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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. I know a guy that got it stretched 8mm. It's the most terrifying thing I could possibly think of tbh. :|
  2. that does come as rather a surprise actually i'm still rather piercing-free for the moment my ex offered to pay for me to get a PA, but screw that.... Haha, that's been suggested to me on a number of occasions. Shockingly enough though I decided I'd prefer to avoid needles in that general area ^_^
  3. Thanks. Just have to make sure you don't knock them about too much really. Don't have to pay them anymore attention than an average piercing surprisingly. Majority of the healing takes about 4-6 weeks. Obviously varying depending on the person. After that it takes another few months for them to fully heal up. Three is usually seen as the average for these. Not too bad really.
  4. Like this.
  5. I got my hips pierced today. They're like, the sexiest things ever. Felt rather nice having them done as well, always a bonus I feel. Good times good times.
  6. Got Assassin's Creed today. Seems rather good so far. Quite strange how the guards seem to be able to tell you're an assassin just because you're moving at a decent speed though. Means I can't gallop through the fields and such on my horsey because they always end up chasing me. :sad:
  7. Surely I can't be the only person who can't understand a word this guy posts =/
  8. Oh fun fun. Looks like I'm stuck with downloads then. Have to find the rest of it now.
  9. Your guess would be correct good sir. Thanks, I'll go look that up shortly. Monster is great. Also try Tsukihime, it's only 12 episodes, about a guy who meets a girl he just killed yesterday. Pretty nice. Welcome to the fold, by the way. I'm just downloading the first few episodes of Monster now to see what it's like, if it lives up to its billing then I shall be off out to purchase DVD's and such in the near future. That does sound rather interesting indeed, I'll have to go check that out now. Thanks, any strange goings on in these here parts that I should be made aware of? I'd like to think this was a nice peaceful thread with no strange happenings but to be honest I just can't see that
  10. Men are attracted to looks while women place more emphasis on personality. Looks may be the initial hook (I mean it's the very first thing you're judged on before you even speak). But if you want to keep the attraction up you need the personality. To rely on looks and looks alone is possible, but you're gonna have to be a freaken drop dead model stud for that. If that's what you are then congrats I envy you Looks are enough to get you plenty of one night stands, which is all I want as relationships suck so that way works fine for me. Enough of the girls I hang around with like me for just how I generally act to mean I wouldn't have to put on a specific act to get them. I think it's the calling them all fat slags which does it tbh. That's totally the way to go.
  11. I seem to remember you have a kid though Hurlshot, that's enough to get most girls really, you just stand around holding your kid and you'll automatically become irresistible. Scientific fact is that
  12. I find simply hanging round looking pretty does the job just as well and with less effort tbh. My method > Bokishi's method.
  13. You know, the last time I checked this thread it was an innocent discussion about the goings on of the day. Now you people have befouled it and turned it into a weird, yet slightly erotic, sexual discussion. I, for one, am appalled by it all tbh. Shocked and appalled. *Turns up nose and leaves thread in disgust*
  14. Yeah, you can only switch squadmates when someone new joins your party or when you leave the Normandy.
  15. Your guess would be correct good sir. Thanks, I'll go look that up shortly.
  16. So, after a lot of nagging from a friend I recently 'popped my anime cherry,' as it were, with Death Note. I must admit I found it rather good and would like to check out some more stuff. This is where you sexy people come in, naturally, I was wondering if any if you would have any recommendations for me. Stuff similar to Death Note would be most welcome indeed but I'm feeling rather open minded right now and am willing to give pretty much anything a try. So yeah, if you're feeling particularly nice/bored/whatever at the minute then fire away. If you're not feeling particularly nice/bored/whatever right now then still fire away. It's all good.
  17. Well, its Deadpool we're talking about here and just that bumps it pretty friggin far up. Then you have to calculate in the possible awesomeness of buying cable aswell and having them both together (even though Nate is a bit of a party pooper at times). You make a good argument for it being damn high up on that scale so you totally should pre-order it. Right now. Go go go!
  18. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. You can be lesbian but not gay as far as I'm aware. 4. How sweet is totally sweet? On a scale of 1 to sweetest thing ever in the history of the world?
  19. Wow what an idea! People are going to be talking about what game they are playing and most likely discuss the when and where's of the game itself, thus leading to spoilers. Are you talking to yourself again? Crazy kids, what will they think of next...
  20. b) You'd advocate the death penalty for sneezing in a built-up area. To be fair to Hades he has a point with this. I, for one, am mystified as to why this isn't the case. Sickened by it all tbh.
  21. That's kind of a nightmare of mine. I used to back-up everything onto two separate CDs every evening, plus upload it to Hotmail. I hope you manage to get it back. I'm usually really careful about that kind of thing as well. Think this is the first time I haven't had about 3 or 4 back-up's of stuff. Typical really. One time I don't do it is the one time things mess up. Yeah, I'm going to try and sort it out tomorrow when I'm less tired. If I can't get it back I'll have to go back to a save from the middle of October that's on the college computers and do it all again. Just praying I can get some sort of extension now. My teachers don't tend to be very understanding about these things unfortunately.
  22. I love you and want to touch you body Mr The Owner. *Strokes The Owner*
  23. I got Mass Effect tonight and am about 2 hours into it. Seems good so far \o/
  24. Today my computer decided to mess up and delete 3 months work of college coursework that's due in tomorrow. Oh joy.
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