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Everything posted by Daaave

  1. If I had anything other than paint on this computer, this post would have an Alpha Protocol-ized version of your avatar in it. Reckon the fact that you can't Alpha Protocol-ize my avatar is a sign that they're a cancer upon society which needs to be beaten to death with sticks tbh. How and why did this start? And who started it? I think I may have to murder them.
  2. They do seem to have taken over, every thread I go into there's about 6 of the gits. We can't let these monstrosities take over the forum people, we need to make a stand dammit! They're ruining everything
  3. Oh sweet Jesus there's more of them. I don't like it Someone hold me?
  4. So, what's with these Alpha Protocol avatars everyone seems to be sporting these days? Are they the new cool thing on the block?
  5. Good old OPG, whatever happened to that guy?
  6. Been here too many times Damn game being so oddly addictive.
  7. You underestimate your timeless beauty Walsy, if you got on stage nekkid your performance would be a worldwide success even if you didn't actually bother singing and just stood around for five minutes. Trust me on this
  8. I'm with kirottu on this, nekkidness is always the solution.
  9. I very much doubt you'd want to try anything I could come up with, unless you're feeling particularly suicidal that day of course. Bad luck on the situation with the mother as well old chap, hope your rallying call enables her to lay some beatdown on the old cancer.
  10. The diet is going rather spiffingly, this cooking malarkey quite complicated currently though, not used to doing anything more complicated than toast. I'm getting there slowly, however. Be a kitchen God in no time
  11. As Blackadder once said: Wals, I love you! I want to kiss your cherry lips and nibble your shell-like ears. Pretty much have saved my life here, I'll be dining like a king soon enough. As for what I'm doing today, it seems I'm having nosebleeds. I've had five in the 3 or so hours I've been up and about. Cauterization will stop them they said. Nosebleeds won't bother you again they said. Freaking NHS.
  12. Don't like garlic and onions. I'm not sophisticated enough to have tried and kinds of herbs or spices to my knowledge, comes with living on a council estate your whole life. I also like salt and vinegar, if that helps?
  13. Okay then, things I like include, in whatever order I think of them: - Most meats, but not bacon or fish, unless the fish in question is canned tuna which is awesome. Processed meats are also rubbish. - Potatoes as long as they're roast potatoes or chips, boiled and mashed aren't nice. - I like bread, breadcrumbs on things is a no no, however. - Peas and carrots, sweetcorn is also acceptable but I'm not a great fan. - Iceberg lettuce. - Cucumber. - Beans, Pot Noodles and toast. - Cereal aimed at children such as Coco Pops and Ricicles. - Apples and oranges. That's all I can think of worryingly, pauperise away and save my life.
  14. That's a depressingly realistic proposition tbh, might have to find randomers to go home with when I go out. Can eat all of their food when they're sleeping and sneak out safe in the knowledge I probably won't see them again
  15. That would be an awesome plan if I wasn't the fussiest eater in the world. Only thing I like on that list is pork
  16. Went on a daytrip to Wales yesterday with a couple of friends, we decided on it roughly an hour prior and it still managed to go quite swimmingly and without any deaths. When we got home we decided it would be fun to row down the canal in a punctured dingy, where we were very nearly murdered by a group of rather angry cows and amused multiple passers-by and people in houseboats that were docked up for the evening and such. Today I spent
  17. I'll remember that advice for my university years, sure it will serve me well.
  18. Writing manually > typing tbh. As long as you get a couple of minutes to stop when your arm seizes up, of course.
  19. I should have moved to Somewhere Cold for college, my writing hand might still like me if I had done. Pretty sure it's figuring out how to murder me in my sleep as I type.
  20. Business exam, you get an hour and a half to write five essays relating to a case study on whatever business they decide, each one discussing a different aspect of the business. You need every spare second to give all decent answers in it, even my teacher admitted she'd struggle to finish it off properly in the time given so that crappy ten minutes has cost me hardcore style. Wouldn't have been even slightly bothered if it was any of the other exams I've done, finished all of those with an hour or so to spare. Ah well, at least they're over now anyway. Now the long wait until the 20th of August for the results. Spending all summer so drunk I'm too preoccupied to worry about them seems to be the way to go I rate \o/
  21. See, now the gnashing has been bought into this I'm just turned on. So Wals, how you doin'?
  22. Missed the first 10 minutes of the exam after misreading the start time, gits wouldn't give me extra time, had to rush it, probably miserably failed now. I am not impressed
  23. Haha, pretty sure you've just summed up my thought process for the entirety of these exams. Every single one starts with me having great intentions to study properly and do loads of past papers beforehand to get into the exam frame of mind; and every one ends with me reading through the 30 pages of notes I grabbed before leaving on the bus in a futile attempt to learn something. I am slightly more prepared for this exam than the last couple though. I mean, I've actually got a pen this time.
  24. Just imagining an old English gentleman sat in a rocking chair, smoking his pipe, with giant crazy shark teeth now. And it is glorious. Absolutely glorious.
  25. In all fairness I was rather drunk at the time it was drawn on. Plus by the end of the night it smudged and just looked like a massive bruise on my face, which made me look proper hard and manly and such.
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