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Everything posted by no1fanboy

  1. ah thats ok i found it its on that spreadsheet they provide so 2003000 sales hey its only been out for 2-3 months but still thats low wonder why not selling so good?
  2. Deadfire isnt on that list though how did you get 203000?
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/2018_so_far_top_sellers/ Steam has released the best sellers for mid year Deadfire made it to the bronze list Deadfire was released very late in this half of the year keep in mind so it was at a disadvantage from that perspective
  4. so does arcane veil stack with vigorous defense?
  5. So are the dragon fights in deadfire easy on potd after the balancing patch? Thats not cool if they are.
  6. ^^^ Man if you are going to rant try and keep it to a minimum. No one is going to read a rant that big
  7. Yes absolutely scale all upwards POTD 100% Anything else is far to the easy Ahh actually hangon have you played poe1 ? If not maybe just try veteran and scale all upawards
  8. So now we are having an arguement about healers? Not about the best tank in the the game? Are we on the same planet here? I live on planet earth. Are you on earth?
  9. I hate to state the obvious here but lay on hands is a healing ability why are you even talking about it
  10. im hoping the next patch buffs rangers would be cool for a good ranged class in the game at the moment we dont have that
  11. the upgraded version is 33% there is no druid, cipher, priest, wizard buff in the game that lets you turn 33% of you damage into healing it is far and away the most powerful buff in the game
  12. Active buffs overwrite/suppress like buffs Example: If you use that fighter buff with mirror images on a battlemage, the game will take the higher of the two deflection bonuses and use that. Passives, on the other hand, can be freely combined with no bonus suppression. Everything on the right hand side of your skill tree when you level is a passive. Those abilities do not suppress each other or actives. Everything on the left is active. Those things do not stack with each other, but stack with the passives. Deep Faith is a passive and way more versatile than Vigorous Defensive because Deep Faith can be combined with any deflection bonus (including VD). Vigorous Defense, on the other hand, gets suppressed by any other active ability that provides the same bonus. Vigourus Defense + Mirror Images does not fully work. You only get one of the bonuses to deflection Deep Faith + Mirror Images does work. Both deflection bonuses stack! Is that really how it works? Cause i am pretty sure Llengraths Safeguard or Circle of Protection does stack with other actives such as Arcane Veil etc. Although Llengraths and Circle of Prot dont stack with each other. Perhaps because they both add to all defenses? can anyone confirm this? this is pretty big deal If arcane veil stacks with vigorous defence i hate to say it but IMO fighter/ mages are better tanks then paladin/mage because fighters get unbending untop of that. There is no way in hell anything in the game will beat arcane veil + vigourous defence + unbending
  13. haha never thought of that! good idea
  14. This had been reported numerous times Just dont roll paladins if obsidian dont want to fix them Paladins currently have three entire skill tree paths that are either broken like this one or just are pointless. Reviving exortation is broken, hastening exortation is a joke and we all know about self immolation being broken These talants and all there upgrades are ruined. Thats a big chunk of broken stuff just on one class so just dont use paladins
  15. Do you have figures and facts to support this kind of stuff? I see this claim now and then but no evidence. just go check the top seller lists on steam there is also numerous reprots about this on forums around the place saying it is not performing Hey I love Deadfire and want it to succeed so they make a trilogy unfortunately all the evidence is pointing towards deadfire not selling I have no idea why it is a great game apart from the unbelievably messy balancing issues ,terrible ship combat and very bad narrative and writing
  16. Dont know. I just hope they dont end up cancelling the expansions because the game isnt selling. Deadfire is selling incredibly badly for some reason. It has dropped right out of the steam top 100
  17. So what all the game hasnt been tunes yet on potd? I played about half of it and stopped . It was pretty hard for the first half. I played about 1000 bours on the first game to so i know what im doing
  18. Yeah this got reported in the beta patch thread Surpised they didnt fix it
  19. mirror image is crap anyway it goes after one or two hits does arcane veil stack with vigourous defense for the fighter?
  20. yeah i agree. It will 100% be the same as white march you will be able to go and do the expansions before the game is completed It would be way to linear otherwise there not that stupid
  21. I just really hate casters being limited to 2 spells per level and the whole empower BS
  22. there should be news coming out on this soon I wonder if they are going to increase the level cap
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