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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. It's because of me or others that are on moderation. Our posts don't show up until mod approves them and they show up in place where we made them instead of at bottom. Oh I see. Thought the thread was bugging out and I know you guys make new politics threads occasionally because the thread bugged out.
  2. On the incident in France mentioned earlier, it appears to be an attempt at suicide by cop (in France? heh), mental illness possibly involved. Not a huge lot of information off of there atm. Also, apparently US spy sats are seeing mobile launcher activity in NK. Might not mean anything on it's own, but given the tense times, something to keep an eye on. edit: Now Chilloutman's post is at the top of the page rather than on the previous page. *shrug*
  3. The Democrats and Republicans are both 'big tent' parties and are supposed to accommodate a whole range of ideas and not a specific platform as European parties usually do. They're called parties, yes, but they aren't 'parties' in the European sense.
  4. What the? When I posted my previous post, it was at the bottom of page 27, edited it, left, came back, and now it's at the top of page 28. Don't know if this is a sign of the thread going wonky or if it's normal.
  5. Being stubborn and holding his ground is definetly something he does when he wants to and can be pretty dang stubborn while doing it, and is known for it. I imagine that the white supremacists who do make up his base would be a pretty tiny slice and wouldn't matter much in an election, but when he doubles down, he REALLY doubles down.
  6. It wasn't just the media that condemned his initial response, it was a heavy bipartisan response to it. Heck, his daughter responded in a way that was more sppropriate. As for the slow walk part, putting that in the title is certainly milking a little, but the fact is that he took over two days to come up with a better response.
  7. Violence in general, yeah, but I don't recall him condemning BLM violence specifically by name. re:civil war: It hasn't gotten to the levels that we saw in the 60's and 70's, and we didn't devolve into a civil war then. Wouldn't be able to count on the likes of Kennedy and LBJ to calm things down though. It does feel like that it's only going to get worse from here.
  8. Exactly. It all depends on what Eder sees in Eothas and which aspects are important to him. A gay Eder could either find other aspects important, dispise Eothas at all or maybe have the exact same view as the other Eder. But, and that was my point I think, when it comes to world views, religion, philosophical thinking and stuff, your sexual orientation can influence everything (but does not necessarily have to). Wasn't there a good that was both male and female? Maybe gay Eder likes that idea better than kindness and rebirth. I don't know. In my opinion of course. Im not really trying to make an argument here. This is all speculation. Yes. But as your view of the world changes, so do your stats. If at some point in your life you decide that strength is important, you will throw away the books and lift weights. Small things can affect your whole life. Imagine that: 14 years old gay Eder decides that Eothas is not the right god for him, because he just does not get the whole birth/rebirth concept. He starts to get interested in Berath (looked it up), so maybe his role in the Saints War would be a different one, maybe his parents kick him out, maybe he would have chosen to be a priest... You get the idea. Small changes lead to a butterfly effect. In one live you are strong in the other you are wise. Or even stronger. Reincarnation and The Wheel in Eora doesn't work on a sliding scale like the Buddist concept of reincarnation where you can go up or down depending on your actions in life, it's completely random. Sagani speaks of an elder who reincarnated as a polar bear, her quest target was reborn as a white stag, and sometimes they'll reincarnate as a Pale Elf. Those are the only references that I know of to kith reincarnating as something that is not kith, so, we don't know how commonly that actually happens.
  9. I mean those side bits which are capped off with a gold or copper, um, hairclasp, or whatever you call it. Pretty minor detail that won't really be noticed most of the time anyway.
  10. Aloths side bangs seem rather stiff though, particularily noticeable when he leans forward to read the grimoire.
  11. I think you meant to post on the other thread, and what is coll/coil animations? Aloths side bangs seem rather stiff though, particularily noticeable when he leans forward to read the grimoire.
  12. Well okay, and I didn't know he was going off of lyrics from two different bands. So, just confusion and ignorance on my part.
  13. Funny, considering that the guy was a Jew himself (in as much as you can "stop" being jewish), and he's covering The Doors and Leonard Cohen. Maybe it's your American government's propaganda leaking out of your ears. Coulda fooled me with the orthodox christian cross, at least I think that's the orthodox christian cross, and it was ignorance on my part as I hadn't heard of/seen the guy before. I didn't catch the context of the first one, though the second was definetly bashing the botched Yemen raid. Maybe it's your American government's propaganda leaking out of your ears. Har Har
  14. That's new. Previously, interrupted spells just took longer to cast. Now you can forget them by being hit? More like "this spell got screwed up, I need to start over" than forgetting, IMO.
  15. That? No, that proves that some guy on the other end of the world has a whole lot more than I do and is a whole lot more stupid than I am. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't hate Jews or any specific folks or nations. Ow, nice barb (if that was even aimed at me). I didn't say YOU were antisemitic, just that particular video is a little bit. I could be reading into it a bit too much, I don't know. And I was kind of making a joke with the Iranian government propoganda thing, which was probably unwarranted.
  16. I get that's supposed to be satirical or something, but uh, that seems rather antisemitic..... Maybe it's your Iranian governments propoganda leaking out of your ears.
  17. I meant gay Eder As Eder does not seem to be the guy to pay a hooker for giving him a child, that would leave him with the option to adopt one. Would the god of rebirth still be fitting for Eder if nature/the gods didn't give him a suitable option to reproduce? Eothas portfolio is more than just birth and rebirth though, and those two concepts can be interpreted in many ways.
  18. @Lord_Mord: Eder chose Eothas because that's what his family was doing. You find that out when talking about his family and his faith. Also, not sure why you're saying that Eder will never reproduce, some guys start a family later than others. Also, while I talked about it in the deleted post, I think it's a good thing to discuss as far as companion sexuality. What about Aloth? We've been talking about Eder recently, but Aloth is going to be more of a challenge as he's more, well, complex. Aloth has the whole Iselmyr thing and we know Iselmyr is a woman, but what do we know of her sexuality and how will that affect Aloths interactions. The only times it seemed like Iselmyr flirted at someone is with Kana and again at Pallegina. However, two interactions with unclear intent isn't much to go on as far as establishing sexuality. The question then becomes, how does Iselmyr's sexuality affect Aloth, or is it that we're seeing Iselmyr reflect Aloth's own sexuality? Aloth kind of almost becomes a metaphor for coming out gay or bisexual, if that's the path they take with Aloth.
  19. That was back when he was still a Senator, and Senators sometimes get asked about silly things. Lol though.
  20. Actually, that just means that his first class can only be cipher or barbarian, the second class can be freely chosen.
  21. Whoop. missed that. And Bill Clinton isn't too bad.
  22. I don't think anybody actually said that you're 'alt-right' volourn, at least not recently that I know of. Just out of random curiosity, are there any recent presidents that you don't think are douchebags? Though I guess you can look at all of the US presidents in history if you want.
  23. Oh yeah, "Becoming the very monsters that they fought and fled" all right.
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