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Everything posted by no1fanboy

  1. So firearms have no recovery they have reload. So if your a caster you dont have to wait for recovery to refresh if you are using a firearm before you start casting was this intended? Makes a huge difference and really makes bows, crossbows, rods, wands ect irrelevant if you are a caster Its really usefull for priests because if someone is taking damage the priest can heal them pretty much instantly
  2. yep the 1.2 beta patch have a look they are pretty good bye bye assasin
  3. It's not trash, it's actually quite powerful once you get Driving Flight. It's just too many pet skills when pets are underwhelming, and they have no reason to go single class with it. As it is with 1.1, Hunter/Barb or Hunter/Rogue are the best dps in the game (assuming your not alchemy cheesing). To say driving flight compensates for the multitude of abilities/ spells that other classes have access to is a complete abomination. If you think driving flght is good go look at what a wizard, rogue, druid, priest, cipher, monk can do
  4. Wow wasnt expacting this to happen this patch but never the less a gargantuan rogue buff has landed at our doorstep. Tricksters appear to be almightyly powerful, like really really powerful. Im putting money on all the new power builds being trickster hybrids. Ive had a brief look at rolling a trickster/ beserker and i am almost certain that it would be far and away the strongest build in the game. Trickster would also dual well with monk, cipher. No point dualing them with casters though as alot of there spells can be replicated by them. They are very good for multi classing with melee classes though.
  5. Im still trying to grasp the concept that they released the game almost in beta and just keep tweaking it. Its pretty annoying but better then nothing?
  6. Very strange that they made the wizard so strong and the priest and druid not so strong. I must admit i found them both underwhelming when i played them.
  7. I have only founs the dagger in poko hawara or whatever its called. Also what does the dagger do when fully upgraged for all the classes? Is it good for a rogue? The wiki is very vague and not much help unfortunately
  8. I think to fix ranger they need to reintroduce twin arrows as a passive ability for level 7 and get rid of that rebounding one where it bounces
  9. You thought so. The vast majority of people including me did not like the pet in poe1
  10. If you havent noticed obsidian are very big on balancing Because of this they have made the ranger weaker then all the other classses to compensate for the pet This was a mistake from obsidian because the game is lacking a good ranged class at the cost of the stupid pet
  11. I have never even bothered researching ranger sub-classes. Just one look at there skill tree told me there was no way in hell i was ever going to roll one so i permanently mothballed them. Obsdian have made the mistake of nerfing the actual ranger to compensate for the pet. I dont want a stupid pet I want a good ranger! The really stupid thing is that about 80% of the other classes are better at ranged then a ranger. They need to change a rangers name to pet master.
  12. what is the point in having a stupidly powerful mulitclass character if there is none of the game left to enjoy them. What are you going to do ? stare at the character creation sheet? You are all complaining about nothing and are so wrong its no funny.
  13. Im was so dissapinted that rangers didnt get buffed in this latest patch. To many stupid points wasted on a useless pet
  14. @OP Yeah but the game is finite not infinite. For example MC characters get access to high level abilities very late and there may may only be 10% of the game left when they do. Single class characters get access to high level abilities much quicker and have much more of the game to enjoy them. I am mainly just using single class characters now and will roll mulitclass characters when the expansions come out
  15. Like the title says. After i level up it keeps flashing. Anyone else getting this?
  16. @who ever voted cipher Ciphers are probably the hardest class to learn out of all the classes. That is why people think they are weak imo. They are far from it. Ring leader is probably the most powerful spell in the game especially when you get the +10 acc vs will passive. Recall agony is absolutely insanely powerful and is only level 2. Try it. Then you got borred instinct. Disintegration is the highest single target damaging spell.
  17. Yeah right cool thanks So should be no problem multi- classed with a rogue then?
  18. you think ? Yeah trickster beserker looks like being a sick build now 1 Guile for Replusive Visage... what do u think Yeah no need to do a spelblade anymore
  19. So you dont actually lose control of your barb with frenzry? All the confuse does is ; - -5 intelligence - your carnage hits your allies Is this right? Or does it have more consequences?
  20. @ who ever voted priest yeah priest royaly suck right up until they get level 7 spells then they get really strong really quick they need more and better buffs to keep the party alive in there low-mid levels
  21. you think ? Yeah trickster beserker looks like being a sick build now
  22. hey your the guy who posts all the youtube vids? russian accent?
  23. so what excactly did they do to druids? reduced time in shift and what else? Wild strike ?
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