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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. They've said that they aren't adding any new ranger pets, aside from Maia's bird, but that's not available to the player.
  2. That's not in the official canon, I don't think....
  3. Battle mollusc? Are you even talking about PoE here?
  4. He still wasn't on the rebel side there Always found that stupid, Jedi automatically became Generals. Doesn't necessarily make them good leaders due to them being warrior monks Technically, the rebels didn't even exist yet.
  5. You're just trying to parody the real internet raegouts (spelling is intentional).
  6. All you're doing is linking to a statue of Yoda, not idiots saying it should be torn down.....
  7. The only unity ticket that ever worked, and I checked wiki, was Abe Lincolin and Andrew Johnson. So, the question is "Would an unity ticket even work?" Although, they're going to try and run as Independent or something.
  8. I guess they could save them for a second DLC.... Just from the second video shown, looks like there would be plenty of stuff related to the other three companions.
  9. It also has a new release date of September 7th, and is supposedly available for pre-release somewhere. Also, only quests for Barik, Verse, and Lantry? Not sure why Ebb, Stalks-In-Shadow, and Sirin wouldn't have quests, though I guess the non-human companion would be more challenging to get a quest for.
  10. @Gromnir: My point is that it doesn't even have to be a problem. I have ADHD and I know it can be managed, whether through medicine or behavioral changes (I had an impulsivity problem as a kid). As to your point on Reagan, he was also a Governor of California, so, he wasn't totally new to politics and likely knew some of his limits. Trump isn't really doing that with his WH either, well, he has some. An experienced politician or actor* (like say, Reagan) who hypothetically had ADHD would have found ways to manage it *No, not a b-list actor like Trump was.
  11. has been linked before by Gromnir and others, but the writer of trump's book, the art of the deal​, has shared his insights into the workings o' trump's mind. is an intriguing read... not the art of the deal, but rather the interview with tony schwartz. “It’s implicit in a lot of what people write, but it’s never explicit—or, at least, I haven’t seen it. And that is that it’s impossible to keep him focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then . . . ” Schwartz trailed off, shaking his head in amazement. keep in mind the interview is from the summer o' 2016, before the election. warnings. warnings not heeded. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all HA! Good Fun! The ADHD really should be the least of his problems, the energy just has to be channeled in a direction that's beneficial and it can be managed. The problem is that he's a 71 year old guy set in his ways and is unwilling to change and really doesn't take constructive criticism well. Not to mention his whole personality and obsession with attacking every single greviance and slight.
  12. I didn't mean to say that Aloth or Iselmyr or Pallegina were examples of being transgender. But you could use their backgrounds to explore the broader topic of "self identification". With Iselmyr you do have a woman inside a man's body. She may not regard it as her own body of course, but that is exactly the point. When you feel like you are in a body that is not your own, a body that doesn't belong to you. That may be how some transgender people feel too. And Pallegina has something in common with the OP in the sense that she is not recognized for who she is. The OP would like to be recognized as something else other than man or woman, and feels that they are refused that. Just as Pallegina is refused to be recognized as a woman. The common denominator here is not being recognized for who you are. I mentioned this elsewhere, we know that Iselmyr is female, but we don't know what her sexual orientation is. Also, she makes two comments (one at Kana and one at Pallegina) that look like flirts, but are vague enough to maybe just be sass. However, when she did that, was she reflecting the Iselmyr personality's sexuality independent from whatever Aloth's is, or is Iselmyr actually reflecting Aloth's own sexuality? Would be interesting to see how the devs use the Aloth/Iselmyr duality. its still definite to me that Pellegina is a girl, even if she can't have children. Physically she is, yes (though Hiravias did go there with wondering what her genitalia would look like), but the whole 'genderless/sexless' is a Vailian legal construct. All Pallegina did was exploit the loophole provided by that to get into the Brotherhood of the Five Suns, which otherwise doesn't allow women.
  13. I swear Trump has ADHD sometimes, heh. Of course, his complete lack of political experience is showing, as usual. Gotta sympathise with his frustration on getting the debt ceiling dealt with though.
  14. Meh, honestly I think that the ACLU should have tweaked the wording a bit given recent events. This seems like a non-story on both sides (the ACLU, who I donate money to and like, ran an ad without thinking about all the implications and some people overreacted because it's the internet - nothing really noteworthy). Yeah, seems to have just the internet being the internet, and then ACLU overreacted, which only made it worse I guess. Nice Poe there.
  15. * pops sharp_ones media bubble with a thumbtack labelled "reason" edit: Boo, the /me tag doesn't work here.
  16. I'm speechless. Media are literally starting to target Trump supporters and voters. I'm afraid that if the liberals will regain (by elections or coup) power, then the Trump voter will face the same treaent as japanese americans during WWII. It's just curiosity of "Who's that guy we keep seeing at rallys?" than any malevolent reason.
  17. That's more like the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church split.
  18. No, the Kurds are an ethnic group and are actually pretty diverse as far as what religion people follow I don't know what the Islamic equivalent of the Protestants would be. I'd hesitate to say the wahhabist/salafist stuff and islamist stuff would be since, as much as they and Roman Catholics dislike each other, Protestants aren't exactly out for the blood of Catholics. Not now anyway. The Christian Reformation took over a century to resolve itself, so, if there is some kind of Reformation happening in the Muslim world, we shouldn't expect any kind of quick resolution.
  19. When and how would that reform happen? Obviously we can't and shouldn't force the reform to happen, it needs to happen on their terms. The only example of monotheistic reformation that we have is the Christian Reformation, but the historical cirumstances and everything else (other than dissatisfaction with the status quo) are so different that it's not productive to make direct equivalent comparisons. Also, I don't know when the Reformation started getting called as such.
  20. Well yeah, nobody's saying that we shouldn't be concerned, and nobody other than the conspiracy theorists are trying to spin conspiracy over it. Also, apparently the USS John S. McCain had lost steering and weren't able to use their backup for some reason (maybe they need a backup to the backup?). Not sure why they couldn't have raised speed to get themselves out of the collision zone.
  21. the fact that in this particular case the order "convert, enslave or kill all infidels" is a cornerstone of the teachings doesn't help either. Wasn't Christianity that up to a point as well? I don't think Christianity ever had enslave in that part and they've dropped the "kill all infidels/heretics" part for the most part.
  22. If they ask for help on something, we still should give them that help though.
  23. It's possible crew tiredness is a factor, yeah, given that combat readiness is an issue that lawmakers and others are concerned about. Given that it it's restricted to the region, they're saying it could be a problem with training standards and operational procedures.
  24. Obama travelled a heck of a lot less, so, the cost to the Secret Service never became an actual problem.
  25. Donald Trump will have to stop travelling around then, either that or ask Congress to pay up.
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