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Everything posted by Verde

  1. It's funny, Obsidian scarred itself with exposition dumps, but ironically, Eothos is the best opportunity to use them. Listening to a woke God explaining his plans in great detail is a lot different than every NPC spouting a novel.
  2. Ok so a started a new playthrough with Night Market Eder. His dialogue is mostly identical and to Mayor Eder re: Xioti. Am I missing something? Did his beliefs change since Night Market?
  3. Right, but it shouldn't be up to players to ensure that combat is interesting and the mechanics are well-balanced. If these patch notes are any indication, it seems like they got 75% of the way there with 1.1/1.2 and then just... gave up? Or decided that the game was good enough that they could put the rest of the difficulty and class balancing on the back burner until the new content was out. I mean, I appreciate the bug squashing. But if the devs think the base game is fully done, they ought to spend some more time engaging with users on the forums. Or just play through the game once or twice?
  4. It's a shame but Obsidian really handed this game badly. They did a complete 180 from the first game, released an open world game with so many bugs you were punished for exploring. And some bugs so egregious you have to wonder if they even played the game ONCE - like the final boss not showing up? The focus has been on all the wrong things. The VOs. The Gods bickering. The Faction quests (which will take a year to completely polish). Eothos is very interesting yet we get a few missions and minimal influence. Overall I really enjoy the game but that doesn't change it's shallowness.
  5. Can Soul Annihilation crit or is it a simple 1 Focus = .05 Dmg ratio? Thing is with Focus, you can easily amass a few hundred at higher levels.
  6. Wael and Trickster are redudant...and I'm rogued out appreciate the thought tho...I think Priest Druid is an interesting combo but I don't want to miss out on the high level priest spells.
  7. Is Borrowed Instinct considered an affliction? I can't just skip an entire PL so I picked Wild Leech while playing a Trickster/Beguiler since it causes an affliction. Honestly I'm not in the love with the skill I just don't think it's the worst.
  8. Does it fix dialogue and quest issues? If not I'm holding out for longer.
  9. Aren't Withering Strike's upgrades substantial? Shadow Step is pretty powerful. 3 is a bit much but it could easily be abused.
  10. Unlike BG2, there's simply not a lot of care put into PoEs characters. Examples - Pallegina is kicked out of the VTC. But somehow she is still blindly devoted, not questioning anything? Oh and if you follow a diplomatic path in a conflict she is invested in...she says nothing? No acknowledgement what so ever? Serafan is if one thing, anti slavery. But when you confront a certain person bout it with him in the party...HE SAYS NOTHING, WTF?! And then if you perform a heinous act against one of your companion's factions (no spoilers) with a cert char in the party, they again say NOTHING. Nothing. It's lazy and insulting. Deadfire characters are faction/combat bots with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions. Whereas BG2 assessed things at a decision/alignment level, Deadfire is all about some lame point system which has always been seriously bugged making the experience even more vapid.
  11. At that specific level...so yes PL4. Regardless of my soap box here I would never choose it over similar high level spells.
  12. Thanks ya'll. Priest of Berath looks great. I heard it has one of the best Incarnate spells. I love that it's focused on Death and Decay but also Revival. Templar Wael/Bleaker Walker sounds awesome from both a RP and combat perspective!
  13. I think they should blanket lower recovery by 25%. That's my biggest gripe.
  14. So first off, I'm excited about this build. Been mulling over it a while. After discovering all the awesome Illusions gear I decided to finally do it. Overall I think Priests are underrated. Yes, their vanilla skills aren't as varied, and they certainly aren't a top tier class like in PoE1. However, they do have the best healing (and ressurection) plus the priests sub classes vary it up a bit. They also have really good 8 and 9 lvl spells that make single classing worth it. Now for the priest, will be using White Witch Mask and Eye of Wael, adding +4 PL for Illusions. Going to rock the Judivk Armor because it looks awesome and is fun with companions. As for melee weapons, thinking Magistrate's Cudgel or the Family Pride mace. For shields, prob the Devotion one that periodically heals but there are a number of good options. Maybe large shield, D&D style? Oh yeah, where are my manners. Onahamu is an Island Aumaua with a background as a Merchant. So this should work for both a fun, irreverent RP and also a decently powerful build in it's own right. Hylea might not be happy about me dispersing the souls randomly . Thx for reading. Anyone else out there run a Priest of Wael?
  15. That's not what recovery is though. You literally have the best Per buffs in the game in the next level at Borrowed Instinct so why would you need Tactical Meld? And Fighters absolute don't need any help due to their level 1 skill. You may not like Wild Leech but it doesn't have much competition at that level. Its actually recovery time is very fast and it benefits from Beguiler bonuses, so again it's nowhere close to the worst ability in the game. Heck, half of Ciphers low level abilities could take that prize.
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