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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I just beat Dragon's Dogma. Didn't do the secret boss or get the best equipment. On checking my total play time, it lists 82 hours. I think I got enough in anyway. Time to move on to a different game, mayhaps.
  2. It's hard to analyze things like that. It could have been anything. Maybe the producer was obsessed with found footage at the time. Maybe the director had an idea for a found footage film and it ended up morphing into something completely different, but he didn't have time to completely revise it. Found footage really only seems to work in horror films. In Chronicle it was just bizarre. Because the footage isn't "found" it's just cam footage. They lose entire cameras with footage in them, but that never stops us from seeing it.
  3. I've decided that David is one of my new favorite characters in fiction.
  4. Saw Prometheus at midnight. And I'm exhausted today. I really liked it. It wasn't the second coming I'd hope for, but it was still good. Two things I really want to say about the movie.
  5. http://www.humblebundle.com/ Latest Humble Bundle just added Braid, Lone Survivor, and Super Meat Boy. Lone Survivor is probably the only one of those that's new to Humble Bundle. Braid practically ends up on every other one. That's what I was waiting for, anyway. Lone Survivor and Superbrothers are the only games I don't have, but this it seems like a good deal for me now.
  6. It looks like HTML tags that aren't supported. Most of that garbage is just code for signs. it's br and p tags.
  7. Stop insulting a movie I want to be the second coming! If I come out of that theatre with a dose of reality instead of my blissful delusions, I'll be very sad.
  8. I still see Science-Fantasy as a bit of heresy. But at least it doesn't get its own signage. Teen supernatural romance is just an oddly specific genre to dedicate space to.
  9. It's really disturbing that "teen supernatural romance" has become so popular I actually saw a dedicated section at Barnes & Noble.
  10. Old thread. How is the quality of the show in season 2? I've about halfway through the season 1 Blu-Ray. I see a few people complaining here and there, but don't know if it's anything genuine.
  11. Starting a new thread, this one is past limit. New thread.
  12. It started off promising. I was having Ghost Trick hopes. But then it became just like Heavy Rain and I lost interest.
  13. Try not to take too many cues in general. Find your own voice. I mean, I'd love to write like Pratchett, but it's just not right.
  14. You might get time to catch up. I'm dog sitting this week so I won't be playing it.
  15. So did Jew get cut, renamed, or just not present for the demo?
  16. I'm in Dragon's Dogma's postgame. Imagine you're playing your typical fantasy RPG. The roads and wilderness are filled with goblins, wolves, and zombies. Now imagine you beat the bad guy at the end.
  17. Killed my first dragon! WHEE. It apparently has a move that instantly kills all pawns and seals your abilities. That's kind of fun. Running around, resurrecting pawns. Then having the resurrected pawns restoring my magic. At least it didn't dominate them. That's always bad news.
  18. I'm mostly glad that Harpies won't be such a bother. They're hard to hit with the regular bow.
  19. Still on Dragon's Dogma. Killed the Griffin on the main quest. And changed vocation to Magick Archer, the Mage/Strider hybrid. This one might be more fun than the Fighter/Mage hybrid. Seeking arrows, WHEE.
  20. Had a job interview today. Still debating on whether it went well or not.
  21. Wait, unless I mistake your meaning, when was the 'old' Star Wars (games or othertwise) barebone, gritty and intense, exactly ? It means non baby-stuff Star Wars, like the old Trilogy. Edit: Thanks to the worms eating deeper into my brain stem, I'm probably the user with the highest Edit count. I edit almost every post I make. It just doesn't tell people I edit posts anymore. On the subject of 1313 and Star Wars. The original trilogy definitely was in the used future style. Even the Imperial equipment had its grime. New trilogy is very clean. Part of this is because of the CG abuse. When they bother to use actual sets in their CG scenes, those set pieces tend to be dirtier than the rest.
  22. I've always wanted to see Gaider be lead designer on something. I'm ready to believe Dragon Age 2's fault lies with it not having enough time to bake. And I would be very curious as to what would happen if he had more creative freedom.
  23. That is sad. They're turning out licensed download titles now. That's sounding like Gotham City Imposters - Middle Earth Edition.
  24. Gemini Rue was very good, so I'm looking forward to Resonance. Still haven't made time for Blackwell.
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