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mr insomniac

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Everything posted by mr insomniac

  1. Yup. That's my major concern. I have no real interest in multi-player games anymore, so unless the game has a reasonably strong single player component as well, in the end I won't be interested. single player info
  2. Hi-yooo! KA-BLAM.
  3. The only game where one can play as a blue, topless chick with a sword & bow (future BioWare games not included). There's also a giant wrestler dude and British humor, right? it all works for me
  4. Good Old Games has a 'buy one get one free' promo on right now on selected Interplay titles, so I bought Fallout 1 & 2, Tactics and Giants: Citizen Kabuto for $11.98. It's been ages since I played FO1 or 2, and I never played Tactics or Giant before so I'll be busy until AP arrives. Can anyone confirm whether fan-made mods work with the GOG downloads?
  5. Glad you asked. (Now available on Steam) Just finished Secret of Monkey Island. This made me chuckle.
  6. I doubt that gamers who don't play out the romances are going to miss a significant part of the game. In BG2, Mass Effect, Kotor, Kotor 2 and even Torment, the romances made up a pretty small part of the overall gaming experience. They were all still good games. Anyway, I know the OP had issues with being forced to play a male protagonist that went beyond the scope of romances alone, and like others have pointed out, the best way to protest is to not buy the game.
  7. What some people seem to be forgetting is the romance subplot(s) are all optional. You don't have to play them through to their conclusion, thus saving yourself from being offended by said subplot(s). From what I understand there is even an achievement for not having sex in this game. I'm sure AP will still be a pretty fun game without the romance.
  8. I was going to add Left4Dead if no one else had. Although I'm sure there are other co-op oriented games that do the co-op thing better, L4D is just damn fun.
  9. I also liked what they had to say about Borderlands.
  10. Carth was a whiner. I wanted to push him out of the airlock just as he was about to get on the escape pod at the very beginning. EDIT: Oops. I'm currently playing mass effect.
  11. I'm happy Tali will be back. I liked her better than most of the others. I'm hoping maybe this means we get to spend some time at, or in, the flotilla.
  12. Any word on when it will be available on steam?
  13. I saw it the more i see of these kinds of things leading up to the release, the happier i am that i've pre-ordered.
  14. 49.99 at amazon.ca for the PC version.
  15. I pre-ordered AP on amazon about a week ago - whenever the topic about AP being available on steam started - and the confirmation email gives the estimated shipping date as oct. 9th. I haven't gotten another email from amazon about it yet.
  16. Thanks. Fun for a while is good enough to give it a try. Is it that the combat becomes repetitive?
  17. Space combat looked very cool, imho. I also like the amount of different races you can play, and that you can create your own race.
  18. After seeing that gameplay trailer, where they showed a little combat and conversations, i have to say i wasn't overly impressed. I don't play mmorpgs anyway, and right now this doesn't look like the game that will make me test the waters.
  19. Is it good? I'm going to be downloading it at the end of the monh.
  20. I think that the more people are made aware that there are cool things they're going to miss in one play-through, then the majority of people are going to play the game at least twice. EDIT: also add to the equation tha many people these days like to get all the achievements they can. Agree or disagree about whether they're any good or not, achievements are the new sensation.
  21. Myth: The Fallen Lords, mainly because in many missions some of the units at your command will be dwarves with molotov ****tails and satchels filled with explosives. The atmosphere of the game is great and the story and details are pretty interesting for a RTS. The missions are fun as well.
  22. I enjoyed Halflife 2 immensely the first time I played it. Still play it now and again, but the lustre has off several parts, like the driving and the waterboat. Antlions are now simply an annoyance, but at least in the episodes I can cover their boltholes with an old car and the gravgun. Valve deserves kudos just for adding that. I like the characters, the story, the atmosphere. They all succeeded in drawing me in to the game. Can't ask for anything more from a game, I guess... except for episode 3, please.
  23. This, although it's been a long time since I last played it.
  24. It's also available for pre-order on amazon. The release date there is set for October 6th. That's where I pre-ordered it . No Space Siege unfortunately but i'll have the disc. A 12 gb or so download is a bit steep for me.
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