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Everything posted by kgambit

  1. Anyone can download the DSP-5 forms on line from this link: https://www.pmddtc.state.gov/licensing/forms.html Interesting that JFK airport is now in Portland, Oregon - you would think even Fox News would have picked up on that one. And that page 5 which actually lists the items being shipped is totally blank. Gotta try harder than that Oby.
  2. I actually felt sorry for him to be so misinformed to take The Onion as factual...I really did feel bad for him but I also couldn't help laughing What a moron ...... http://www.theonion.com/article/fifa-frantically-announces-2015-summer-world-cup-u-50525
  3. I have, but consistently found that even 5-years-old children have trouble differentiating fantasy from reality, making the claim that even babies know the difference between reality and falsehood, and are furthermore made uncomfortable by the unreal, sound extremely dubious to me. [citations needed] (emphasis mine) Source: Sharon, T. and Woolley, J. D. (2004), Do monsters dream? Young children's understanding of the fantasy/reality distinction. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22: 293–310. doi: 10.1348/026151004323044627 Happy now? A link to the actual paper would have been better: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/psychology/_files/PDF/FacultyPDFs/WoolleyPDFs/fantasypaper.pdf But thanks. That's an interesting paper.
  4. I have, but consistently found that even 5-years-old children have trouble differentiating fantasy from reality, making the claim that even babies know the difference between reality and falsehood, and are furthermore made uncomfortable by the unreal, sound extremely dubious to me. [citations needed]
  5. What happened with Columbia ? Did they get the WC and then lose it ? Also this is not about the UK or USA getting the WC that were allocated to other countries. This is about FIFA meaningfully addressing systemic corruption that has been going on for decades....I'm not sure why we aren't all VERY supportive of these measures by the USA and Switzerland ? We constantly talk about how corrupt and unethical large corporations are and yet we seem hesitant to investigate FIFA because of the chance that Russia may have the WC revoked ? Lets allow the investigation to follow its course and see where the chips fall Colombia was awarded the 1986 WC but was unable to continue with preparations due to financial constraints. After looking into alternatives such as co-hosting with Peru and Ecuador, the WC was ultimately given to Mexico in 1983. Here's a statement from the Swiss about their investigation: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/27/swiss-prosecutors-statement-fifa_n_7448846.html PS: My understanding is that the starting point for the Swiss Investigation was Michael Garcia's 430 page investigation in potential vote buying for the 2018 and 2022 bids. That would explain at least in part why FIFA has never released the full text of that report.
  6. It seems to be a combination of charges but the Americans want them on the 2018 and 2022 world cup corruption charges http://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/27/football/fifa-corruption-charges-justice-department/?section=money_news_international No Bruce, that's incorrect. The US charges are related to awarding of the 2010 world cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election and the TV and marketing rights for 2014 (and other specific charges) The 2018 or 2022 world cups are not mentioned in the charges. The CNN article and several others state that the Swiss are conducting a separate investigation into the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 world cups. Here's the summary from the US Justice Department http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/nine-fifa-officials-and-five-corporate-executives-indicted-racketeering-conspiracy-and Looks like the folks below have already submitted guilty pleas (as part of plea deals) - Charles Blazer, the long-serving former general secretary of CONCACAF and former U.S. representative on the FIFA executive committee waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a 10-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, income tax evasion and failure to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) Jose Hawilla, the owner and founder of the Traffic Group, a multinational sports marketing conglomerate headquartered in Brazil, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a four-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and obstruction of justice Daryll Warner, son of defendant Jack Warner and a former FIFA development officer, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging him with wire fraud and the structuring of financial transactions. Daryn Warner waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a three-count information charging him with wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and the structuring of financial transactions. Traffic Sports USA Inc. and Traffic Sports International Inc. (pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy)
  7. Housing is going down, clothes are going down, vehicles are going down (weirdly the cost of maintenance is going up. You'd think as cars get more replaceable the cost of fixing them would go down, but nope. I don't have a car personally so that really surprised me.). The only thing people really need that is going up is food, but food in general is really cheap; a bit of an increase in the cost of food is pennies compared to the lowered costs of housing. I would urge restraint on drawing conclusions about the housing market - especially considering that 2005 (the start of the NYT price comparison) was just 1 year prior to the peak of the housing bubble. I would suggest that most of the subsequent price decline is due to post bubble price collapse and not an actual long term price decline. Most housing price charts show that over the last couple of years prices have been on the rebound and have nearly reached 2004 levels. I'm also skeptical of the NYT chart in general since the caption underneath states that retail prices were adjusted for both quantity and quality and make no effort to explain what methodology was use. You're free to accept them at face value but drawing conclusions about actual price trends from that chart is imo difficult if not impossible. The clothing price decline you quote is a good example: CPI clothing indices show a modest 3% (+/-) increase over the time period in question. And the general CPI index has steadily increased by 63.5% over the last 20 years and by ~30% over the last 10. Otherwise everything is great here.
