and equip Xefa's Empirical Explication with Kitchen Stove And any boss will stun-locked ;D 5 - 6 interruptions per 1 full-attack and knock-back from Xefa's Empirical Explication, make you the stronger CC guy vs bosses Or take look on Twinned Shot, this is multi-projectile ability (I assume which scaled with PL), take Watershaper focus or Frostseeker and enjoy 200 - 400 AOE damages. For melee setup I already show you WW strike I found their penetration to low for solo PotD, but in party with at least 2 persons, rangers is very usefully why bother A monk can actually stun (not interupt) with stunning blows. He can do this in a AOE with the right weapons Hey thats a thought maybe a ranger/ monk focusing on Interupts and stuns? Sounds like a good build
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