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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Republicans were never quite that bad or amusing though lol I mean, I don't remember Republicans trying to storm the White house or trying to hold imprachment rallies, the signs of desperation was never visible much.
  2. Agreed, then again, when was the last time democrats didn't do anything silly and misguided? Hehe It seems everything the democrats do these days is done to target our President, to spite him or anything/anyone thereby supporting him. That's probably why they lose so much now and it's kinda sad to see them waste their efforts on that. Most amusing is when they want to get rid of something that's for President Trump but yet is for democrats as well and then when someone calls them out for it, there's always that petty excuse or in the rare ocassion they swallow the pride and admit that our President is human like them. It's that unrelenting paranoia and yndying hate which makes following the democrat party (and their extremists) very fun for us all. Of course I'm talking congress via national committee, the media outlets and "we the people". The Republicans aren't nearly as fun to watch because they are too busy winning everything, they just got the supreme court so now their relaxed as ever sipping on their spritzers and mimosas without a care. So I guess we're blessed to have ine party beung dramatic for our entertainment purposes... Somebody's gotta suffer
  3. When was this ?About a year ago. https://youtu.be/ScjIdN7DgNY
  4. Yeah, not gonna happen no matter how hard the insignificant demos try. They already tried to impeach President Trump and failed, so they moved on to the next big thing and still failed. Any guesses for who they'll target next? Lol Well, whoever it is, they'll fail at ruining that person's future as well. The definition of insanity, eh?
  5. While this is what I would expect, it also sounds like all my worst nightmares come true. You gotta admit though, it'd certainly be better than Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, who had their janky systems in their attempt to venture into the era of modern 3D rpg. Now that we have the tech or/and tools (and writers to boot) to actually bring BG into the 3D space in the right way, I'm pretty excited for it. Plus, I could use a break from traditional old-school isometric (said everyone ever). I really hope they'd do real time combat rather than the casualist rtwp or turn-base. As much as I love those systems, I'm kinda tired of the counter-fit low tier chess play and would like if we saw this old franchise get some new life. Of course, it will probably end up being rtwp anyway but maybe - or, hopefully, they'll make it to appeal to more types of gamers and it won't be 100% like to the first two games in terms of mechanics and combat. I want good story and combat but not the dull combat that the IE games are known for by all fans.
  6. Looks kinda weird but kinda interesting. I guess it's a superhero comedy with dark humor.
  7. An action rpg with real-time combat and online capability? Would be interesting, I would happily take that!
  8. I thought it all came from bad marketing. Keiji Inafune seemed to rub people the wromg way when he said "It's better than nothing" in response to critical feedback from the funders. I think people who pledge often get a false sense of entitlement "We funded the game so our say is ultimately what goes", people should know better but you always have those peeps that try to force devs to change their initial vision. The other mishap was the "Sadder than a lonely anime fan on prom night" comment or something like that - stereotyping it's fanbase as lonely loser virgins who can't get a date, this provoked a media crapstorm. It basically turned the tide of the hype to hate, amazing really lol As far aa the games, well Mega man 11 is more or less the same but a bit shinier. Capcom truly took advantage, showing that sometimes ignoring fans on forums and social media and just dumping a game can work quite well.
  9. Uh oh... Not that can of worms again lmao But I know what you mean, it's become common (well much more common) for false allegations to arise. The newest case: https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/10/04/parents-of-teen-boy-falsely-accused-of-sexual-assault-sues-five-mean-girls-accusers/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social Basically 5 girls falsely accused a guy of sexual assault, they even went to the extent of making fake accounts and messages to make him appear as somethimg else. In the end, the 5 girls came clean, of course and now the parents of the guy are taking the girls to court. They are right to do so, they should serve the time that he was going to lol The motives behind the accusations? Well, I think it's pretty easy to guess. But if we remove "Innocent til proven guilty" precept, then quite literally every man will be a predator and feminists will have a field day. In other words, well, I think you get it lol
  10. It will happen lol And when they get it, they'll complain about it being a reskin/clone and un-original hehe
  11. Only in blue states though.I can't wait to see how democrats react if Trump gets re-elected I don't think much of Trump. But i'm not going to like anyone the Donkey's nominate either. So it would almost be worth it just for the laughs at their red faced screaming. I wanna see people make false promises again such as "If Trump's elected, I swear to God, I'm leaving the country!!!" Trump's elected, they still stick around *sigh* quite humorous indeed! https://youtu.be/SHG0ezLiVGc I'll never forget this video as long as I live, and no doubt, everyone who refused (and still refuse) to accept that Trump became president will not forget that very feeling that night - as dramatized perfectly by the video hehe
  12. See, I wouldn't expect it to live up to any gamers expectations, who played it back when the first originally released. It's hard shoes to fill but even on a more extreme note, I have no doubt that even if it was executed perfectly and faithfully to the originals, we'll still find something to whine about because that's just the way it is.
