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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. You criticise me for not reading threw this thread? And even partake in insulting me. Beilive it or not mate people aren't interested in reading about ladyboy characters being introduced as protagonists nor would I have thought this forum to be the suitable platform to be discussing this crap. If you don't want to read or participate in the thread, then don't. Nobody's forcing you to. @Kdubya: Yeah, the issue isn't so much "are they able to implement it" than "do they feel that it's worth the risk of delving deeply into a, tricky, if you will, subject. As you say, it's hard to get it right and as developers, they'd have to walk a fine balance. There will always be that 1% of the internet that will always be offended by stuff like this, but getting it right would be a big deal. Do you really need to be told that if you do not like to read about a certain topic, then you shouldn't click on that topic? Ok, I'll help out...it is evident that you are not interested in talking about this topic in a civil manner, so you should not participate in this topic. Everyone wins! Believe it or not, this is exactly a suitable platform to discuss this topic. ^ Exactly this
  2. Nothing new that I know of, no. There's some rumors/speculation that it'd be in March 2018 or that's what Josh Sawyer is aiming for. Other than that, the only known release date is first quarter of 2018.
  3. So, that's why we lack a rogue? Isn't Xloti's first class choice set to either priest or rogue? Multiclassing is always an option though.
  4. Isn't NK way more mountainous than SK? It does have a general point though.
  5. See, that's the problem. If this gender thing is as profound as you say it is, how come i never noticed it? If it is as big as you say, why i never felt any of it? And i am, being a straight man, have a much stronger feminine side than an average male would. So, if there were these big expectations, you'd think i would've noticed them, but i didn't. Never really felt like i had to conform to any kind of expectation. Culture would go a long way towards explaining how come you never really noticed it.
  6. And NK just launched a missile that flew over Japan, not much info on it atm.
  7. The politics thread titles tend to be a bit non-serious anyway.
  8. Really needs a "I play as my birth gender/sex, but I don't care whether a game uses a male or female protagonist" option.
  9. This should go in the computer and console section. As for me, I just use male which is my sex/gender, but I don't care whether a game uses a female protagonist or a male one.
  10. Yes? Who was the most popular presidential candidate last election? Sanders, who's admired Stalin, Mao, and Castro. And went to the workers' paradise for his honeymoon btw. You're thinking of the old centrist dems, like ol'Bill. But they've been hurtling to the left faster than a speeding train. And what will happen when we're a one-party country, which we will be if Texas ever turns blue? Then the Republicans better change their strategy if they want to remain relevant? We're probably the closest we'd ever get one-party country right now. What is probably more likely would be a political reshuffling.
  11. Huh... I don't recall encountering it? Or am I missing on a joke? A DnD joke I think. The Tarrasque is supposed to be the most powerful monster in the DnD universe (and spinoffs), so legendary that it's legend is legendary. It's like the Grue or something.
  12. Yeah, only a single star would need to be added, but the aesthetics are important. Link to the propsed flag you saw? Wouldn’t it be easier to kickout California since they want to go anyway? The campaign for it folded back in April, it's not going to be on the ballot. It should be taken as seriously as say, Texans beating their chests over something and threatening seccession. It's just a way of venting rather than anything serious. It'd be a dumb idea anyway, for various reasons.
  13. Yeah, only a single star would need to be added, but the aesthetics are important. Link to the propsed flag you saw? It was one I saw on TV. Wouldn't take much to shift the rows a bit to accommodate for a new star. Yeah, it'd basically be that.
  14. Texas has been slowly becoming bluer over time, probably become a swing state in several elections. Though yeah, it would be a heck of a thing for Texas to go blue and stay that way for an extended period of time. Given how it's the stereotypical Republican stronghold. Not really, one that I saw was indistinguishable from the current flag, so, radical changes wouidn't be needed.
  15. This is incredibly confusing. In russian there isn't even an equivalent for "gender", there's just "sex". So i'm having a big difficulty understanding what gender even supposed to mean in the first place, let alone when it's non-binary. And judging by the answers i'm getting, it's not that much clearer for other people as well. Yeah, it becomes a real problem when you attempt to translate it into other cultures and languages. Gender is like, the identity, the way the person views themselves, while sex is the biological. This is incredibly confusing. In russian there isn't even an equivalent for "gender", there's just "sex". So i'm having a big difficulty understanding what gender even supposed to mean in the first place, let alone when it's non-binary. And judging by the answers i'm getting, it's not that much clearer for other people as well. Yeah, unfortunately many things get lost in translation like that. Just like there is no English word for 'mu'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender Check the wiki article out. As it mentions at the start, 'sex' is part of what can define gender but gender refers also to aspects involving social structures and identity. Are you talking about the greek alphabet? Differing alphabets is something different than having a word which has no translated equivalent in another language. Like say, schadenfreude, though I think english has gone and adopted that word.
  16. It can be used to dramatic effect in some interactions like when you confront the guy laying claim to Caed Nua in the Defiance Bay city hall. I'm sure there are places where it would be better to have the descriptive text separate from the dialogue though.
  17. Personally, I like the descriptive text, they should keep doing that.
  18. Looks more like the foothills or edge of the White March than Dyrwood. Does look awesome though.
  19. You should be able to use your forum account.
  20. You kind of have to get caught to get fined, but they WERE planning on cleaning it up. Still pretty funny that they said that they changed it because they felt like they were walking into a trap, but the trap hadn't been set yet, I don't think.
  21. Yep, Trump and other Republicans have repeatedly said that they want to repeal the same regulations that were made after the 2008 recession, even though some of those Republicans (and some not in office anymore) have voted for said regulations.
  22. Wouldn't a blade barrier or somesuch work against that? I'd imagine that the best solution is to avoid melee if at all possible.
  23. Wasn't he already a writer for Breitbart at some point?
  24. Nice timing to boot, heh. Plays well with his acolytes. Not sure what timing is nice. Friday night newsdump or not, it does seem like an attempt to use the hurricane as a distraction.
  25. Trump just pardoned Joe Arpaio http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/25/politics/sheriff-joe-arpaio-donald-trump-pardon/index.html?adkey=bn .......
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