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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm not bitter about Invisible War. Apparently Krezack thinks that Team Fortress 2 and Portal are bad games. Cause, y'know, they were designed to be ported from the get-go.
  2. That was one of the first things replaced when the problem first arose! I'm good on that end. I don't remember specifically what it is, though.
  3. time to get a console huh? Already have a few. It's more time to scream. And talk over options with my system builder. Given the history of this particular problem, it might not be a bad idea to see about going with both a different motherboard and graphics card just to be safe. As the graphics card has been replaced 2 times already (plus a third which didn't have any problems, but was so low spec playing games was not much of an option), and the motherboard and memory have also been changed. The fact that the temp card seemed to work with fewer problems than this makes me think it might be some absurd negative interaction between the board and this make of card. Get rid of them both just to be safe.
  4. My computer forgot that it was fixed, again.
  5. So, I guess I was the only one who got the news that General Hammond died.
  6. And despite seemingly still having the old problem with this computer, I just played a map of Kane's Wrath no problem. I...just... don't know anymore. It froze twice earlier. And the artifacts on the Sam & Max menu are gone.... Did my computer just remember it was supposed to be fixed or something? Edit: I also seem to have lost a resolution. 1440x900. I'm using a widescreen monitor. Its native is 1680x1050. Both are 16:10. But the former? Yeah, can't find it.
  7. I'm not playing anything, apparently. My computer is broke again. If it wasn't under warranty with this guy I'd go somewhere else. 3 months and counting of not being able to game on a PC.
  8. This profile doesn't scare me quite as much, today. I approve.

  9. Valve is cool guy.
  10. nVidia drivers lately have been amazingly poor for the past year or so (that I've experienced). I thought it was pretty bad when my widescreen resolutions started scrolling sideways. Then I couldn't access the control panel. Then scaling did not work.
  11. I played the most evil race in the game. The only race to commit genocide against itself. The Gnome!
  12. I still miss my green eyepatch wearing Warlock.
  13. I just got the news. I'm sorry. Are you going to be okay?

  14. I was actually being modest. I mean, I know I'm awesome. But I'm actually even more awesome.
  15. Finished Overlord: Raising Hell The final boss battle of raising hell was meh. The entire final dungeon was a little meh.
  16. Why don't you and your pointy ears just go sing in a Meadow. Because I'm Lawful Evil! I would sooner burn it down! And then fill out all of the appropriate paperwork.
  17. I scoff at all of your pitiful stats.
  18. Lawful Evil Elf Wizard (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 15 Dexterity- 19 Constitution- 17 Intelligence- 17 Wisdom- 19 Charisma- 17 Detailed Results: Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (21) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17) Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18) Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (22) Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18) Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19) Law & Chaos: Law ----- XXXXXXXXXX (10) Neutral - XXXXXX (6) Chaos --- XXXXXXX (7) Good & Evil: Good ---- XXXX (4) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11) Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Race: Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Dwarf ---- XXXX (4) Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14) Gnome ---- XXXXXX (6) Halfling - XXXXXXXXXX (10) Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXXX (10) Half-Orc - XXXX (4) Class: Barbarian - (-25) Bard ------ (-21) Cleric ---- (-6) Druid ----- (-27) Fighter --- (-2) Monk ------ XXXX (4) Paladin --- (-21) Ranger ---- (0) Rogue ----- XX (2) Sorcerer -- XXXX (4) Wizard ---- XXXXXXXX (
  19. Some sort of pump action shotgun with birdshot for ammo. Got a couple of kills, if I recall correctly.
  20. Archie! Bad!

    I'm sorry, Brittany. I forgot to keep him on a leash.

  21. Played lots of Overlord: Raising Hell over the weekend. Every bit as good as when I first played it. The Raising Hell levels are terrific, too. And I should get to finally play Kane's Wrath this week.
  22. Tale

    What the hell are you talking about? /gent/?

  23. Play co-op with me and I'll give you your raving drunk.
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