Where the hell did I say that? You meet a lot of different people on the bus, also when you move to an apartment you can take a good look aroudnt he neighborhood. Where I live it is in the Historical district of the town and they have a neighborhood society that one can join up and be a part of the community. Just because you live outside the dorms doesn't mean you are cutoff from people.
Well I can only speak from experience, but having been to uni twice, and having had a lot to do with students (i.e. dating them) I can say that lioving out and bussing in is an almost surefire way to miss out on a lot. Much better to live in, however much it sucks. It's like being a boarding pupil at school. It sounds awful, but you never get fully immersed otherwise.
I'll add to what's going on here. In my six years, I only made one friend the last four years, but made several the first two. The difference was the first two I lived on campus, the last four I lived in my apartment. You're more likely to meet people hanging out in front of the dorm than riding the bus or attending class.