I can't say I didn't laugh reading your post hehe
But I don't share your view quite exactly, you're not so good as a team at this time but you do have some really great individuals, and if some of them shine tomorrow it could be a problem for us. The thing I'm afraid to be honest is that our players will underestimate the English team, as I believe the Croatian and English public are both doing. I certainly hope that won't be the case, because if they do so, Croatia will be defeated.
The only players I could see causing you any problems would be Rooney and Joe Cole. Assuming of course we pass the ball around and let them do their thing and run at the defence. This inevitably means that - as always - the tactic will be hoof it as far as you can and hope one our strikers gets it first. Meaning those two will be rendered completely useless bystanders for the majority of the game. Effectively handing you the game unless you send out a team of drunk snails that have been painted red and white in some mental scheme by Bilić to gain popularity for his band in the animal world.