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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. Hey man, I've got taste. If I make out with guys then they're damn hot guys! haha no (that reminds me, he never posted those photos of him in a corset) Here you go. Have rolled up socks for boobs and everything. Now don't go saying I don't keep my word. There would have been more but they all contain very drunk friends as well who probably wouldn't appreciate me putting them up. Oh, and to be on topic: I've just come from a three day party where there was lots of booze and other fun substances, so I'm now recovering and trying to think up how to innocently explain away the fact that I basically have no skin left on my torso. Any ideas for when my parents inevitably ask? I don't think their hearts could take the truth if I'm honest.
  2. Today I purchased four new t-shirts and a new pair of jeans. It was truly glorious. Oh clothes shopping, how I've missed thee.
  3. BassHunter - Vi Sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA
  4. I can't say I didn't laugh reading your post hehe But I don't share your view quite exactly, you're not so good as a team at this time but you do have some really great individuals, and if some of them shine tomorrow it could be a problem for us. The thing I'm afraid to be honest is that our players will underestimate the English team, as I believe the Croatian and English public are both doing. I certainly hope that won't be the case, because if they do so, Croatia will be defeated. The only players I could see causing you any problems would be Rooney and Joe Cole. Assuming of course we pass the ball around and let them do their thing and run at the defence. This inevitably means that - as always - the tactic will be hoof it as far as you can and hope one our strikers gets it first. Meaning those two will be rendered completely useless bystanders for the majority of the game. Effectively handing you the game unless you send out a team of drunk snails that have been painted red and white in some mental scheme by Bilić to gain popularity for his band in the animal world.
  5. The people of Croatia should be laughing though to be fair. England to be spanked so resoundingly they won't be able to sit down for six months minimum. John Terry to slip over and cost England a goal due to being distracted by hurling abuse at a black guy in the crowd, yet still be hailed for a heroic performance full of passion when he cries at the end. Heard it here first folks.
  6. Oh come on Nightshade, some of us are trying to eat you know /Throws food away.
  7. Parkway Drive - It's Hard To Speak Without A Tongue
  8. Today I went out drinking with a friend. Tomorrow I shall be going out drinking with friends all night. On Wednesday I shall forego the usual act of sleeping to go out drinking again more than likely. All of it free. Life is good.
  9. Flight of the Conchords - Mutha'uckers
  10. I feel that was an unfair representation, everyone knows Newcastle is where those not fit to live with decent society are sent. The three vaguely hot girls the country has are banned from setting foot in the place lest they catch Geordie and turn into one of the people in the video.
  11. -10 man points I think I lost all of my man points when those pictures of me wearing a corset, complete with stuffed bra to give me some great looking boobs surfaced on the internet tbh. Having another 10 taken off is nothing in the grand scheme of things. i'll admit, i'm curious Haha, I'll try and dig them up for you
  12. -10 man points I think I lost all of my man points when those pictures of me wearing a corset, complete with stuffed bra to give me some great looking boobs surfaced on the internet tbh. Having another 10 taken off is nothing in the grand scheme of things. They're definitely not pink high heels either. Unless these are classed as such nowadays. In which case I've gone very, very wrong somewhere.
  13. Today I ordered some more new shoes. I love shoes, they're great.
  14. Through The Eyes Of The Dead - Beneath The Dying Skies
  15. J Bigga - Bitches Get Beat Down
  16. I'm sorry babe, I tried my best to entertain you. It was good while it lasted. Awwww no babe you're different, the only one for me. Without you I am not complete. Don't leave me now, it can't end like this :'( OMG I've been waiting to hear those words for a long time. Promise you'll never leave me again honey. Never. Again. I promise baby. I promise. In it for the long run now
  17. Not terribly colour co-ordinated. Trinny and Susannah would not approve. Yeah but Trinny looks like a horse and Susannah is fat; therefore me > them I feel.
  18. Thrice - Lost Continent.
  19. I'm spending today trying to find a pair of these bad boys somewhere online. Not having much luck so far though Anyone have a clue where I could find them? Eternal love and a prize of your choice is up for grabs if you find somewhere that sells them. Preferably at a decent price but I'm not all that fussed currently.
  20. I'm sorry babe, I tried my best to entertain you. It was good while it lasted. Awwww no babe you're different, the only one for me. Without you I am not complete. Don't leave me now, it can't end like this :'(
  21. The longest I've managed to last in a relationship is five weeks. I get bored very easily =/ Don't think I'll be trying the long-term thing for a good while yet either, kind of like always being single and finding new girls. All in good fun and sport it is.
  22. That sounds a lot like my 19th birthday, I had to do 20 double tequilas though - one for good luck and all that - washed down with beer. Ended up passing out on some randomers sofa with no clue as to how I got there. Still don't know anything I did that night =/ Got my 20th to look forward to next month as well. Those will be some good times.
  23. It's probably for the best that you don't to be honest.
  24. Best just put it to the back of your mind then dear as that guess is way off.
  25. Haha, I do really. Those kind of things tend to be thrown out of the window though. Doors the last thing I was thinking about ^_^

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