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Everything posted by Tarlonniel

  1. The only thing I can think of doing is going back to your pre-endgame save - the game should've made one automatically, just before you sailed into Ondra's Mortar - and checking with Tekehu at deck level to make sure you've completed all of his conversations, especially the one where he talks about making it his mission to find Ukaizo. But Opheleus never talked to the guy at all and still got the option, so... weird. A flag must've not been set correctly in your game somewhere.
  2. No, there's nothing to pick up. The conversation just triggers automatically when you touch the control panel. If he's with you, he has a big sequence; if not, a "tell Tekehu later" option is added to the dialogue box.
  3. The "secrets" are the ways of ancient watershaping that he learns if you bring him to Ukaizo. Or if you just tell him later.
  4. Maybe that can be Rymrgand Jr.'s personal quest. "I need to buy passage to Old Vailia, the coffee here in the White is terrible."
  5. Meh. Both "sweetness and light" and "darkness and death" would be too cliche. I hope he's just an ordinary guy, going about his day, looking for a really good cup of coffee. Good coffee is hard to find, man.
  6. Are you volunteering as a playtester? Because I'll gladly go around breaking modding the files for you, but I ain't got time to test all that.
  7. At a guess, you'd need low morale and someone in your crew with the "rowdy" trait.
  8. It's one of the "crew infighting" events - someone turns on Eliam, insulting him and wanting him off the ship (because death godlike). It's sort of horrible, but if you let them fight it out, Eliam demonstrates a pretty neat ability (because death godlike).
  9. If you recruit Handsome Eliam, a very uncomfortable scripted crew event can pop up involving him, but I don't know what the trigger is - I've just read it in the files.
  10. You doubt mighty Nemnok?! As punishment, you must scribe "Nemnok is best god" on this scroll one hundred times, while chanting "Nemnok, Nemnok"!
  11. I'm holding out hope for a full-on god war in the next game, with each one scrambling to make a new system, sabotage the others' efforts, etc., etc. Having the option to kill 'em all and become God the One and Only yourself would be pretty neat... but I vote for Nemnok. Nemnok the Omnipotent!
  12. Maybe the plague ship folks are worried about doctor-patient confidentiality. He is named Big Mouth, after all...
  13. No problem. Someone else mentioned having the same problem with the plague ships when Big Mouth was in that slot, which is why I asked
  14. Rymrgand godlike, eh? Excellent. Another for my collection. Gotta catch 'em all.
  15. Huh. I got that one and was able to solve it the same way as the others, by bringing the sickest one aboard. Are you low on medical supplies by any chance? Or is your surgeon unslotted? Who are you using in the surgeon slot?
  16. Eothas is as much as villain as Thaos was a villain. They both do evil things in order to further their goals. You're free to agree with them that doing those evil things was worth it for whatever reason, but they're still villains in my eyes.
  17. Note that I didn't call him an antagonist. I called him a villain.
  18. As far as I'm concerned, Eothas is the villain. But you can't stop him or bring him to justice because he's a god in a huge adra statue and the Watcher is just some random kith who sees dead people.
  19. On #2, I've played the game with every variation of godlike and I remember exactly one response from your "parent" - Magran to a fire godlike at the Ashen Maw. There's also a sort of general acknowledgement in the conversation where you find out what godlikes are for.
  20. Thanks! I tried it out (I was right there in my current game) and it triggered correctly, got the "Aloth is pleased" bit and a rep gain. Cool.
  21. Thanks for the helpful thread! I used the info here to mod in a couple new dispositions for Aloth, though I still have to test and see whether they're working or not.
  22. I haven't tested it yet - I'd have to find a conversation where one or t'other of those topic flags comes up and check his approval before and after, but I don't know of any such conversation off the top of my head.
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