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Everything posted by Tale

  1. So, he's just a stalker? Makes sense.

  2. *cough*IthinkFederalismwasjustameanstoanswertheproblemofthedetachedgovernment,bu that'snotanargument,justastatment.*co gh*
  3. Show me a complicated choice in a game. Y'know, aside from choosing between Viconia and Jaheira. Sometimes that was indeed a tough choice. Hmm, I think I just answered my own challenge. Good day to you, sir! GOOD DAY! So, you conclude that the game is "nothing more" than "better-than-average?" GOOD DAY TO YOU, SIR! You've just gone and broke me head. It stops here |, but here is nyah -> NYEEEEEH WAAAAAAAAH!?
  4. Yeah, but that's a choice people going for the "good" ending have to repeat many times over.
  5. There is no roleplaying.
  6. Tale

    Xard, you'll never believe what just happened. I was hanging out with a friend talking about this guy named Candlejack or something, when sud

  7. No such Plasmid, you pervert.
  8. Isn't he a bit young? I mean, there are laws against that in some states.
  9. I hated Manaan. I hated everything about Kolto in the game. It just grated on my nerves. And the fish people's voices weren't good to listen to, either.
  10. Doesn't the universe just reboot and start again? (I'm not convinced the Mayans would be able to give a satisfactory answer to that question.)
  11. I'm just surprised to find out Guard Dog believes this country was on the principle of opposing social welfare. It does indeed bring a new understanding of history to light. Here I thought the country was founded on concepts of ensuring the liberties of citzenry threatened by a detached government. (*cough* Republicans *cough*) Which would put them both as equally wrong in that they're both threatening different liberties with different detachments.
  12. I was wondering why you asked a question in a closed topic.
  13. What kind of dog?

  14. Paid internship? Those actually exist?
  15. Tale

    Archie is drunk again.

  16. No biters? This is comedy gold! I read it but didnt really get it. So the lack of flour will turn ordinary peanut butter cookies into little fireballs? Also lacks salt and baking powder. There's nothing ordinary about these, you're using about half the ingredients. And two of the missing ones are the key ingredients that distinguish baked goods. I'd not be surprised in the utter least if they caught fire at 375 degrees. Plenty of things catch fire at much lower temperatures. What gets me is just how readily believable it can be if you don't know how to cook. And when I get down to FIRE I just about fall out of my chair every time.
  17. No biters? This is comedy gold!
  18. Why, gosh you are right! I never thought of that!
  19. I only wish they'd finally fix the touch attacks not applying sneak attack damage.
  20. I'll tell you one thing. My Cleric/Frenzied Berserker/Warpriest still has a difficult time, and i had some pretty good equipment. :/ Could I draw the conclusion from this that my Warlock/Rogue/Assassin will get his tuckus handed to him?
  21. Says you. That's how I Aced my Abnormal Adult, Abnormal Child, and Interviewing classes.
  22. Pfft. The graphics in real life suck. Little consideration for aesthetics.
  23. That complaint was downgraded and clarification was requested. Fairly early on in the thread. I even made public note of it. I also requested clarification on your claim thus. And stop grouping people on a forum together. It's blatantly retarded. "You guys?" You think we're sitting together planning arguments? Each poster is an individual. Unless you're accusing me of having DID. Or are calling me fat and being particularly insensitive about it. Just like you noticed I was speaking of wiretapping and habeas in geneva, amirite? not taks
  24. I miss the Hulk look of the super mutants. It was a bit of a retro-nuclear design itself with the Hulk being a 60s version of nuclear monstrosity. Hopefully they won't be just monsters and you can interact with one or two to exploit their stupidity.
  25. Where the hell did I say that? You meet a lot of different people on the bus, also when you move to an apartment you can take a good look aroudnt he neighborhood. Where I live it is in the Historical district of the town and they have a neighborhood society that one can join up and be a part of the community. Just because you live outside the dorms doesn't mean you are cutoff from people. Well I can only speak from experience, but having been to uni twice, and having had a lot to do with students (i.e. dating them) I can say that lioving out and bussing in is an almost surefire way to miss out on a lot. Much better to live in, however much it sucks. It's like being a boarding pupil at school. It sounds awful, but you never get fully immersed otherwise. I'll add to what's going on here. In my six years, I only made one friend the last four years, but made several the first two. The difference was the first two I lived on campus, the last four I lived in my apartment. You're more likely to meet people hanging out in front of the dorm than riding the bus or attending class.
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