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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I hate the robots. And Scorpion's only a second to Sub-Zero (masked).
  2. Ahh, micro-transactions. "Let's get them to make lots of tiny purchases so they don't bother to add up the costs."
  3. You should also check out Bubba-hotep. Elvis and black JFK fight a mummy.
  4. oh come on! I know you want to tell everybody about the differences between these three The Bruce! is Ash from Army of Darkness. Anti-hero. Seduces women, smartass, doesn't have the patience for your mumbo jumbo, and kicks ass. Bruce Campbell ™ is Bruce Campbell from My Name is Bruce. Raging alcoholic, delusional, and self-obsessed B-movie actor who lives in a van. Abject coward. Bruce Campbell is... well, the actual Bruce Campbell. Decent guy with a good sense of humor. I'm doing The Bruce! with some occasional cowardice when the option is presented.
  5. Trying my Bruce Campbell run of DAO and now that I'm playing with a relatively strict character idea, it's clear how limited the choices often are.
  6. I joined this board just for the pretentiousness. Now, when is that demo coming out? I want to scoff at it. 22nd, next tuesday
  7. I'm not alone!
  8. I'm thinking about doing a Bruce Campbell run of Dragon Age: Origins. The only question is "which Bruce?" The Bruce! Bruce Campbell ™ Or Bruce Campbell?
  9. All hail Gromnir, the drunken barbarian pirate!
  10. MvC3 is out? ffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  11. What, on a pirate ship or in a punishment battalion? I'm so very sorry :: sobs :: then again it must be a brilliant anecdote for a dinner party or apres-work c0cktails. Well, one day he was climbing up to the crow's nest of a 17th century pirate ship with his hunting rifle. That's when the backwoodsman came. Poor grandpa.
  12. I take offense at everything you just said. My grandfather died that way.
  13. A headshot counter would be neat. Alongside a "M-M-M-MONSTER KILL" announcer.
  14. So would you recommend it? The Night Angel Trilogy, I mean. It's been on my list for a while since some guys recommended it, but I was never certain if I would pick it up.
  15. I find that debating over the internet never gets you anything decent. I'm never found it. Anywhere. Occasionally people are sensible here, but even that's a coin toss. I just go there for the spam. Though in-setting debates tend to be somewhat sensible. There's a few chantry v. mage discussions going on. You might want to facepalm at your particular opposition, I know I do, but that's tame compared to the rest of internet debates.
  16. Apparently this is month old news. If you get Portal 2 for the PS3 and link your PS3 to your steam account, you get Steamplay Portal 2 for free. That sold me on buying Portal 2 PS3.
  17. Between this and the pretentious asshattery we have here, I'm kind of at a loss where I should go for my rpg discussion. I find the bioware social to be not half bad. Maybe that's because I'm a chan regular. Bioware sycophants are even worse on the chan. But that's most likely because the discussion gets more heated there. Where they actually try to moderate tempers on bioware social.
  18. I should know that. But I apparently forgot. I guess I don't drink enough mojitos.
  19. Far be it from me to disagree with a man who understand duct tape.
  20. The best part about this whole thing? Read the Isabella story/all Isabella related stuff. Then realize that this was written by a female! writer with a degree in philosophy. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Sheryl_Chee She also wrote Oghren, Wynne, and Lelianna. Don't dismiss her so easily. I think archetypes tend to bypass the gender of writers a lot of the time.
  21. I'm hopeful for their icons. I want my first DA2 run to get "good, but professional." Not picking anything sarcastic, not flirting. Just "You need help?," "Why?," and "Okay." We'll see how it works out.
  22. hahaha And you probably get Renegade points for it, too. Something I find annoying about ME2. If I want to run a professional ship, apparently that makes me a jerk.
  23. A bonus dagger that's intentionally scratched to make it look worn. I'm looking at you Batarang and Plasma Cutter.
  24. Most certainly. With all the expected responses. "She's just as big as the men!" Or something of the sort.
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