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Everything posted by Daaave

  3. Today it was hot for once so I walked around college shirtless, then I did a computing mock exam but got bored and told a story about a giant spider encasing the earth in a web to keep it close to the sun when asked a question on the internet. It was a good day.
  4. I know everything there is to know about squids. I asked a friend of mine who knows someone who has a sister who is a squid and they told me. Just face facts, Mr Squid doesn't really love you. Ask him to look into your eyes while he says it, I bet he can't.
  5. Don't worry, you're in all of my other dreams baby Mr Squid doesn't love you, he loves the fact that you are a beaten down shell he can control easily. If he really loved you he'd tell you his full name, like Steve did for me, in their world that is the ultimate sign of love. For reals.
  6. He just does that because he cares, he finds it hard to show affection so treats me like that. You're just jealous because squid-face hates you. You see, this is what I was after, I now feel all warm and snuggly inside, and also old. But that's nothing new anyway. Take note Krezack, don't always have to be like that, it's ok to be nice occasionally.
  7. Oh Krezack, you're so harsh. I just wanted to feel special dammit; you could have at least lied and claimed there was some awesome crazy meaning behind it all instead of shattering all of my hopes and dreams in an instant .
  8. Today I planned on revising for the exams which start in a month, instead I spent all day watching anime. I'm currently debating whether or not I can be bothered to scratch my crotch. Should go to bed really, it's nearly 3:30am here. Good luck with the rest of your exams as well Deraldin.
  9. The fact that Steve is drunk is precisely why he cares to be honest, the alcohol makes him so much nicer and less violent. Whenever he sobers up he beats me As in a weird balance of them or something? That would explain a lot more than just the dream if it was the case ^_^
  10. Steve would never do such a thing to me, he holds me close and tells me everything is going to be ok after these dreams. It's beautiful :')
  11. The whole feeling trapped in some way thing has been suggested by a couple of friends as well. To my knowledge I don't feel trapped in any way though, unless it's some crazy subconscious thing =/ Pretty sure that's you, suffocated by your own fat, filthy octopus racist
  12. I wasn't here yesterday so have some Easter related pictures as a belated present: http://campus.nccedu.com/ezine/articles/do...mage/easter.gif http://images.clipartof.com/small/20092-Cl...om-A-Basket.jpg http://users.netonecom.net/~marc/pics/egg.gif
  13. I'm on a bus and can't get off it for various reasons (the reason changes with each dream), I have no idea why. So I open it up to the floor here: is my brain taunting me? Is it a sign I'm getting ran over by a bus soon? Something else entirely? Help me solve the riddle so that I may sleep easily.
  14. Daaave


    Steve has a firm and manly body I'll have you know, so firm and manly that I occasionally get the urge to lick it, but I don't, because that would be wrong. Wrong like your face! Trust you to immediately think about food as well fatty, so predictable. LOOK! A CAKE!
  15. Daaave


    Your squid's mantits are so big he's already at them. He's so fat that if he tried to juggle Steve he'd pass out from exhaustion after 3 seconds anyway. He's nearly as fat as your mother!
  16. Last night I got very drunk, vomited, then slept under a trenchcoat on one cushion of a sofa. Good night I'd say. Today I'm poor so I'm going to stay in and eat on account of having nothing yesterday. Which, in retrospect, probably didn't help with the whole vomiting issue.
  17. Daaave


    You wanna go? I'm gonna have a giant squid against your 5 foot octopus. Come on man. I'm 30 feet long bitch, let's go!! You still challenging me bitch?! You're stupider than you look. I don't care how big the squid is, Steve the Octopus is going to come over there slap that thing right in the ****. Right in the freaking ****. BANG! Like that; but harder and with slightly more arrogance. YEAH! Since when was a slang term for boobs censored as well? Political correctness gone mad I tell you.
  18. Daaave


    My Octopus earlier today: Can you squid do that biatch? CAN IT?!
  19. Daaave


    Crazy, learn something new everyday. Shame I'll never be able to try them living where I do, the most exotic food we get are bags of frozen chips from America . I plan on making it wear a top hat then training it to rollerblade so I can arrive to places in style and remain dry during the journey. It shall also be named Steve. Vote me into power and each person that voted will get their very own Steve to ride, available in a variety of colours and styles.
  20. Daaave


    I wasn't aware you could eat octopus or squid, such is my awesome culinary knowledge. Is this a common thing that's passed me by? Come to think of it what parts do you eat? They're all squidgy and jelly-like and stuff after all.
  21. You need spoiler tags for your every day life I could go into more detail if you'd like
  22. Today I sneezed and some green stuff came out and landed on my tv remote, I think I may have given it aids :'(
  23. Daaave


    I'll octo your mum. Oh no he didn't. In other news, this one is stripey:
  24. Daaave


    Are freaking awesome. I want one I can ride to college on. Discuss.
  25. I once had shoulder length hair. I freaked out one summer and shaved my head. Bloody good idea. Long hair is a waste of time and effort. If I thought I could do it professionally I'd have shaved hair still. Strangely I spend more time and effort sorting hair out now it's short, spent about 40 minutes making it look pretty this morning =/. I am a vain git though.
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