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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. Yeah, well... SO'S YOUR FACE! SO. IS. YOUR. FACE...
  2. You promised you'd keep those things to be said private damn it all. I may have forgotten who said what but damn you. Damn you good. I'd shake my fist if I had the ability to do such a thing at this moment in time.
  3. SPLAT!!!
  5. Hey Baley, life is good. How are you these fine summers days? I apologise in advance for any spelling errors there may be, it's difficult to type when you can't actually see the keyboard and don't have the ability to touch type.
  6. And I'm extremely drunk and probably won't remember this when I wake up. Discuss.
  7. Has anybody made some sort of X-Files reference yet? I really can't be bothered with checking 8 pages for one you see.
  8. How did you manage to achieve such an awesome feat? You sir, are truly a genius of epic proportions. You must teach me your secrets. I'm surprised Sand is still here, I thought by now he would have had another emotional goodbye forever then come back in a new form more terrible than ever before. Do we know when this is next scheduled? I wouldn't want to miss the excitement and ultimate destruction of the forums. He isn't? Pray tell me then good sir, who is my father? I must know.
  9. I'm not drinking alcohol for once. Being all healthy and sticking to water and salad today. My poor liver needs its recovery time after all. I really could go for some Vodka right now though...
  10. Hello, Dave. Good evening sire. How are things on this pleasant day? Anything exciting and life changing happen this past month or so whilst I've been too drunk to operate the forums ?
  11. Anyone who doesn't believe in Santa is a damn fool tbh. Of course he exists. I mean, it's not like your parents would buy you all those nice presents and shops would get random homeless guys to dress up in costumes to attempt to fool everyone into believing in something that doesn't exist. Right? RIGHT?!? :|
  12. It was one of those metal linked type things. The gaps were smaller than my hand though which is a tad confusing I'd say. Least I can have a break from college now whilst it heals up and stuff though. Every cloud has a silver lining and all that jazz.
  13. I was messing about with friends and somehow managed to get it caught in a fence and the only way i could get it out was to break it first then yank it out. Still have no idea how i managed to get it so stuck though. It was crazy.
  14. I broke my hand today. Was great fun. Hospital visits ftw!!! \o/
  15. Angry ex girlfriend's eye-of-death? That would be the one... Damn ex's and their craziness. How I loathe them.
  16. I had a 360, until a few days ago when the magical red ring of death reared it's head. >_>
  17. Daaave


  18. Enter Shikari - Take To The Skies (album) \o/
  19. the right to ravish you? He earned that right a long time ago
  20. I just split up with that girl meaning my relationship lasted a grand total of 6 days. As Walsingham predicted 10 days he was the the closest and may now claim his prize.
  21. Would you prefer blue ribbon then? I could possibly arrange that.
  22. Today has so far been quite successful, especially considering it's less than an hour old. I've officially decided to curb my man whoreish ways and go out with someone properly. Any bets on how long it will last? Bearing in mind my longest relationship has far has been 2 weeks. Closest guess wins a prize of your choosing. I'm just feeling that generous now you see.
  23. The last drink I had would be some weird mixture of cider, vodka, beer, lambrini and whiskey in the one bottle. Wonder how much of this I'll remember in the morning?
  24. You're just jealous because you didn't get the freebies tbh =p
  25. Today was great. I got some free condoms, pierced my mates septum for him, and then drank copious amounts of vodka. What's not to love.
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