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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Natalie Portman can be cool at times. However, your avatar looks like Portman playing Amidala as a Vegas showgirl.

  2. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...uation-BioShock Yahtzee is a terribly creative guy. Aside from Zero Punctuation, he also makes freeware adventure games that have recieved some significant popularity. Most famous appear to be the 5 Days a Stranger "Defoe" or "Chzo" series, however you like to refer to it.
  3. Jedi don't "fall" to the darkside in KOTOR games. They jump.
  4. 16:10 is pretty much standard for widescreen LCDs. 16:9 is more common for HD TVs.
  5. I'm reading a book. Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King. Taking a break from Persona 3. Will probably finish it this weekend. Still need to finish Final Fantasy IV, as well. Then I might start up Jagged Alliance 2 or Katamari Damacy.
  6. I'm bottlenecked on the CPU side, which I suspect is related to it. Most games seem more forgiving of it, though. When Mask of the Betrayer comes out, I'll probably just play with nVidia's scaling options and pillarbox the game to a lower resolution like I used with my 4:3. Edit: Or as an alternative, bump the thing up to my full 1680 x 1050 native and turn off some of the more meaningless options (that I don't remember turning on) while keeping shadows to low. Which seems to run a lot better.
  7. It still has performance issues for me. But oh well. I like the strategy mode, but am not a fan of the character mode default keymaps. Perhaps without the performance issue I could accept using mouselook instead of using the keyboard to turn. Overall, that's mostly just an issue with customization and having to get used to it. I love the strategy mode and am likely to use that as my default mode. However, I'm still used to BG controls, so hopefully I can find whatever key is "select party" and the only thing it lacks is formations. And touch sneak attacks. Crap, looks like webdings and wingdings have been disabled.
  8. I'll cut you!
  9. What fix is that? Sneak attack applying to ranged (and melee, actually) touch attacks. Some might argue about it being a "fix" or not, but that's what I call it. I know there's supposedly a fix on the vault for it, but it's still on my wishlist, dangit!
  10. Still missing my most anticipated fix.
  11. It would be a blatant disservice to myself to do it any less! I'm so beautiful as it is.
  12. Not much different. I've always believed I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
  13. Sometimes I miss my Warlock of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. I remember trying to get newbies to conspire with me to unleash a Doomguard on the other newbies. But then one screwed it up. :'(
  14. I draw a heavy distinction between character development and character manipulation. Just because a character's attitudes or behaviors change doesn't mean it's reasonable. Reasonable character development doesn't have dedicated characters turning into homicidal maniacs and vice versa over a number of sparring sessions or mild kind gestures. Looking at Baldur's Gate II, you could turn Viconia and Sarevok good. I mean, BLIMEY! All of these are only achieveable through ego stroking acts of plot. Sarevok gets a piece of a good soul. The KOTOR main characters have force bonds. Characters can develop without this kind of thing. People do it all the time. People become smarter, more informed, change opinions, reinforce old opinions stronger. And they still make decisions that contradict other people they're around. And handpicking choices to get a particular response isn't roleplaying unless you're roleplaying a liar. It's metagaming.
  15. Most definitely. DVI is intended to maximize picture quality of a digital display. Converting it over to analog loses that. I can't give you any technical reason for it, but a) yes DVI has better picture quality than VGA and b) no, you do not retain that quality converting to VGA. From what I'm grasping from the wiki entries on the two, the 29 pins of DVI transmit quite a bit more information than the 15 pins of VGA.
  16. Attach frickin' laser beams to their heads!
  17. He gave it away. IE, he may not be the one to have obtained the gear and levels.
  18. Today's rather busy. I'm having to look through my boss's investments and translate the statements and such into a form he can read it and see how much he's making. And by the way, what kind of weirdo has 7 cents in a brokerage account?
  19. My character does not show up on the armory anymore.
  20. Which is all beside hte point as the studies were over retention of the information, not whether or not people agreed. If the scenario you're putting forth were accurate, it would have been consistent with immediacy effect as well as long term. Additionally people would not be attributing the soure of their position to the CDC if it were a matter of disagreement.
  21. I find Amazon's reviews to be very biased. Almost every game I look at on Amazon.com has an average rating of 4-4 1/2 with the rare dip to 3 1/2.
  22. I just generally disagree with the concept presented in games that all girls exist merely to flirt with you and try to get in your pants. I think it socializes us gamers very poorly. I enjoy my games with a tad bit more realism over ego stroking fantasy. Heck, both KOTOR games featured girls that would change their entire personality and loyalties depending on how badly they wanted to sleep with you. Is it really so far fetched that a group of 9 people can co-exist for a month without love triangles and jumping into each other's pants? Do we seek that from our games to fulfill fantasy or to reinforce faulty media fed beliefs about how the real world is? As a guy who was very poorly socialized growing up to begin with, I know well of how games and TV engineer our expectations. I was drastically dissapointed when I started making friends and wasn't the constant center of all attention like TV and video games led me to believe I would be. And the fact that not every girl I interacted with on a more than passing basis did not fawn at my every act simply because I said something nice once in passing was shattering, indeed. At the very least it needs to be more subtle, dramatic, and most importantly of all appropriate. Leia wasn't jumping into Han's bunk at the end of the first movie. Nor the second. In fact, we never see them jump into bunks at all. Black screen moments have always struck me as wholely gratuitous. All this is not to say that I dislike the concept of relationship metagames within a video or computer game. My currently played game is rife with relationship metagames and I absolutely love it. All this is to say that I dislike the High School romance metagames that reinforce bad relationship stereotypes, which from Baldur's Gate II on to NWN2 is all I've seen. They consist of little more than noticing an attractive avatar, making a few choice responses you think sound good to that avatar, to the ultimate goal of doing the horizontal polka. A serious and mature relationship metagame should include all forms of relationships, friendships and romances, including same sex friendships (same sex romances depending on comftorability of developers/publishers with releasing a game containing such concepts) and *gasp* opposite sex friendships which should serve as the basis of romance metagames, not sex and attraction serving as the basis.
  23. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...d=moreheadlines Read more at the link. The implications of this are astounding should they hold up to repeated testing. It's always interesting to learn more about memory formation and information processing. Most especially when it relates to seeming flaws in these processes that can result in faulty recall. And it invites some particular new questions. Obviously it needs to be tested to see in what situations it is true. States of arousal, repeated exposure, etc. Though, I think it's kind of shoddy that the article turns around to 9/11 and Iraq. Sure, those are hot button examples to throw around, but surely they could have come up with something a little less politically charged.
  24. Welcome to the FarCry haters club. *hi-five* Now join me in deliciously blind bashing of Crysis!
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