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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. If I remember correctly, "Finding the Pathfinders" is activated by a random encounter with a group of Pathfinders during "The Varnhold Vanishing". ...I have some doubts about my grammar now.
  2. I'd go with "hollow victory", but, yeah, it's nitpicking. In general, I do appreciate the effort made for the consistency of the setting.
  3. Seeker, Slayer, Survivor. After defeating the naga at the Crucible, the Slaying Face congratulates the party with "The naga's venom offers only pyrrhic victory for those who best them, yet our contender lives to fight another day!". Does it mean that there was a person named Pyrrhus in the history of Eora, who achieved a victory, while suffering heavy casualties? Or it should be considered a bug?
  4. Complete and unlimited respec might affect the design, though. If the developers know that you can change your character's stats at any point, combat encounters and skill checks are likely to be (un)balanced accordingly. But it might be more about the skills of the devs, than the respec function itself. On an unrelated note, is it possible to change character's appearance (not stats) in Pathfinder: Kingmaker without mods?
  5. I prefer limited and optional respec, like it was in Dark Souls II-III, because on the first run, when you don't know the game's mechanics and available equipment, you're likely to make a not-optimized build. And if the game takes more than 20-40 hours to complete (and/or not interesting), the first run is likely to be the last. On the other hand, I agree that it can be slightly immersion-breaking, thus the function should be somehow explained in-universe.
  6. I couldn't pass the Religion and the Metaphysics skillchecks, but I was the Slayer's chosen. If you ask Eruke how to convince him to give up, an easier (16) Intimidate option should appear next to the (22) one. Not sure, what will happen, if this option is chosen, though.
  7. An atheistic Kind Wayfarer, yes. I couldn't act emotionally enough (except for the chats with Berath), so benevolent was the preferred disposition. It went well with the Energetic animation.
  8. The cake was a really nice blessing. I kept in the inventory for the whole game. /s Seriously, I'd like to see meaningful blessings/curses, while being able to reject the former. I don't remember Hylea even mentioning that I went with her support to the end-game (the Sun-in-Shadows).
  9. I guess, any background related to the main factions would work. I played as a stoic human/rogue/drifter from the Valian Republics and a benevolent death-godlike holy blade (can't recall the background and culture). There was enough reactivity to feel it meaningful.
  10. You can't ask him directly, because he isn't presented during the dialogue (Aexica does say that it would be cruel). But he becomes a good replacement for the Faces, possibly the best. Though, the Faces themselves start attacking random coastal villages.
  11. Completed AER: Memories of Old. It is a linear adventure game with light puzzles, exploration and without combat. The graphics are exactly the thing I like - stylish, clear and not demanding performance-wise, controls are uncustomizable (which might be critical for left-handed people and AZERTY-keyboard users), puzzles and platformer sequences are very simple and easy. Started Pathfinder: Kingmaker. So far the game strongly reminds of The Age of Decadence and Baldur's Gate - RNG affects outcomes of combat encounters a lot.
  12. I've just started the game. So far (character creation) so good. One question, though. How to toggle highlight? I'd prefer to see interactive objects and NPCs without holding Tab.
  13. Yes, it is stated in the ending slides. In both endings, where the Faces are freed, they for some reason attack coastal villages. I am unsure, if a positive (without corpses of random people) outcome is possible, unless they remain in the statue.
  14. There were several hidden skill checks in the last part of the DLC (or the sound of "Skill check failed"; the Pool of Memories) and after defeating the Porokoa is was possible to tell Engari that the Faces were incarnations of one Watcher (with "Honest" disposition). I could not confirm or disprove it in my playthroughs, because I was not able to pass the above-mentioned skill checks. Is this information correct? And, if it is, why do the Faces go on a murder rampage, when freed (with or without host)? I apologize in advance, if the topic was started too early (10 days after the release of the DLC).
  15. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F8Xta1LQmscTTuUYlx0W59_aGiiU1DCb?usp=sharing ^Google Drive, if it is acceptable. The manual save is the point, I replayed from (10/02/2018). The quick save is latest one, where the bug occurred (10/06/2018). On an unrelated note, how to disable the News tab on the title screen? I remember that it was possible at launch, but the option was removed in one of the first patches.
  16. After the latest update "Potions of Plenty" ("Seeker, Slayer, Survivor" DLC, side quest) does not progress - the belt (Less Unstable Coil) does not charge after battles in the Crucible (4 battles without any updates in the journal).
  17. It seems to affect the ending. If you empower Muatu enough, he may become the Face(s) of the Hunt.
  18. How to disable the News panel on the title screen? It's been quiet for five days and I thought that it was finally fixed, but today I've got "Download Seeker, Slayer, Survivor DLC!" in my face and the tab appeared again. Just in case, I do own the Season Pass and I have completed (1 achievement left) the DLC. I do not wish to see ads in my single-player game. I do not wish to see or interact with other people, when I play. It has become annoying enough to post on this forum. Assistance would be much appreciated.
  19. Well, this does explain why I can't download the game (it just keeps resetting). I guess, when you can fix your product after the release, it makes QA look less necessary during development.
  20. I've been trying to download the game for 4 days. It keeps restarting at ~20GB. The general consensus here is that it would be wise to wait for patches?
  21. What outcomes provide the options after major battles at the Crucible (e.g. vs Pipiltin's party, vs Porokoa)? Consuming the essence gives an upgrade material (to Legendary level), but what do the others? Edit. Sent Porokoa's soul essence to the Wheel, got +4 to Accuracy against Spirits.
  22. Nothing against romances, but I strongly dislike when an important part of companion's arc is locked behind it or when it devalues friendship and camaraderie, so I like how it was handled in PoEII (could have been better, but could have been much worse).
  23. At the beginning I wanted to slay the god, who stole my adra statue, destroyed my castle and murdered the people under my protection. On the first run I didn't believe that I would be unable to stop Eothas, even if I wanted to (I did not). But, quoting one of the dialogue options, "we do what we can with the resources we have". It was true for me (making Deadfire a better place to live; assisting the companions in their missions) and Eothas (letting the kith more control over their lives), which is quite ironic. Answering the question in the title, I think, the story, including side quests, is about personal responsibility.
  24. Same here. Completed the game and (a year or two later) both DLC. The class ("Fate"/card thing?) system was quite interesting and finishing QTEs were actually well implemented (except that the weapon used did not depend on the currently used). Also the combat and stealth were really enjoyable. On the downside, I guess, there were too many side quests, areas and named NPCs (The Elder Scrolls-like) and I can't remember much about the main story line.
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