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Everything posted by Tale

  1. First off. Controls. Can you walk around doing wsad? or are you pretty much cornered into using the mouse. And second what are these small issues you speak of. A behind the back game that uses point to move? How much brain damage would a dev team have to have to even consider forcing that as the sole option? I haven't even played it and I would bet my first born you can use WASD for movement. I have a question about the game, though. Is it a text adventure?
  2. Mass Effect... Mass Effect... hmmm
  3. I was closer to being saddened by One of Many + Safiya's ending. Oh, that bastard. Though, I did like my (what I guess is) "optimal evil" ending.
  4. I wouldn't mind kicking Sand in the face. Which one are we talking about? The one from NWN2 or the one on these forums? Actually, it doesn't matter.
  5. Who says supress is the "right" thing! You're chaotic! DEVOUR YOUR ENEMIES!
  6. WTH? My Persona 3 savefile says I'm at 96 hours. No wonder I feel like it's been dragging lately.
  7. Did you have to advertise in two forums?
  8. I'd like to ask Christopher Paolini that question.
  9. That encounter is how I learned how overpowered Vampiric Feast was. You all know what it was like to encounter them as "Impossible." Well, Vampiric Feast finished them off.
  10. You get that ability later.
  11. you must accept suffering and redeem yourself by it, that's what you must do I already read these boards, how much more suffering do I need?!
  12. You could one-shot boss encounters with it. It was awesome.
  13. When they're all ****, the right to choose not to follow any of them should not be infringed. Saying "**** off" to an all powerful **** is not the brightest of ideas. Sadly, I didn't encounter a single truly hard encounter in the game. Maybe it's because I had 3 characters capable of casting Vampiric Feast and 1 character who could cast it if I just talked to him and asked him to change his class. That spell defines Epic. That encounter was one of several that I simply cast Vampiric Feast on when it looked like a members of my group might fall. After which the battle was over.
  14. Crashing through the night

    Comes a fear full cry

    Cobra! Cobra! Cobra! Cobra!

    Armies of the night

    Evil taking flight

    Cobra! Cobra! Cobra! Cobra!

    No where to run

    No where to hide

    Panic spreading far and wide

  15. Where did you read it had been destroyed?
  16. Tale

    Overpowered Tyrannasauras?

  17. hmmm... who are you to decide whether they have the internet or not? as far as i'm concerned they all have blackberrys. better yet they have guys who can teleport and portals that blows instant messaging out the water furthermore i can't seem to kill everyone in the game, not even attack them in fact, so there are plenty of survivors Do you like ham on wheat?
  18. She is in the clearing with the two spirit witches and the tree. And by "in the clearing", I mean "in a cave accessed from that map."
  19. I am. The reason the people of the realms don't know about your fantastic exploits and all the killing is because they don't have the internet. Can't read the report on CNN. Also, your not leaving survivors makes it difficult, too.
  20. Because they don't have the internet, yet.
  21. In a world where the gods have walked the ground in the past few decades, being an atheist is a crime against sanity. The wall makes perfect sense in DnD terms. And I think the game put in a very good explanation for it's purpose. Beyond what I had ever presumed before. Before, I had presumed the gods were just jerks, as gods are known to be. Now, not only are they jerks, but they're also bastards. Edit: I just read that Myrkul inhabits the Crown of Horns. O_o
  22. Good news for you PSP owners. Not Soulstorm related, but Squad Command has a demo released. http://www.thq-games.com/uk/game/demos/229...d&per_page= This game will be coming out for PSP and DS. If it turns out good, I'll probably get the PSP version. Sadly, I doubt there will be a demo for the DS one.
  23. The only thing "developing" about this is that modding is easier. Crappy games have been around forever and if people could have modded many of the ones in the past into something good, they likely would have.
  24. I've heard of someone who likes to use Scouts for medics. They will NEVER be attacked until the stack is destroyed.
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