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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. Hello Meatbag, :D The games is cool, I have not read through all the comments so I may repeat something. You can have a truly black heart or airy fairieness and find a playing style to go with it. You should get the Official Patch for the game and install it before playing. The story of the game is confusing to allot of people. The reason is that it is not all complete. There was allot of cut content at it's release. These are however being put together as we speak. For this reason, you should save allot. Doing so will allow you to pick up at an any point in the game should you add this content and need to activate it in time with the game's events to see the added content. You can get this content from the game's restoration project called TSLRP. From here you can follow the overall project until they put out a rather large mod that has it all. There are however allot other mods you can get. just search for "kotor 2 mod" and have fun going though it.
  2. New Scientist, 08 September 2006 Wow!, that is impressive.
  3. I did say the first ones would be free of restricting laws right? I know the later ones will get told you can't .... That is why the first are lucky. You mean like live at work? Or have all work done from home? I don't so. We are too many to cram into a small area. Transport is in our future. What, are you going to live in hole the rest of your life. Get out there face the day! Get your flying car and see the world! Until they get the stabilizing down it may come this sea sickness pills. Another thing that will get put onto them are proximity sensors to avoid objects and help you to steer clear of accidents involving running into something.
  4. I think everybody does. Those why so little is known about these powers.
  5. The flying car has been promised for years. Well, a man is thinking out of the box will final deliver on that promise. Presenting the Moller Sky Car! Read all about it here. http://www.moller.com/medi.htm Now that the exciting introduction is over, there is a catch, it is not ready just yet. But it is closer than anything else and that gets me excited. The way I see it, whoever gets there hands on a flying car first will have a sea of freedom. Even if it is not Moller that delivers, there will be a absence of laws and traffic jams. Oh MAN! Imagine that! I doubt that I am the only one that loves this idea. I think they would sell like hot cakes.
  6. Can we please not call it FU? This game looks cool (even though I have not seen it yet, it sounds cool). Here comes a Darkside game for those with black hearts! With lots things that blowup and lightsaber action! :starwars: Oh yes, I did read through much of this post. It would look like we have plenty of RPG brats amongst us. If it is that it will not be released on the PC, it is that it will be a poor game. Come on! where is your darkside loves excitement that when you unleash hell, you will now be able to trash everything near by?!?! Whats that? A guy looked at you the wrong way and your offended? Through him against the wall and watch him scramble for his life! Don't like the petty statue? Shatter it! Come on people, unleash your Darkside! But don't forget to unleash it all in the game and not real life! When K3 comes out it will be that much better! If no one here has noticed, Lucas Arts said that have not given these games enough time. That is one reason they are not rushing them out anymore. Besides, console games don't port over to PC very well.
  7. Just saw the problem count go up. Oh man! Obsidian or Lucas Arts should send you some beers for a party when this is over.
  8. Just like there were people who saw ROTJ but never saw ANH or ESB? Heshootshescores! Tough crowd! I realizes the past games are fun and all but I would like to move on. Forget the last two games. Lets just go for new stuff, new faces and new chars.
  9. You can take it and suck up your pride for falling for a scam. I missed it when I talked to him and was like "Oh, cool!" :wallbash: But I didn't miss the one from K1 (back stage pass with the band)
  10. Well, well, this project could very well have a happy ending. "One sign of life is; activity driven by a purpose." You guys are on a roll! KEEP IT UP!
  11. You can get a mod for this power, but it was never intended for the PC from what I can tell. It is however in the game and Kreia ends up with it. I have never bothered to get this one. But I think you can get it at level up after you visit Duxon and Kriea talks to you about it. (There are two of them, you automatically get the first after the talk.) The game is simply too easy to need boosts. It was created as a part of another game that had a similar skill but was found not to be needed. If you want these skills you can get them from the Save Game Editor. I have tried them all out, and all at once. I needed it with my hard core mod. I recommend you make the game more difficult too.
