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Everything posted by Tale

  1. It would be Mass Effect 3. The particulars about who it belongs to are pointless. Whose movie is Blade Runner? Which cut are you viewing when you answer that question? Which of the three versions of Hamlet belong to Shakespeare? Who do the other two belong to? Are modern performances invalid? Is George Lucas's Star Wars more valuable than the one I saw in theatres? Which version of Empire Strikes Back may I enjoy, Kershner's or Lucas's? What about Disney's Cinderella? Does that ruin Grimm's somehow? Why do these questions matter?
  2. He does say that they're working on DLC that'll address "clarity" and "closure." Those are issues with the ending, but whether they're the biggest problems with the ending or not is debatable.
  4. Making me think the ending to the game is terrible is not "indoctrinating" me. This is no more mind control than locking someone in a room with three doors that all lead to a punch to the throat is a clever prank. But hey, one of the three doors also has losenge. The correct answer to any such game is not door number 1. It is to not play.
  5. Which is a terrible ending. Far from "one of the best endings ever."
  6. I get that, would have been much better if the game wouldn't have "ended" there. I don't get that, what rocks? Who dies? Huh wat? Indoctrination theory posits that Shepard dies and humanity loses in two of three endings. And is surrounded by rubble (rocks) in the third. The squadmates that went to the beam are definitely dead. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of "rocks fall, everyone dies" that's another thing. http://tvtropes.org/...allEveryoneDies This is often considered a bad thing.
  7. There is nothing good about indoctrination theory. It is still a terrible ending. Probably worse, because it's not an ending at all. It's just "rocks fall, everyone dies" outside the boss room. Except maybe you survive the rocks and it fades to black.
  8. Hopefully they get a better budget this time around. And that they've generally learned from the flaws that hurt Dragon Age 2. I doubt the former will happen. How could they get a better budget for DA3 than they got for DA2? Can they manage the project well enough to cover for that? Will multiplayer get tacked on?
  9. Not sure, but it's more or less confirmed that a part with collectors was cut from the final game. Those assets are a popular choice in "fake ending" conspiracy theories and helpful suggestions of how Bio should dig themselves out of a hole. I'm not surprised, but I'd never seen the evidence. They are mentioned as still around and would have made a decent 4th army. I'm expecting them to end up being DLC at some point. What info is floating about that suggested it?
  10. Did someone say remove the Collectors from the equation? Apparently they're still around. The Miracle at Palaven codex entry mentions them.
  11. For many of us, the ending actively negates all the outcomes of the middle. The phrase "galactic dark age" is tossed around a lot. And it's not an unreasonable interpretation of the ending. When you spend a good part of the game unifying the galaxy only to tear it apart at the end, the progress is questioned.
  12. Those who are following the ending upheaval, Hudson has a response. http://social.biowar.../index/10089946 In my personal opinion. What he says they wanted people to feel about the ending and what I felt about the ending are the exact opposites. He describes the story as a hopeless struggle for basic survival. But for 95% of the game, my Shepard wasn't hopeless and he was doing more than surviving. He was excelling. He had, in many ways, accomplished feats unmatched in hundreds of years. Feats unmatched by the previous games. The final moments did not give hope and victory, but took it all away.
  13. Having Cerberus be the final level would have been a massive disappointment. Getting TIM instead of Harbinger was already less than cool.
  14. Those two games had worse endings. NWN2's ending was simply awful. But it didn't have the buildup of two preceding games, tons of recurring characters, and it didn't take the entire setting with it. But thanks for that. I'll never be able to enjoy NWN2 again since it's in this perspective.
  15. The heroic epic argument is what I'm sold on at the moment. Games 1, 2, and most of 3 got people really invested. But when it came time for the catharsis, the game failed to deliver. So feelings and interests that have accumulated over those games end up dropping like a rock instead of being fulfilled.
  16. Stages aren't so discrete. I have some bargaining left in me yet.
  17. My favorite thing about a game getting a negative reception is the post-mortem. I learn so much. Going in with lots of information, having a clear expectation, and weighing the result can tell you a lot about your assumptions. Main thing I learned is that endings are worth far more than I give them credit for. And I'm reading around trying to figure out why that is. Has this been linked yet? Musings of a Screenwriter. We probably have a few aspiring or accomplished writers here. I know we have an editor somewhere. Any disagreements or reinforcement?
  18. It's sad to see them missing the point as well. Nobody wants that. I mean... a Segway? We deserve a jetpack.
  19. Said it over at Bioware Social. JMS is probably the only writer I know of who wasn't making it up as he went. Then you factor in that Bioware has a team of writers, not just one guy making 95% of the decisions, and it's probably harder than for others. Benefit of the doubt is that it is technical. The first unskippable in ME1 and ME3 are centered around the same situation, people watching a monitor. There may be some issue with things going on on-screen that can't be skipped and will end up running concurrent if you try. An example I saw last night. The Crucible cinematic, where it is first revealed in construction. I skipped over that. Then the music continued over everything that followed.
  20. Anachronox is still a great movie. I wonder if the game will live up to it.
  21. I don't know whether to be happy or scared. Gaider's patches to Baldur's Gate 2 were good. But will he be able to put his nostalgia glasses on? Or maybe Gaider's not himself involved and he's just drawing attention to it.
  22. Ctrl+F Baldur 0 of 0 So, I see nobody is talking about the hot news.
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