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mr insomniac

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Everything posted by mr insomniac

  1. Duke Nuk'em did, from Duke Nuk'em II to Duke Nik'em 3D, heh. Although maybe you didn't like that franchise. And I have to say that although I do love the artwork in the IE games, I was thinking the other day about Irenicus' Dungeon, and it'd be kinda cool to play that as a module in NWN2. I think it'd look great.
  2. Huh... WTF, he annoied me in ways I didn't actually think a character could annoy me... Well, Bastila was stiff competition for Carth, in terms of annoyance levels. Hmm... with Carth I wanted the option to leave him back on the ship at the very beginning. Wasn't a competition really.
  3. Good story, with lots of attention to detail, and many deep and interesting NPCs. Easy to learn character creation, with good customization options, but not so it's bloated with them. Fun combat. Some non-linearity... say linear at times to advance the plot. Complex quests and sidequests. I don't care whether I'm the Chosen One or not, or whether I'm out to Save The World or not.... just make the trek from beginning to end fun to do.
  4. lol. I should have guessed. Anyway, if that is the only difference, its not a big deal to me. Right now the ehanced Witcher is my most antipated game. The only one I am really looking forward to playing actually. I put my game of the Witcher on hold til the expanded edition arrives as well. Other than that, I guess I could say I'm looking forward to the arrival of my copy of Mass Effect in the mail, hopefully next week.
  5. Before TotSC was released, I only beat Saervoc because I summoned some kobolds, that use normal missiles (not magic) and one of them killed him. heh How humiliating. Kobold Commando's yeah, but normal Kobolds? Hah! They should have given you the option to taunt Sarevok with that when you encounter him again in ToB. How is Company of Heroes? I see it in the store whenever I sign on to Steam, and I've been considering buying it.
  6. Bethesda?
  7. Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun -- Bleh Morrowind -- Bleh Red Alert 2 -- Didn't hold my interest like the first one. Myth 2: Soulblighter -- Same as Above The Witcher -- On hold til the expanded edition is released. Neverwinter Nights 2 + Mask of the Betrayer -- it's on the to do list Assassin's Creed -- I'll get there someday... after the Witcher... and NWN2... and by then I'll own Mass Effect... and then likely Alpha Protocol, Aliens, Fallout 3, Storm of Zehir and Spore. Then of course I'll have to replay KotOR 2 with the TSLRP. Assassin's Creed could be on this list for a long time.
  8. 1. Planescape: Torment 2. Halflife 2 3. Icewind Dale 4. Myth: The Fallen Lords 5. Ultima V 6. Baldur's Gate 2 7. Portal 8. Knights of the Old Republic 2 9. The Witcher 10. Fallout
  9. I played Dungeon Siege for awhile, and your character got better, in terms of bonuses etc., with different skills based on how often they were used. For example, if you always charged into combat with sword or axe swinging, you became a better melee fighter more quickly than you improved in your other skills. If you stayed back and shot the enemies full of holes with arrows for as long as you could, resorting to melee combat only when the enemy got too close, you became a better ranged fighter much more quickly than you did a melee fighter. Same goes for magic use, combat vs non-combat magic. It wasn't that bad a system, in my opinion.
  10. Playing through The Witcher and loving it.
  11. Leafs locked up Stajan for 2 years, further solidifying their 3rd and 4th lines. Hmm... now how about some offense, plz. Also, Bertuzzi lands in Calgary for one year.
  12. They brought Cujo back. That alone makes it a good offseason for the Leafs. And, being a Leafs fan/eternal optimist, I'm still holding out hope that Mats will return.
  13. what a game. i'm so glad i have the day off wednesday and will be able to see game six. if the pens don't play an inspired game back in pittsburgh after tonight's win, then detroit deserves the cup. while i disagree with calling any penalties in overtime in the playoffs, let alone the finals, it's hard to disagree with any of those called, except for maybe the hooking one on...who was it, kennedy? i do have to say though, that a high stick that draws blood just brings back bitter thoughts of the '93 semi-final. Leafs/Kings, game six, overtime, and a certain fella named gretzky talking his way out of a similar penalty. sigh.
  14. Pens in 6.
  15. Maurice Fired Sigh. If Mats doesn't return to play next season, I may have to become a Canucks fan. :shudder:
  16. Ouch, 1 for 4 in round two. Okay, i'm gonna say detroit over dallas, in 7, and pittsburgh over philly in six.
  17. I think it was Bob Marley. well... it was Guido Henkel, the producer of PS:T, who is on the box cover. not say that makes the cover art a good decision, just a little trivia for yas.
  18. 37 soon. Ancient, not bitter yet... well, not about most things. Okay, some things.
  19. Have you seen Blue Harvest? This is one of my favorite scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b2BqblGCWQ that was great! that's the scene alright. "you don't have a hand. You a little truck"
  20. i liked those little boxes that scurried all over the death star. i remember everyone in the theatre laughing at the one chewbacca scared, when i saw episode four for the first time as a kid back in 1977. a few of those with remote controls would be cool. EDIT: nah, hk-47 more than makes up for carth onasi in kotor.
  21. What I wanna know is, will this mod be compatible with the restoration project?
  22. 6/8 on my picks, though i don't think i was right on any of the number of games... except for colorado. was really hoping for a pens/caps matchup in the second round. damn flyers. 2nd Round Montreal vs Philly - I gotta go with Montreal. I'll say six games. Pittsburgh/New York - Pittsburgh in seven. Fleury will be easier to rattle than Brodeur, but I still think the Pens can win. Detroit vs Colorado - Colorado in six. San Jose vs Dallas - San Jose in five.
  23. I picked the Ducks to advance to the second round, but I'm not disappointed they're gone. I also picked Detroit to advance, but I'm sorry to see Nashville go.
  24. Being forced to rescue Imoen to advance the story was lame. I would have preferred the option to .
  25. It had style, and atmospherically was very different from BG.
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