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Everything posted by Murp

  1. I was feeling pretty good about the steam chart thing before I saw this thread (which I should have expected) Too much hardtack lowered morale I guess.
  2. Definitely the first three and the quest editor, With those modding activity would increase significantly. Something akin to the Shadowrun Returns editor if that is possible.
  3. Those aspects I think are more for a modern player than anything. Having like 50 different arrow types and only using like ten at the most is just tedious, The player stash for the same reasons. Having all this micromanagement and such just isn't viable if they want to appeal to a wider audience.
  4. I believe you. Seems like it's the only game you've played for the last 20 or so years. What do you call rum mixed with water? EDIT: sorry I'm gettin a little too sassy here fellas
  5. If Deadfire combat is more simplistic than BG Then you must have been playing a completely different game. I dunno what to tell you. Deadfire combat is more simplistic. How. Unless you consider kiting a "tactical strategy"
  6. If Deadfire combat is more simplistic than BG Then you must have been playing a completely different game. I dunno what to tell you.
  7. I never said Deadfire was perfect and I do agree that fun should override balance even though I do hold it in a higher regard. I'm saying that Baldur's Gate Isn't perfect with glaring problems and people tend to be really bias towards it. The Baldur's Gate series is in like my top five favorite by the way. As far as late game goes I rather enjoy not making nearly every fight irrelevant cannon fodder when (for whatever reason) a thief has the ability to make traps that stop time (somehow).
  8. I wholeheartedly disagree. The amount of ways you could completely break the system is mind boggling. Hell, in end game they just completely give up the notion of "depth" and let you literally stop time. Not only was the base game bugged to high hell but the expansion was even worse if that's even possible. No, mods are not fair game when they're meant to fix the problems the game was shipped with (that goes with every game). Also, considering that Obsidian still has mod tools coming there could conceivably be a mod that does the exact same kind of functions as SCS for Deadfire. Sorry but this is just more blind favoritism.
  9. Boy oh boy I tried to stay clear of this thread but I'm just too weak. As much as I enjoy it, People really need to move on from the Baldur's Gate riding if we ever want CRPGs to have another chance. There's a reason it died in the first place. We don't need anymore Grogs.
  10. This sounds pretty good so far. So is the Beckoner and WotEP not getting a second pass?
  11. Have you tried...I dunno, modding it in? It's what the community has been doing for decades. Don't be "lazy".
  12. Why can't people like you just get over yourself and accept that a person can have their own perspective? Why do people like you have to be so antagonistic all the time? I'm not the one who started this smug ass thread claiming that people who dislike the story are "shallow" and "missing the point". Obsidian fans have got to be some of the most obnoxious I've come across. and you've been nothing but an obnoxious troll since I've seen you on this forum. What, me?
  13. Maybe a forum isn't the best place for you if you think that someone disagreeing and wanting to argue with you about your "own perspective" is "antagonistic". calling someone who disagrees with you "you people" is a little antagonistic. Maybe a forum isn't the best place for you if you think that someone disagreeing and wanting to argue with you about your "own perspective" is "antagonistic".But they are being anataginistic and don’t want to argue? They’re just stating that one opinion is objectively wrong. I wasn't trying to argue with the person's opinion (even though I think it's wrong). Everybody deserves to say their piece. But the post itself just comes off as extremely rude and condescending.
  14. Maybe a forum isn't the best place for you if you think that someone disagreeing and wanting to argue with you about your "own perspective" is "antagonistic". No wonder these things are dying. God forgive me for wanting discussions to remain civil.
  15. Why can't people like you just get over yourself and accept that a person can have their own perspective? Why do people like you have to be so antagonistic all the time?
  16. I made a very basic gross character sheet template for anyone to use if interested Example?
  17. Drizzt in 3e had levels in both fighter and barbarian so either could be argued. I'd say figher though because he had way more levels in that.
