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master guardian

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Everything posted by master guardian

  1. I think you have jumped the gun a bit here. You are speaking as though you have a crystal ball witch you obviously dont. From what i can tell the only noticeable changes are the casting system and resting (mainly how resting affects casting). Yes i do wish they left casting alone but i may possibly be thinking that way because " I would rather stick with what i know", eg now i have to go through the hassle of relearning the casting system again and finding out how it works best. This will take time and could be considered work that i wouldn't have to do had they not changed the casting system hence why im pissed off. Only time will tell if i am happy with the new changes. Even after playing the BETA my mind is not entirely made up on the new changes. Having said that i cant see OBS going backwards with this. They have definitely improved on the narrative, graphics and not included stupid mistakes like they did in pillars one with that second "big " city that was a complete flop. They will have one big "Athkatla" style city now. In my humble opinion what will make Deadfire will be the story and narrative. Will it be as immersive as BG2. This will be the absolute test.
  2. Look at the difference between icewind dale (witch released after BG2) and BG2 BG2 : - Story driven - narrative driven - companion driven - huge enormous game - able to shape the world around you ICE WIND DALE 1 AND 2: - dungeon orientated - very combat heavy - long long long grind - no companions that impacted narrative The end result: BG2 - the best RPG of all time BY FAR ICEWIND DALE - killed of interest in crpgs until Pillars of Eternity
  3. Really? I found most of them weren’t worth action time. I used all of them right at the start of a fight and summoned them into position to dirsupt the enemy as much as possible. This had the following major effects: - disrupted enemy movement - they soaked up damage - they soaked up enemie casters spells - gave me time to buff and debuff Trick is dont give the figurines to casters give them to melee guys so you dont lose valuable casting time at the start of a fight How you went through pillars 1 without doing this (unintentionally) is mind boggling, biggest cheese tactic in the entire game BY FAR I've defeated the Adra Dragon without figurines in PotD, but I tried with figurines too and it becomes incredibly easy. Besides the above, you also have time to reposition your party (after buffing). you can win just about any boss fight in pillars one by buffing your accuracy then using confusion scrolls, unless they are immune to confusion scrolls of course thats how i beat bosses without figurines
  4. Really? I found most of them weren’t worth action time. I used all of them right at the start of a fight and summoned them into position to dirsupt the enemy as much as possible. This had the following major effects: - disrupted enemy movement - they soaked up damage - they soaked up enemie casters spells - gave me time to buff and debuff Trick is dont give the figurines to casters give them to melee guys so you dont lose valuable casting time at the start of a fight How you went through pillars 1 without doing this (unintentionally) is mind boggling, biggest cheese tactic in the entire game BY FAR
  5. how does preload work can every one do it ? and does it install the game in full or only part of it? never seen it
  6. i found that not using figurines on pillars one was the equivalent to a higher difficulty
  7. I am very concerned that we have been duped I backed on the fig portal Deadfire that clearly said that the level cap would be level 20, This was one of the stretch goals i think There was no mention that the level cap would be reached in any future expansions To clarify the FIG website clearly indicated to backers that the original game of deadire would have a level cap of 20 Now i am really concerned that this will be the level cap at the end of the third expansion and we may be only able to reach say level 14 in the main game and each expansion will allow for another 2 levels each, just like the white march expansions. If this is the case I will be extremely super pissed off and very concerned that the base game will be to small. We need this clarified from OBS straight away please!!!!
  8. OP spends countless hours developing a mod for the benefit of others and very put post after this guy announces : " I dont care" Great too see that we have cultured and socially adept members on this forum
  9. well in 12 days all our ranting frustrations will be over, lets all just enjoy the game because games like this dont come around to often thankyou obsidian for giving this to us cant wait for may 8th
  10. yeah i agree these three expansions are not your traditional expansions you nailed it on the head. Expansions use to come out a significant time after a game had been released and they generally had a lot of content. Deadfire is basicaly releasing in four waves and you gotta pay each time Hence what i was talking about in my OP
  11. thanks for clearing that up greatly appreciated quick question though , can you reach level 20 in the base game of deadfire without the expansions or is that the level cap with the 3 expansions included? thanks
  12. The main game in Pillars of eternity one was incredibly lacking before the expansions, for example the second city was an absolute joke but history does not lie
  13. Im all for supporting games like deadfire so they are profitable to ensure they are continually made but three expansions? im a but suss on that really they have just chopped the main game up and split it into 4 different sales (the main game and the three expanions) i m praying the main game is big enough to enjoy without the expansions I dont view these expansions as expansions really i view them as a revenue raising tool that has split up the game
  14. Mine will be Paladin Fighter Rogue Wizard Priest Why Because i love collecting melee weapons and magic items for melee characters. I really enjoyed getting all the great magic loot for melee classes in pillars one and the white march especially and gearing up the melee classes and then buffing them with awesome priest buffs. I had alot of success with it in the end and it was super enjoyable Also i think casters have had a pretty big nerf in deadfire so i reckon melee is where its at Wont be playing any multi-class my first play-through but looking for to it for future playthroughs
  15. @op You should try playing the icewind dale series. You will know the true meaning of a grind if you have played that
  16. 1) Dude liked smoking weed. 2) Dude liked smoking weed while playing the game this forum is about. 3) Dude wondered if other members of the forum also enjoyed this activity. 4) Dude made post. Glad I could help. maybe speak a little bit slower for him he sounds a bit on the slow side
  17. so witch one are you? and im guessing that most people who are on here who are criticizing smoking weed are religious (no offense btw) and my response to you is that going to church on Sundays, singing in a choir and reading the bible just doesn't do it for me but each for there own
  18. I don’t think this is against forum guidelines I apologise if it is. Weed makes me enjoy the game a bit more for some reason, you can zone right into it and sometimes you feel a lot more relaxed. I’ll probably play DF ripped. Anyone else do this?
  19. most looking forward to hopefully having a gaming experience on par with BG2 one can only hope.......fingers crossed
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