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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I watched Shinobi: Heart Under Blade this weekend. Shinobi was good. It was not exceptional, though, and I doubt I'll ever watch it again. But I did enjoy it.
  2. I refuse to sign any petition on principle, unless the petition is funny or relates to excessively long ladder climbs. This does neither. However, I do generally prefer limited ammo and the resultant complexities to unlimited ammo and the relative simplicity as a principle. On the other hand, I fully accept that the aforementioned resultant complexities of a limited ammo design may not add anything of significance in the design of a particular game and may indeed detract from the more core interests of that design. As an example, limited ammo designs may be harder to pace or result in undesireable breaks in pacing where the player has to seek out ammo. And, personally, I've very rarely ever seen ammo used in any serious conservation by a game. It's usually so ridiculously abundant that my only concern is making sure that I use my full weapons so that I don't "waste" the next stash. Many such games would probably be better off with unlimited ammo just so I don't feel so compelled to weapon juggle.
  3. Yes, half-assed comes to mind. But it *is* just an expansion after all... You can't target an improved invisible creature, so you can't remove their immunity, I believe that's the problem? True Sight? Anyway, ToB was originally meant to be BG3, but they seem to have just gave up and did a half-assed Xpack instead. That's why I installed Ascension - hoping it'd add a bit of life. But as it stands I'm struggling to find purpose to continue BG2 normal - it's all just too easy... but more than that, it really is boring. Maybe I've just played chapter 2 way too much. Yea, I'll go to spellhold and sort things out. Wild Mage Wiiiiiillllld.... Mage See how easy a time of it you have when, right in the midst of a battle, your Mage casts fireball x2 on your party.
  4. Tale

    Dr. Who

    I came into this thread forgetting that everyone is 2 or 3 weeks ahead of the rest of us. sonofa
  5. http://www.penny-arcade.com http://www.xkcd.com http://www.gigaville.com http://www.giantitp.com http://www.nuklearpower.com http://www.lfgcomic.com
  6. Lightweight.
  7. Wait a second, Warlock's attacks are only once per encounter! That's it, D&D is finished! It would have been so cool to have an entire fight consist of a Warlock yelling dark secrets at his enemy until the enemy lost his mind. "YOU ARE AN INSIGNIFICANT SPEC IN THE UNIVERSE!" "THERE IS NO PLAN, YOUR LIFE IS MEANINGLESS!" "NOBODY LOVES YOU!" "YOU WILL BE FORGETTEN WHEN YOU DIE!" All the while his enemy is screaming "NOOOOO! IT CAN'T BE TRUE!" until his head explodes.
  8. Lovecraftian flavor in my favorite class? nom nom nom nom, delish
  9. I wonder what kind of pact my Neverwinter Nights 3 (or whatever the next D&D CRPG is) Warlock will make. Star or Infernal. Star sounds tempting.
  10. I like quite a bit of what I read. I'd buy the book if I ever PnP'ed. Which I don't.
  11. Do you want me to beat them up, Omelette?

  12. So, my new list would probably read: Metal Gear Solid 4, naturally. Beyond Good and Evil 2 Red Alert 3 (somewhat) Project Origin Can't think of anything else.
  13. Gotta love ADV. They were the ones bringing Gurren Lagann to the US. Now, well... their future is uncertain.
  14. Sure is creepy in here.

  15. It weren't no slow zombies we fought in the war.
  16. My DBZ sets came far earlier than expected. Arriving a week earlier than Amazon's original estimation for them to even leave the warehouse. On disc 2 (of 30). Gohan's 6 months in the wilderness is sad.
  17. Hot Fuzz is a sequel to Shaun of the Dead as far as I'm concerned.
  18. He's calling you a quitter.

  19. I only help those who help themselves!

  20. BLADE RUNNER!!! Oh good, someone mentioned that. I bought the DVD and Blu-Ray versions of Final Cut less than a month apart. It was actually my first Blu-Ray.
  21. I do believe she insulted you, qt3.14. Only one way to settle that.

  22. It's funny those two things happened, really. I suspect in the end because both sides fubar'd, it will actually lead to an alliance, whereas if just one side ****ed up, it would be impossible. I dunno. They love character flaws for this show. So, giving them an opportunity to all return to be stubborn seems like something they'd do.
  23. The only reasonable thing to do in this situation is to wrestle babydol. I'll sell tickets.

  24. That's a swell idea,... Mr. Secretary of Defense!
  25. Tale

    I think he called you an incompetent stupid piece of dirt with chocolate on top. I'm pretty sure my translation is accurate.

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