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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. I hope so, if it doesn't and I fail this exam I'm hunting you down and beating you though. Just so you know.
  2. Got my final college exam tomorrow afternoon so I've spent all day attempting to get in some revision of sorts for it, managed a few bullet points and a single practice question so far. I really need to go and hunt down the back of the sofa for my motivation before it's too late.
  3. Whatever happened to simply whipping your man-part out, slapping said female with it, telling her to get to work and then getting her to make you a sandwich the next morning? Times be changin' and I don't like it
  4. I have a nagging feeling that a 'your mum' joke would go down quite spiffingly here, though I'm not quite sure why.
  5. Wals makes too many zombie related threads for my liking, would put money on him actually being a zombie that has been sent to spy on us. Only logical way to explain it.
  6. Mirror's Edge so good, might have to replay it now. Still haven't done the freaking time trials past chapter one
  7. No need to worry, I just stole the plane for japes. The French will have it back sometime next week when I get tired of prodding the fat people on board with sticks.
  8. As it happens yes, yes I have. It's a rather spiffy game ind... Oh God-damn it, all makes sense now. /Awaits cyborgs and other mental things along those lines.
  9. See, now that just sounds terrifying. I did something similar. Woke the next day witha big cut down my face. I told the kids I was teaching I got it knife fighting. It's more worrying because other than a very slight graze on my hand I don't have any injuries, my latest theory is that I came over all Elmer Fudd and went hunting wabbits at some point. Perfectly logical from where I'm sitting anyway. That reminds me of this time when one my high school teachers came in with a broken toe after a holiday and claimed he'd recieved it fighting a shark off; turned out he'd stubbed it on a door frame. Oh how we laughed.
  10. Went out last night with no money and managed to get rather intoxicated indeed somehow. I'm still quite drunk, my jumper is covered in blood and I have no freaking idea what happened. Good times man, good times.
  11. Too much cute for one guy to handle. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
  12. I saw some Lemurs at the zoo a couple of months back, they were awesome. Best. Day. Ever.
  13. There's not much to get really, it just cute ^_^
  14. WANTS ^_^
  15. Today I had two Business Studies exams, prepared by staying up half the night counselling a friend then turning up late to the exams; meaning I couldn't finish the first paper in time. Just needed five more minutes to get a half decent last paragraph dammit
  16. Well, my hands are rather soft. Option one it is \o/ So, how about it sluggy, need some company later on?
  17. I spent today trying to figure out how I could turn the
  18. Only five of my English pounds on Steam it seems, I've got no reason not to try it now really. Gutted I didn't get it free with cheese though, why do we never get offers like that
  19. Intriguing... May have to purchase it at some point in that case, was more concerned it wouldn't work with the keyboard and mouse combo than anything. Had too many bad experiences regarding control schemes not translating well to another platform :''(
  20. Was the original any good on PC? Played it briefly on a friend's Gamecube many moons ago and seem to recall it being rather spiffy indeed.
  21. I'm trying to remember you. The sig looks familiar. Did you just change your avatar? Last changed it about a month ago, which was around the time I started using the different variations of my current sig as well. All of which insult squid in some way. Only from us it seems. Others evidently not cool enough to appreciate it.
  22. Been here for five freaking years making this forum a better place and get accused of being an alt after making a single thread similar in style to one normally associated with another user . You people. >_>
  23. Wait...Daaave isn't your alt? Llyranor just wishes I was his alt, he's just not pretty enough for that to be the case unfortunately.
  24. You're missing out on so much with that kind of thinking. So, so much
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