  12. I seem to remember a line about "There are no coincidences, there is the force". A handy thing to blame for odd "coincidences" in these movies. I bet allot of directors are jealous.
  13. I would like to see it (the TV show). Star Trek's days are numbered with Voyager being such ... a ... :sleep: WHAT!? Where was I? Oh yes, it was bad, and Enterprise was good but I think it is cancelled. I kind of hate to see people continue to play around with what George Lucas did and make more about that time period. It is getting, over used and losing what was cool about it, so other times are a good place to keep going.
  14. Ya, we know that the Mandalorians days are numbered, it would be cool, considering how they helped to start this mess, if they had a finnish that worked to restore pace in the galaxy. A last act of the Mandalorians at the end of K3 that restores the honor of the Mandalorians and gives them the greatest fight they ever had. I could dig that.
  15. Precongnition is a "Passive" skill. In other words you can't use it. It goes off at points in the game (already mentioned in this thread) that look alot like a part of the story telling. Just watch out for the wavy edges in cut senes. That is Precongnition at work.
  16. I once was in this spot. And I was using USM! He was tough! I left the planet can cameback and he was still tough after some leveling! I had a cousler that just could not stand up to a lightsaber fight. I also had a Hard core mod!!! So I mined the floor, all the mines on the same spot. But I could only put 12 down and he healed up and resisted my attacks. Then I put 12 down, left the map, came back and put 12 more down, 24 Deadly Mines! That did it! After that the rest were not so bad, I lvled enough and what not. The key to the rest (and Vrook) was to keep them at a distance. (stun effects and adhesive grenades) Good luck
  17. If you search for "star wars 2007" you will get alot stuff about a TV series to come out this year. I don't know it is still going to happen but it is there.
  18. I would like to fight the "true sith". It is very rare that anyone in the Sci Fi universe ever thinks on a scale like multi-galaxies. But I do admit that all to often they fall short of the scale of it at this point. "The Last Star Fighter" had 30 very poor (and small) ships try it, but it was good for its time. The correct scale would be in the hundreds of millions. I mean, we have about 40 million troops on Earth and we are not even space age. Multiply that by 1,000 planets (I think it was suppost to be alot more) and fleet that looks like a dense cloud (40 billion troops). By the time you get close enough to see the ships clearly, the cloud seems endless. One man can't pull the trigger enough times to shoot them all even if he hit and destroyed a ship with every shoot in rapid succession. And that has the makes for a truly awsume story!. Of course our Jedi hero need not fight them all. He need only do his part and take out the top of the command chain and thus save the day. KOTOR 3 has the chance to be great. :starwars: :joy:
  19. If it is your last planet, you could leave the planet and explore a little. You should then run into a message to go back to the camp. I think it is just waiting for you to triger the event to start the next part of the story. But you need to leave to do that. (I think)
  20. I would think so. It would be the stuff that TSLRP would not have to fix and possibly handle issues that TSLRP could not touch, like the .exe and what not.
  21. Better watch it, installing the OS on an old computer and upgrading it after could be a problem. You may find it will not tranfer and get revalidated. I have heard of 3 instaces of this already. (but not with your exact situation) Try the OS last to be safe. Also, right now, there are alot of problems with custumer service and keys given on the family discount. The keys were bad and Microsoft refused to fix it. I think Vista is a problem child right now. I'll look at getting it..., later.
  22. We have build number 0.7b16. :D 138 issues of 770 remaining. I am sure you guys will be happy to get this over with. Keep up the good work.
  23. HK is just realy funny. If you have played the first game yu can know to expect more of that. If not or don't remember, he has a ... unieque view of life that has little regard for life. " Most people think about staying alive or something, he worries about how to kill stuff faster. :D
  24. Don't forget that he was in the Tatoonine sun alot. That can give you blond hair. His has color but it could have been bleached from sun light. After he gets out of the sun, it will go brown again but not full brown. I am sure some people can be seen to have lost sight of this and made it the wrong color at the wrong times. Also, some people have blond hair when they are younger that turns brown later.
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