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Lótus Haddock

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Everything posted by Lótus Haddock

  1. I really want a PoE 3 to finish the Watcher saga... (On Aedyr please!)
  2. Someone can post a pic with a character using the robe? It seem to have a good design lol
  3. Someone know if there is a list with all items that depend PoE 1 decisions? Like Sky Wurm pet, and Éder amulets?
  4. Man, it's a surprise to me than Obsiadian was sold to Microsoft... I didn't play the game, but Deadfire looked to be so good (I already bought and don't feel regret)! My hope is a PoE 3 to finish the Watcher's tale or if the possibility of a new game be so low, the upcoming dlc Forgotten Sanctum give us something like Thorne of Bhaal to finish the series.
  5. So, how do I know the decision of Duc Aevar on Animancer Hearings? The duc only say a phrase and my english (is not my native language) don't allow me to know if my choices is neutral or pro animancy... And yes, I made the maths and my credibility is >>>>>2 and my animancy support is exactly 2. But the fear it not be the pro-animancy decision is lingering in my mind =.=
  6. Thanks man! I'm playing the game for the first time (I already bought Deadfire), so I want the best ending possible before I play Deadfire.
  7. Hey guys, I was looking how to get the best ending of white marsh with tempering Abydon, but I have a doubt about the duc decision about Animancy. If I'm against the research of animancy on the last choice from Animancy Hearings, but the final result is the Duc allow the animancy or is neutral, it will be possible to use the argument of animancy being dangerous to abydon without he deny? Actualy I already have done all side and main quest of Act 2 and White Marsh I (Only need finish Winds of Steel and Animancy Hearings). I hafe fear I can't use Aloth argument becau in his quest I Gained Iselmyr's favor and increased Aloth's stance on autonomy.
  8. It's only me or Cipher class was excluded from the spell shaping family? It would be very op?
  9. Spell shape is cool. And the Intellect increase the range of spells right? So with high INT you can shape more the spell right? With this, Int could turn even more useful to a mage than might, am I right?
  10. This arquebus is reference to something?
  11. Limited Rest -> High difficult setting like PotD [similar to PoE1] Unlimited Rest -> All other Settings If someone want the story, try the other settings more easy to enjoy the story. Or, on the future we can get a God Challenge making you have limited rests.
  12. I want a soulbond sabre The guardian's plate lookis not great to me... But the Godhammer Armor is veru cool!
  13. Thank you! Thank you... But I asked because I don't have the game installed (Actually I'm playing PoE 1) and I'm waiting all dlc to be released before play it.
  14. There is a deck like in Baldurs Gate 2, giving bonus stats if you get the right cards or finally is the trinckets? Someone can post some prints of the itens?
  15. This probably could result in polemic, but... Seeing the series as a whole: PoE1+White March > Baldur's Gate + Siege of Dragonspear Deadfire+DLCs ?? Baldur's Gate 2 + Trhone of Bhaal Until they release all the dlc of Deadfire, I'll let without answer the last comparison. But my intuition say the complete Deadfire with all dlc will be so much better lol.
  16. The wallpaper! Finally! I tried to get the link of the image used on the site while reading the html but my skills not allowed to extract, and boom! Obsidian give for free to us lol
  17. To play evil you only need murder ramdom guys of the game lol...
  18. There is no use per rest? I thinked the nerf was some charges+1 per rest to use. Is possible to each party member use Figurine in the same time? This case, the nerf should be only one figurine in the same time.
  19. I think would be cool a Soul Crest system as "new level" to single class, like the mutations of Witcher 3, for example, a single class Paladin would level up his Zeal Crest and receive strong passives and high resource pool, while the multi class go up to 9 level abilities. And by fictional lore, two diferents crests can't be in the same soul... A good explanation to future level cap increase and a way to strength single class.
  20. Does that mean she predates the gods?Can someone confirm that the dragon part isn’t conjecture? I don’t recall there being anything even close to this spoilery in the dev stream. Look in eternity.obsidian.net
  21. Well, we will be able to explore the Hel and fight a Dragon who even the Gods fear... So cool And to me any expansion is a DLC but not all DLC is an expansion
  22. So, I was thinking about Gwent when I thinked: And if Pillars had a minigame in all taverns of Deadfire? I don't know if already have because I'm still playing PoE1 (because this I didn't create a pool about), and when I think about Pirates in pubs or taverns I always imagine ugly guys drinking and playing dice and card games... "Gold and Daggers" was a game name of a no-native english speaker (I) think could sound cool P.S. I read somewhere White March have two minigames but was scripted scenes... Edit: What's your opinion?
  23. Hunm, I'm still playing PoE1 because I bought the game this year, but see what is coming is really cool. And I really would like to the expansion give me the wallpaper used on the http://eternity.obsidian.net for Beast of Winter's banner...
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