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Lord XAN

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Everything posted by Lord XAN

  1. Weel, they could modify it a bit. They could make those HUDs kinda like for rankings: like infantry HUD, squad commander HUD, platoon commander HUD and so on... And different HUDs for different factions. And the same for straship HUDs!
  2. Ok! Thanks!
  3. Not so bad, but remember you'll have to live with it all your remaining life! I'd like some too ( I think with Maul), but I know I'm gonna serve in army, and I can't have one like this! :D
  4. When you are trying to use force heal, when you are sick!
  5. Krookie, I agree with you, but with one exception: way bigger maps, than in CoD. There are big maps in CoD, but not big enough for SW scale! IMO
  6. I still don't get it, wich party members can be turned into jedi?!? Plz help!
  7. Not so bad idea! Mandalorian wars would be pretty nice to battle through, but they'll newer do it. IMO
  8. Xard, you are the MAN! Im with you!
  9. That's a fact! Thrawn was the only alien trusted by emperor! And the best admiral of course!
  10. Battlefront III could be made about Thrawn times! Could be pretty interesting! And battles there was great enough. IMO
  11. I agree. I can't get point of this topic! Stupid!
  12. Yeah, and that crazy Jedi was messing his mind up too!!!!!!!
  13. Welll I read! :D I red those books (3) about Thrawn. He was just incredibly smart. Always not just one but at least three steps ahead of his enemies. If we talk about one on one fight, i assume that Revan could win, coz as I red in the same book, a jedi (or dark jedi) needs to keep up his fitness (not only meditation), but about Thrawns fitness i dont know anything (wasn't mentioned). But as for tactical battle... Thrawn would outmaster Revan 10 times! I think so... Well Thrawn was Emperors best grand-admiral! I think that means anything...
  14. Don't forget about those yisalamir creatures! They nullify force and Thrawn would just kill Revan with blaster ! :D Thrawn was cool, but anyway Rommel was better strategist! :D
  15. Well Im mastering them all anyway, but there has to be one that is most used!
  16. You think people ages ago thought that someday they will be able to fly and go underwater for more than 2 minutes? I don't think so. They was dreaming of it! And now we are dreaming of sabers... What's the difference?!? I'm not defending opinion, that there will be sabers, but I'm just thinking of fact, that somethings can happen, if u REALY want it! Ppl wanted to fly, and they did it! Ppl wanted to go underwater and they did it too! You even cant imagine how fast technology is developing...
  17. Well... Maul was the first sith to ecounter jedi in battle after long time. And for a first time after so long times, he wasn't bad at all! At the end, he made only one mistake... didn't drop Qui-Gon Jinns saber down that shaft too... But that's a movie! Good guys always has to win...
  18. Anyway, we are not going to see those sabers. If they ever will be created. Maybe our grand-grand-grand-grandchildren will, but we definitely will not!!! But i even think... that maybe our grand.....grandchildren will see somethin laike that. Coz think about one thing: did our grand-grandparents dream about PC in their times?
  19. could have changed crystal between episode 1 and 2 And isnt a White Saber a training saber? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean episodes 4 and 5? My opinion is that is just video effects glitch. I mean, that saber is Anakins! He had blue saber in ep 3. Obi Van took it from him after battle on (forgot that flamy planets name). Than he kept it for long time, and than gave to Luke at ep 4. Simply!
  20. Haven't played Battlefront. You say it's not worth wasting my time with it?
  21. Ok, Ben got drunk, and replaced the crystal! Accidentally...
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