  8. True. I think the only individual DLCs that are on sale at the Humble store now are Charlamagne at 5.09$ and Way of Life (plus a unit and image pack) for 7+$. I'll probably get Charlamagne since it expands the start game time period to 8th Century. I'm not a big fan of most of the cosmetic DLC like song packs.
  9. LOL Well here's what Humble Stoe has available now: All of this in the Crusader Kings 2 DLC collection for 23.99$: •Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Mongol Faces 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield II 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Byzantine Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: African Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of Byzantium 0.99 •Crusader Kings II: Russian Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Russian Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Rus 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Mediterranean Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Norse Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Norse Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Hymns to the Old Gods 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Celtic Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Celtic Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield III 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Military Orders Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Warriors of Faith Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Saxon Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Turkish Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Songs of India 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Persian Unit Pack 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits 1.99 •Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer 4.99 •Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome 4.99 •Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam 9.99 •Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India 14.99 •Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods 14.99 •Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion 4.99 •Crusader Kings II: Europa Universalis IV Converter 9.99 •Crusader Kings II: Customization Pack 4.99 •Crusader Kings II: The Republic 9.99 •Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham 9.99 I think that is everything that was released up until May of 2014
  10. So have I. I don't care about the number either - I was simply asking Bruce what he sees as the "lie". If its just a numbers game then big effing deal, but if it goes beyond that, then it's a valid question. FFS I am simply trying to get Bruce to clarify his comment. Would you guys let HIM answer? Btw, I do agree with the latter part. @ Al2O3, yes *I* know which articles Nonek is referring to.
  11. Ros, which DLCs would recommend for CKII? Charlemagne is on sale now 5$ or 6$ at Humble Bundle and I will likely pick that up. Plus I have Sons of Abraham already. Which others are good or even must haves?
  12. Bruce what exactly is the "lie" here? Is it the number of articles? Is it how many "really" attack gamers? Is it who is actually being attacked? What is the actual issue you have with this specific claim? Don't go off on tangents please. Just stick to the issue of " 12 articles all attacking gamers " please. Do you actually know which 12 articles Nonek is referencing? PS: I'm actually trying to establish a point of reference here and not trying to take sides.
  13. New contributions to the Great Game Giveaway: From the Latest Humble Paradox Bundle (Steam keys only): War of the Roses: Kingmaker Magicka Magicka The Other Side of the Coin Magicka Horror Props Item Pack Magicka Wizard Wars Paradox Playtpus Robe Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition Victoria II Hearts of Iron III Impire Crusader Kings Crusader Kings Sons of Abraham DLC Ship Simulator Extremes Teleglitch Sengoku Send me a pm if you are interested in any of these, one game request per person (I'll bundle the Magicka items into one pack if someone wants them all) Sorry but some of these have been spoken for already
  14. Caption: I paid 2 billion dollars for this ****?
  15. Kobe says Obama's got the trash talk part down cold at least. He also said that he thought Obama could make the Laker's roster. Given the Laker's performance I'm not sure that is so far fetched ......
  16. Why no love for Chris Paul who not only got a game winner but a GAME 7 series winner?
  17. tyrion lanister? Shouldn't Cersei be taller?
  18. I'm not gonna read all that. What's the controversy? Or is it just plain old ****posting? There was a lot of that for sure. Typical sort of game review posts. Some Haters, some nut jobs, some religious fanatics, a lot of GG and anti-GG back and forth. About what you would expect. Stuff like this: "You can get 100 hours out of throwing rocks into a lake does not mean its worth $60"
  19. Considering you quoted me, that was a fair assumption. LMAO
  20. I never said anything of the sort. I never said this was typical or that they don't need Harden. Again you are just making **** up. You just said that the Rockets are not going to win a lot of games with Harden on the bench and you criticize me when I ask how the Clippers blow a 19 point lead under the same circumstances? Are you effing off your meds or what? LOL Oh wait, your decoder ring must be broken again. Edit: Or you are confusing me with Leferd
  21. Who said anything about Harden not contributing during the other games of the series. My comment was an indictment of the Clippers for choking IN GAME 6 (and game 6 only) and not a slight against Harden. You know, like even with Harden on the bench, the Clippers still managed to blow a 19 point lead. How you came to the conclusion that it was a slight against Harden/Howard/Rockets totally escapes me.
  22. Did I ever say the appeal should not have been assigned to neutral arbitration? I simply stated what happened and what the NFLPA has said. But one heck of a great strawman there.
  23. it was NFL Executive Vice President Troy Vincent who issued the suspension. The NFLPA claims that doing so violated the CBA. They claim that Goodell was not legally empowered to transfer the right to levy suspensions to Vincent.
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