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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. Only half? I thought everyone here was an alt of Eldar tbh.
  2. Revan's mask and lightsaber are at the back of the wardrobe on the top shelf. Underneath the old socks.
  3. He's one of the guards at the entrance. Before he takes you there, you should get Ian if you haven't already. Why thank you my dear. I was assuming he was in some random house or wandering round the city and I just kept missing him or something like that. I've got Ian already. One thing I've done right at least. I suspect I'll be here tomorrow moaning I can't complete some other stupidly obvious task to be honest; such is the way of life.
  4. PC: Fallout. I'm right at the start of this in some village I think is called Shady Sands and am supposed to get rid of some rad scorpions. With the one problem I'm stupid and thus can't find the fighter guy the village leader has told me to find in order to kill them. Good times good times. 360: Bioshock. I think I'm about three quarters of the way through this now. Just got past the big reveal/plot twist/oh my god there are small doors for the children inside big doors for adults part. There was a golf club involved somewhere as well. Then again I may be completely wrong and only be about 2% complete here. Can never be too sure of things in this day and age really. I'm also considering getting Medieval 2: Total War now that I have a computer the may run it. Depending on whether it likes the overly rubbish graphics card or not. Oh decisions decisions.
  5. Group C looks like it will be lots of fun. In an ideal world Romania would cause a shock and go through along with Holland. Blatantly not going to happen though
  6. I think you should dye your hair platinum blonde and then braid gold wire into it. If you purchase me the gold wire and post it then I will do this for you. Linkage will be provided. I
  7. I spent the day in college doing a poll on what colour I should dye my hair next. Just walking around asking random people for opinions. Was great fun. Green and Pink are currently joint leaders with a few days of voting left. Tension is building right here. One vote could change everything. Or at least the colour of my hair for the next few months. Same thing really.
  8. I'm rather hungover today. Was my birthday yesterday so I decided to celebrate by necking 20 double shots of tequila then I washed them down with a beer or 6. I was naturally very drunk indeed. Especially when you consider I'm a big lightweight that could have got rather drunk from just the beer. There are also pictures circulating of me wearing one of my female friends bras apparently. I have no memory of these photos being taken. Apparently I make a pretty girl though so it's all good. Fun times indeed.
  9. I, for one, am absolutely sickened by this disgusting and obvious attempt to murder a police officer. This Kendra Bull figure should be locked up for a long time as she is obviously a very real threat to society. Why people are worried about terrorism when depraved individuals like that are on the loose I don't know...
  10. I'd just like to add a disclaimer that not all Football/Soccer fans are like this guy here...
  11. Are Argentina in this? If so do they have any chance of doing anything of note? I know nothing about Rugby but Argentina doing well is always good in my book.
  12. Chiodos - Bone Palace Ballet. (Album)
  13. *Holds Tale* Don't worry the bad man will be gone soon, everything will be alright in the morning...
  14. For you Sand my dear, that was quite an understated reaction indeed. I would have expected you to burn an effigy of me in the city centre or something of the sort. Quite disappointed in you I am to be fair. You must be calming down in your old age.
  15. Your hamster cannot stick to the ceiling...Lurking in the shadows... My hamster can run very fast on a wheel and has red eyes. Everyone knows that anything with red eyes has laser vision. Laser eyes > lurking in the shadows.
  16. :'(
  17. I bet my hamster could beat up your lizard.
  18. This would be Jizz-Face my pet Hamster. He's actually only half mine because me and a friend bought him together and share him but it's close enough to being just my pet.
  19. Tale is my new hero. \o/
  20. I'm currently listening to some Chavs outside playing some song about umbrellas on their phones... My poor poor ears
  21. It's right about your outfits and make-up anyway, they truly are fantabulous.
  22. I've just got home to find this waiting for me. I'm seriously tempted to play it but I think playing drunk would kind of ruin it a bit for me. Oh decisions decisions.
  23. I'd like to think people are scared of me because I'm bigger than them, however, as I'm 5'9" and about 8 stone I seriously doubt this is true to be honest...
  24. No, you're half left!
  25. Your face is a roll!
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