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Everything posted by Verde

  1. Thinking of trying this build out as sort of a Witch Doctor. Anyone have thoughts/suggestions?
  2. Custom Adventurers, ship battles, bounties, and random exploration. I see no issue at all.
  3. Did this build too. Once you get Borrowed Instinct and Ringleader, lights out. Played it both melee and ranged - check out Eye of Wael and Whale of a Wand if you want to dual wield two unusual but effective weapons. It's actually been my most fun build from a RP perspective as well as team cohesion.
  4. yes and no. Ciphers lack of highter level spells, in particular 6-7 for a MC. Pretty much no braimer selection here. That mean as a MC cipher your choice of spells drop really fast as you level. And for a solo cipher that mean you don't get more interesting spells (outside some at pl 8-9) to spend your points. Cipher is the only class that have some ally only buff, and that punish multiclassing a lot. MC allow you to get more diversity with your party, but a MC cipher can't fully buff his second class. Brilliant make it even more apparent. So a mindstalker can't regain guile with brilliant. You still need another cipher. Why the limitation? Brilliant to OP on the cipher because he can gain back focus? but what about 2 ciphers that cast brilliant on each other? They could make brilliant not generating focus (or really low focus). Cipher is the only class that loose some functionability when you MC it outside of PL 8-9. Priest, druid and chanter don't have such limitations that force some of their spells to only support others. I have the feeling that cipher is the class you want in your party, but not necessary play it. When you MC a cipher, the second class is more about buffing focus generation/spellcasting, you have less synergy in the other way (only a few spells & passives can buff the second class). Ciphers "buff" allies through their CC lockdown. They also have fast, powerful self buffs.
  5. BG2 has a tingly epic feel...whereas Deadfire has a lighthearted, shallow feel. Sure it might have better gameplay and combat but everything else feels sacrificed for a shining coat of paint and VOs. The Gods are a joke and appear written by 20-somethings. You can't have serious convos with your companions. Eothos is great but you have whatnot, three interactions with him? Overall Deadfire is a fun game, but in 5 years no one will care about it. BG2 is still one of the RPG flag bearers to this day. THAT is the difference.
  6. Cool build TC. I like the multiclass. What's the reason behind a 2H AoE weapon? Also I would never pick anything other then Eystrike, Valorious Echos, or Whisper of Treason as a 1st level spell. Mindwave doesn't scale well and you prob wont use it much after a while.
  7. That's why I said Trickster/Soulblade... At some point you're going to have to make a decision Cyrus. Lots of options out there.
  8. The penalty is a measly -10%. That's nothing. And the Guile management was easy. All of the Trickster abilities are 1-2 Guile minus a few like Shadow Step and Withering Strike (which you don't need). It was the ultimate assist class, disabling and setting up my teammates for monstrous damage (lots of Rogue multis). My only gripe was too much focus. Hence why I think Trickster/Soulblade is better (therefore you don't need Final Blow). I think Streetfighter is the most overrated class in the game. You have to abuse the modal of a single weapon class, otherwise you're effectiveness is surpassed (and it's super duper boring imho). I played one previous and it bored me to tears.
  9. It's the same on Veteran upscale. Highly recommend custom Adveturers including a Cipher.
  10. Ha exaxtly. "Don't bring them" is just as silly.
  11. Trickster is quite a bit more powerful due to the buffs. You're essentially getting an Illusionist/Rogue with a very minor penalty. Multis and singles extremely well. Going to do a single run through soon, just did a Trickster/Beguiler run - no one was safe from being disabled. I think it also pairs well with Soulblade.
  12. PoE has very little summon spells which bother me, esp as a Druid.
  13. I reached level 20 after the last faction quests with a number of additional side quests and exploration to finish...and you're telling me I have to stay at 20 for this and maybe all the other DLCs? Ugh
  14. Fair pts. Guess bringing her was a bad idea. Essentially you lose a companion or block out a faction. I just wish it wasnt as black and white.
  15. Ok yall, list updated. Not in order- Eye of Wael Rust's Poignard Chromo Staff Duskfall Flog of Obedience
  16. Decided to mess around making some Adventurers - Created a Fire Godlike Arcane Knight focuses on Might and then Con and Int and maxed Metaphysics for...ba dum tish...the Chromo quarterstaff. Good grief is it strong: 43 - 51 damage on the char screen. Plus with the way Grimoires work only need a few Wizard spells and passives, focusing on Paladin tree.. Using Grimoire of Spark and Flame. So far this is a REALLY fun AND effective build. Fun for me is always first but I'm surprised how well the class synergize. So anyway my thoughts on a build for one of the best weapons in the game:)
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