Well, video is cool, but music... Khm... I just dont like that kind of music. I think some rock would be better for DS! IMO No offence on those, who like that kind of music!
Can lightsaber throw be resisted? 1st time I fought Kreia, i used it till I killed her. I ran a bit, than threw saber, ran, threw and so on. I couldnt beat her in close combat, and she resisted most of my forces. So i killed her with throwing.
I go for Czerka! Just coz i don't like those snail-like ithorians. They seem wery dumb. (No offence). About khoonda vs. mercs, once i did for khoonda, once for mercs. Don't know wich side i liked better. Vaklu vs. Thalia... well i couldn't figure out how to help Vaklu, so I both times helped Talia... Maybe someone could tell me how to join Vaklu's forces.
They use it in the Star Wars Movies.There may be other names for it too.
U mean force grip? It's similar to force kill, or force crush skillz.
Oh darn... I forgot there already is force jump. Well then i could suggest some kind of "Force boost skill" Like if I need higher computer use for the moment, i can boost it using force.
I would say Nar Shadaa. But from theese choises i choose Peragus. Only beacuse of this planet i couldn't figure out if I want to play through KOTOR2 2nd time or not... (Well i figured that i want...)