  13. I understand that, but that's just the agenda now days and no matter how much we (as fans) choose not to vote with our wallets or forum complaints, that's not going to change what makes the characters but I'd have to disagree that different lifestyles or sjw agenda cripples character quality or story capacity. There's no such thing, I mean we, as straight gamers, don't like it - I don't really but I refuse to let it spoil me from enjoying a great show, movie or game with characters based around such ideals. I didn't really like when CW switched their focus to gay/bi characters, for example but that was just my prejudicial preference, now I've grown use to the fact that the world is changing. When I was in High School, there was one gay person in a class of over 400 students. Now, in that same high school, straight folk ARE the minority and the new mainspace for identifying one's self is "gender-fluid" ajd bisexual/gay are the majority. We can't really excommunicate this generation for that though, I mean to be honest we do, alot of us (from 50's to 90's) tend to make fun of or outcast this new generation for being different but in hindsight, they've already won. The more we protest the sjw linesight within our media, the more it's going to pushback - but again, that has nothing to do with quality, nor is it any worse from what made games from before the time sjw material was forced into medial culture.
  14. Expansion pack? You mean the mod they made and charged money for where the Forgotten Realms were turned into a re-education camp? Yeah, that was GOTY material *cough*. In all fairness though, Ed Greenwood liked it since it held true to the source material. Hmmmm... Surely, by your definition of a mod, the BGII expansions should have been for free to all buyers and games like Team Fortress, Blue Shift and Portal should just be free mods as well. You say that but what your reasons behind it? How exactly did they "screw" things over or is just because they made those sjw companions and everyone didn't like the fact that they are for inclusion? Which is really irrelevant to quality. Soy.
  15. Beamdog did an excellent job with the Enhanced Editions and the expansion pack though, much better than old Bioware would have anyway. Andthe way they introduced BG series to a new generation in a way that nobody else could. I like Beamdog.
  16. Eneresting... Very... EEEEEneresting. I'm intrigued! Thanks for this!
  17. Only in blue states though.I can't wait to see how democrats react if Trump gets re-elected
  18. A very interesting video on what's the new "normal" and what isn't. To be immersed for several hundred hours is to be addicted. An engaging community is more important than a good story and good gameplay And other great points on how social aspect has improved the industry. All that said, I am still a single player mainist, don't see it dying anytime soon - especially since single player games make the most money.
  19. Brace yourselves, we got another hot lawsuit on our hands What else is new?
  20. I see a few movies in this The Predator The Thing And... Evil Dead All mixed into one.
  21. I didn't know but I kinda had figured in a way, it makes sense since Wolfenstein New Order was inspred by some novel by Philip something something but it's nice to see the Wolfenstein easter eggs in the show though - as if they were connected. Actually, I've decided to give it another shot since I can't sleep. I'm watching it on Megabox as I type this since Amazon app is ridiculously unintuitive (the only thing I like about it is that it displays the actors/actresses when paused). It's 4 in the morning, sleep hasn't been so kind to me lol
  22. This is too funny but also true lol
  23. A Man In The High Castle... Essentially inspired by the likes Wolfenstein: The New Order with its alternative hostical setting (nazis win WWII and you witness the aftermath) and some janky references to the game. Only the show, unlike the game, is very boring to mildly put it. So I decided to strike it off the list of interest.
  24. I like this, I hope you continue to use it Lol You'd say the same thing about Iron Man 3 and Ghost Rider 2.
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