  18. What's really disgusting me is how freaking *many* of these "There are women doing things that I don't like women doing in this game!" so-called reviews have been showing up lately.Really makes me question my self-identity as a "gamer" when I see what's up with parts of gamer culture these days. I just don't understand why of all games it's this one that's getting ragged on for these reasons. So far this is like the least "political" game I've played all year.RPGs seem to be particularly vulnerable to this stuff for some reason. The worst I've seen was the Beamdog forums during the release of Siege of Dragonspear a few years ago. The devs included a minor NPC with two lines of dialogue about gender fluidity and gamergate launched a weeks-long review bombing campaign knocking the metacritic and GoG scores down to 3 (meanwhile: 7.5 among verified Steam purchases). The developer downsized and hasn't released any OC since.Yet it's somehow the "SJWs" who are still charicatured in the gaming community as the unreasonable value crusaders. Goes to show that gamergate was never really about combating censorship in gaming so much as fighting cultural change and representational diversity. I mean, I get it. When games have been made with no care for any demographic but yours for the past thirty years, it's hard to adapt when the industry *finally* notices that other people want to play too. Same thing is happening with comic books – a female Thor and a black Spiderman are always going to cause some people's heads to just explode. I was actually one of the people that had a problem with SoD. Now THAT was just virtue signaling garbage. It was embarassing. Don't get me started on the state of Marvel comics. It was two lines of dialogue + a cheeky Minsc bark. The rest was imagined by gamergate conspiracy theorists and has since been roundly debunked – I won't sift through it again here. Regardless, no team of developers should have to go through something like that over something so minimal. Go back sometime, read the **** that was said to and about Amber Scott, read the metacritic review spam, and honestly defend that reaction as proportional to the "offending" content. Gamergate has become everything that it claimed to hate about so-called "SJW's" — driven by victim/outrage politics, unreasonably prosecutorial, and finding cause for offense under every rock and behind every corner. OP practically wrote a manifesto on how a game that features cosmic space pigs and drug-addled monks is on a mission to emasculate him, FFS. That's not normal. Gamers should be able to criticize content they don't like without assuming a pervasive and malicious agenda behind every creative decision. This culturally aggrieved conspiracy mongering has been out of hand for a while now. "Hitler did nothing wrong" is one sentence but I imagine you'd have a problem if an NPC said that. Your logic doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Here's what one person said about Mizhena: It is two sentences, that's the problem. It clearly was just included to make the writer look good and not to actually craft a character. It was insulting for all parties involved. The Minsc banter was just included because someone was extremely bitter and couldn't control themselves.
  19. Yep, a Codexer. Sniffed that one out. Man I took the bait hard.. What are you talking about? I'm saying that all the codex is is a bunch of forty year old neckbeards ranting and raving about change. ****, dude, I ain't gonna dispute that. You should see the ****fits people get into when someone suggests THAC0 is stupid and BAB is a much better, more logical system. That doesn't mean you can't find diamonds amid all the **** they're flinging. Even the ranty, ravey Pillars of Eternity reviews that came out of the Codex had valid points and complaints even if you thought the whole review, on average, was utter bunk. Sorry, I'm only debating you on the writing in the game, The mechanics of course still need improvement. I'm just being a little too passionate.
  20. Characters that aren't one-dimensional representations of a set of traits. I assume the reputation system at large caused this, which I think is a bad system to have for companions in a RPG but that's a different problem for another time. Also it isn't about the characters themselves not being one-dimensional, but also there being a varied cast of characters too, which is also lacking with somehow the available companions at your disposal being various shades of chaotic good despite being a highly competitive, pirate-infested colonial frontier. This game's companions feel like cast of Pirates of the Caribbean, basically. I still don't thing that answers anything. Most of the game revolves around traits. Traits are what *make* a character a character. I'm just going to chalk this all up as an agree to disagree before the topic gets locked for being a full on flame war.
  21. Yep, a Codexer. Sniffed that one out. Man I took the bait hard.. What are you talking about? I'm saying that all the codex is is a bunch of forty year old neckbeards ranting and raving about change.
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